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Posts posted by CharlieH

  1. there is a site called duty calculator, just google that and you'll have what you need.

    But, what is calculted there and what the guy on the day does, then add the "extras" for the courer company and its a lottery.

    Only thing you can sure of......I doubt you will want to do it again.

  2. I'll be sure to quote you next time I'm in Global House.

    Yes OK, who is Global House? what I have said is true though, anyone from the UK want to back me up on this?

    Correct, the "contract" is between you (the purchaser) and the seller (the retailer) therefore under the "sale of goods act" it is the retailers responsibility, if the manufacturer needs to be contacted then the retailer needs to do it, as his contract is with them for supplying it. Not the Customer.

    This in Thailand is a cop out, by saying go to the manufacturer, you didnt buy the product from the manufacturer, you bought it off "retail store".

  3. Abusive/insulting post and responses also removed.


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