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Posts posted by Lopburikid

  1. 1 hour ago, paul1804 said:

    He should be punished but I wonder if the same punishment will apply to the thousands of Thais who illegally own firearms! 

    I would say not. Soldier kills 30 and police officer kill KG children, a 14-year-old THAI teenager. kills 2 tourists and wounds several Thais. But the police arrest a FOREIGNER for illegal gun possession. Plus I was only reading yesterday on FB an advertisement selling guns in Thailand. Didn't say if deactivated or not. The 14-year-old killed using a deactivated weapon that had been reactivated. Blame the FOREIGNER TIME AGAIN.

    • Confused 3
    • Sad 2
  2. 18 hours ago, chrischronic said:

    Will the Thais likely be freed, or what is the typical outcome when dealing with Hamas and captured prisoners from non-conflict countries? If they are all executed, what will Thailand do? My other half is highly upset about this and has been focused on YouTube videos of the history of the conflict since the news dropped.

    If hamas do what they usually do, they will place the hostages in buildings and fire rockets and/or sniper attacks and leave knowing the Israelis will hit it killing the hostages then take the world press to take photos of what the barbaric Israelis have done.

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  3. 21 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Just rang them again, they know we cancelled 6 months ago, said not to worry about it, they will disconnect when they get around to it, and we will not be asked to pay 1 satang for the extra service. So, my conscience is clear.

    Thats what true vision told me over the phone, yet they are still sending messages that i owe B300, which I don't. I only have the PL package and that is paid for in full for the year. Customer service will tell you anything to get rid of you.

  4. 14 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

    I know quite a few rich people get their money by illegal means, or by bending the rules , but if you have that much money, why would any sane person choose a freelance prostitute? There are plenty of greedy women out there would would do anything to be with a rich man. Beautiful women who will sleep with anyone if their wallets fat. But then again, sometimes karma does hit the right people.

    After reading the article, it seems to me the only thing she asked for was the money for her father's surgery, everything else he offered or just provided. How is that theft or fraud?  He paid her for a service, and she provided the service. 

    • Like 2
  5. 9 hours ago, bob smith said:

    why do they always wait for a tragedy to happen before they take action?


    Thailand - The hub of knee jerk reactions.

    What action? This will do nothing to stop the guns that are out there. Plus, remember the two most horrific shootings were done by a serving soldier and a serving police officer. 

  6. 1 hour ago, retarius said:

    Now how can anyone 'vow' to outsmart nature? The berk. I seriously despise people who promise to do things that cannot possibly be done. 

    I do know what he will do, he will form a committee, with some sub-committees to report on the problem but offer no solutions to Mother Nature's bounty. I am afraid the Thais have picked a halfwit for PM.


    Thais didn't pick him. the military in the senet picked him, now you know why. In 2021 they had the same amount of flooding up north the government (military) promised compensation to those affected. They got nothing. Plus, as of today 4th of Oct, 2023 most reservoirs are holding only 30%, 70% empty, of their capacity. Rama 9 told them when they were building them, that they were building them in the wrong places, but did they listen????????

    • Like 1
  7. Regarding the confusion with the CURFEW, let me clear it up for most of you...

    "Under martial law, the National Peace Keeping Committee prohibits anyone across the kingdom from leaving their home from 10 pm to 5 am," an army spokesman said in a televised announcement.

    You are not permitted to LEAVE your home after 10pm...(or presumed Hotel/guest house).. If you are NOT home, they certainly can't PREVENT you from going TO your home.

    that is ridiculous: you have to be at your home at 10 PM and don't leave it.

    Not you party till the night and come home at midnight.

    If you watch the news it Tells You. Businesses closed by 10PM So as to allow people to get home BY 12 Midnight.

  8. YAY time to try to rewrite things to suit yet again....

    If you cant win ... cheat

    Or to stop cheaters continually winning by cheating. There should be section in the new constitution in which should be clearly stated whoever is caught bullying political opponents, bribing and cheating their way into politics should be automatically banned for life. I guess that leaves current red side of the political spectrum without a single suitable candidate. If this country is ever to move forward now is the time for complete and exhaustive cleaning.

    <deleted>! All Dems have to do is get more MP's simple!!!!

    Don't forget the last time this happened, Immigration knocked back every visa renewal application for weeks. people were told to "Get out!" by the Immigration officers.

  9. It's interesting that the price or value of marijuana has dropped 90% in Phuket.'

    This bust of 92 kilograms has a street value of 460,000 baht. That comes to 5,000 baht a kilo.

    The past bust of 400 kilograms had a street value of 20,000,000. That comes to 50,000 a kilo

    Yes, I realize that it's actually bad facts or reporting, but do either of those numbers seem correct? I really don't know, but from the little I've heard discussed about buying weed, one number seems too low and the other seems too high for actual street value. Any experts?

    I have a friend who gets it by the kilo and It's about 6,000 baht per kg

    Hope there aren't and police infomers on this site!

  10. h of your who

    So many people will read this title but many will choose not to post , well I do have an opinion that would be for the good of Thailand ! I think with the way things are moving in the world , not just the USA , more intelligent minds in the World have proven through Science that Marijuana is less harmful then many subscription drugs , that less addictive then most , hemp is better for the environment , then all these plastic bags used here and what a BOON! to Medical Tourism and all they need to

    do is legalize pot for medicinal use only , you have to apply at a Government Hospital for your Card , you add a tax for the Government hospital which will help pay for all the Farangs that fail to pay or are unable to pay their bill if over 60 yrs. of age .

    Between the boon from the medical pot ,you also fill up your travel locations with the new tourists.You get the money in legally taxed farms , there's so many benefits , not to mention it much more logical way , it goes as part of all our cultures before

    Countries changed laws to help Crooked Businessmen BS'd the world that Plastic was better then paper. Anyone who has lived here knows how bad plastic disposal looks.....And as to the Question of pricing I would guess that depends on how many people are involved in the transport & sale 5000B in Laos to by the time it gets to Phuket20,000 to the time it hit the street that could be the retail price. Over the mention of Mexican Brick Weed similar to Thai brick , I would say it had a better

    quality in Mexico since the farmers also grew "sinsimellia'' and that was seen on a trip to Oaxaca , very famous for its pot. Usually it came like some Thai pot probably arrives un-pressed just in a bale. The potential to grow for medical purpose here is incredible as Grandmas & Grandpas tell their Children's Children stories of Thai sticks.....a Bud of sins with bamboo sting tied on it LOL it was grown either in Maui or Mississippi depending on who was telling you the story ,it was 140$ and 0z.in 1975 , Mex ran 10 to 20$ This is just an opinion based on scientific facts recently found , and realizing that although not perfect decriminalization may be to extreme , but after 27 years here.... I'm sure alcohol ,although a man needs a drink once i awhile , butonly when he can hold his Liquor ! Yet ,no one whose toasted a joint ..hardly ever tries to start trouble. On Bill Maher's Real Time , Willie Nelson quoted a reference to POT in the Bible....too bad its a Buddhist country , cannot plea its your religion

    like Rastafarian s do ! I love the pic below.... I wonder if Willie'd like it here ,I heard Snoop Dog did !attachicon.gifWillie.png

    Wowwwwwwwwww! Never thought of that..Are you saying people over 60 can't afford to pay for pot?????????????????????

  11. Pattaya Daily News reports that there were only 10 police officers from the Borwin police station assigned to the party But the outnumbered officers could not enter the rented hall to stop the fighting because of the sheer size of the crowds. All they could do was wait outside to assist the people escaping from the facility.

    10 armed policemen are afraid to enter a restaurant to try to break up a drunken brawl, real super heros the Thai police!

    In England the police would have done the same as the Thai police, let the ones wanting to leave,leave. Then they would go-in knowing who and how many they are up against. PS the police may have had guns, but they can't use them to shoot drunks fighting. Remember Fireworks can hurt people and can sound very much like gun fire,when people are already in a panic.

  12. What is the mindset of these people? They go to a party with hand guns, and home made grenades?

    What will they bring if they go to a political rally? What will they need to go to war?

    What is wrong with this country?

    It's not all the People,,,,,,there are 70 million in this country. I read about the group of people that were fighting at a party attended by 4.000. I would think that 3.500 were trying to get out and had no intention of fighting,they just got caught up in it. just like a pub brawl or baseball game a few start the fight and the innocent get caught up in it. Nothing that doesn't happen in other countries.

  13. I've been teaching in Thailand for about 20 years now. In that time I haven't seen any change as to how the students are taught.

    School day: class starts at 0830,teacher enters the room,students stand up and say good morning teacher, students sit down,teacher writes on the board.

    students copy from the board, teacher recites from the board.students repeat,students stand up and say thankyou teacher, teacher leaves the classroom,class finished. Day in day out, The students are given no incentive to ask questions,search for information.

  14. there is another angle to look at today's events and possibly it was a plan or part of it

    1. Court ruled against the government and rally was legitimate

    Government went against court ruling and was blocking people from attending

    2. 500 or so people were allowed to dismantle the barb wires/road blocks and then fired upon. Keep in mind police outnumbered the protesters like 3 to 1, they stood by, allowing them to dismantle before taking any actions, which shows police intent or perhaps police orders.

    I am not law expert, but i think there is already grounds for some legal action against the government.

    The aim of this group and protest is to oust the government, which ever way possible, may be setting up traps was/is the plan

    They didn't use live rounds,did they?
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