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Posts posted by CharlieH

  1. "Not everyone that lives here moans about the place all the time, though.

    It fact, it mostly seems a phenomenon confined to this forum. The expats I know in real life are on the whole a cheerful bunch who enjoy living here."

    Said it before, it'll never change, what people say and do in the real world, doesnt necessarily match what they say and do on this forum.

    The people you meet that dont "moan" probably dont because they are doing it on here in anonymity.

  2. "I get a courier service to take my passport to the Thailand Elite office, they take care of the reporting for me, and the courier service brings it back once the reporting is tabulated."

    Amazes me how/why people think that putting a stamp on an envelope and sending in the 90 day report is a "hassle" and would prefer to pay stupid amounts of money to a " service" who do exactly the same thing !!

  3. It's not only narcissists who behave this way. Few people apologize when caught lying.

    Also worth noting is that narcissism is quite a complex issue. There's a big difference, for example, between those whose grandiose self-expression is feigned (and often a way of coping with feelings of self-doubt or self-loathing) and those who are simply big-headed due to an inability to see themselves as others do.

    The way how "they" react when caught in a lie is the difference, as stipulated in the quote. Those reactions can be linked to bullying. One only needs to read posts from certain members on this forum.

    Sorry, but you cant align the two. how someone behaves in anonymity on a forum, is not necessarily the same as they may behave in real life.

    (ps: please dont discuss or refer to members of this forum)

    I beg to differ on your statement regarding anonymus behaviour on here and their day to day life behaviour. Maybe on here its just a part of their personality some dare not show in private life. After all it is still the one and same person.

    Quite possibly, but its my observation that people will say and act in ways on a forum that they wouldnt dare do in real life or public bar for instance, as they would probably need medical assistance. I see it daily, the verbal abuse that I refuse to believe they would actually say to someone's face. On an internet forum they are safe, in the "real world" they would be in physical danger for the same phrase or actions.

  4. It's not only narcissists who behave this way. Few people apologize when caught lying.

    Also worth noting is that narcissism is quite a complex issue. There's a big difference, for example, between those whose grandiose self-expression is feigned (and often a way of coping with feelings of self-doubt or self-loathing) and those who are simply big-headed due to an inability to see themselves as others do.

    The way how "they" react when caught in a lie is the difference, as stipulated in the quote. Those reactions can be linked to bullying. One only needs to read posts from certain members on this forum.

    Sorry, but you cant align the two. how someone behaves in anonymity on a forum, is not necessarily the same as they may behave in real life.

    (ps: please dont discuss or refer to members of this forum)

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