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Posts posted by CharlieH

  1. Various posts removed. Off topic/personal remarks/moderation

    Debate /discuss the TOPIC not individual members nor make personal accusations. ANY such post will be removed and the member responsible may be SUSPENDED.

    7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

    8) You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages, vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.

    9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

  2. https://www.shipito.com/

    You get your own set of addresses and can use different cities based on your needs. The one in Oregon, for example, has zero sales tax for your purchases.

    You can choose USPS, FedEx, DHL and others. Of course I use USPS.

    A bit of hoop jumping to get it set up (upload ID's, notarized forms, etc, but after that, smooth as glass.

    In my experience, worst company customer service if it has ever been my misfortune to encounter.

    I wouldnt use them if they were FREE and wouldnt recommend them to my worst enemy.

    Experiences vary I suppose.

  3. It has been posted several times in this thread, I will now make it clear again.

    Debate /discuss the TOPIC not individual members nor make personal accusations. ANY such post will be removed and the member responsible SUSPENDED.

    7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

    8) You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages, vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.

    9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.


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