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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. You are indeed patronizing without being useful at all.

    I just want to stream Hulu and BBC, and the OP wants Netflix.

    Neither of us asked for an education, nor did we ask you to reconfirm the obvious. I am aware that a VPN offers less bandwidth than a native connection "by definition"

    As i see it you can either offer us help which would be greatly appreciated or drag your supercilious ass elsewhere.

    I'm sorry you feel that way and I'll spell out my previous post in layman's terms.

    If you know that a VPN slows your connection, why mention bandwidth and stability in relation to streaming video? What relevance does it have?

    As you did referenece bandwidth, it suggests you are having difficulty because you are streaming video over your VPN.

    So, did you go away and try using a solution (you mentioned tor) to pass the IP check only? Or perform a search to verify if what I'd told you was correct?

    It appears you chose to argue with me instead. Which brings me on to why I mentioned learning for yourself.

    Here you've demonstrated that you have a preference towards your own views than those you read here. That is understandable and you would certainly not be in the minority.

    But when presented with a view that challenges your own, why not do something about it? It seems you treat Thai Visa as your only information source - don't you find that restrictive?

    You want help and you mentioned Tor. What problems did you have? How did you search for nodes? What criteria did you apply when you selected them to use?

    What's your bandwidth? Try not streaming video over Tor.

  2. well, what he wants it for is clear -- video streaming. that means stability as well as bandwdth.

    with no suggestions, your assertion that there are plenty of free options available is somewhat pointless.

    please guide those of us who aren't as clued up as you seem to be.

    ps, i have had very little success with Tor for video, and Hulu blocks nodes as soon as it finds them

    This is exactly the reason I don't want to fire off a list and say go do this, do that.

    You won't learn anything and your post shows you're doing it wrong.

    Why on Earh do you want to stream across the VPN? By definition, your VPN connection will be slower than your native connection.

    Hint: all you're trying to achieve is passing an IP check...

  3. The scam-talk here is nonsense. A few minutes work reveals if the text used in the domain has been trademarked.

    Notwithstanding the fact you could independantly verify the lawyer's details.

    To advise no action is dangerous at best.

    the scam talk is not nonsense, as I do think it's appropriate to make Mr ManOnTheRoad aware of potentially very real dangers. If it's not a scam, then no harm in keeping your guard up.

    Mr ManOnTheRoad should do as you suggest and do some fact-finding to determine if his domain name is trademarked. right here: http://www.uspto.gov/

    and as for scammers always asking for your bank details, that only worked in the first few years and/or on total idiots. now days they do sneaky stuff like send you fake checks to cash and deposit for them, or have you call phone numbers that charge USD 20/minute

    I know of no scams that involve saying you own a domain whose text is trademarked, involving calls to a mobile, letters and NDAs. If you have some letters, NDAs etc from scammers please share them.

    The common scam is the reverse: "a company has recently tried to register the following domains based on your [trademark]. Our sophisticated auditing software blah blah blah. We are giving you the chance to register them first. Blah blah blah. "

    All these come by email not post.

  4. You always get what you "pay" for smile.png

    What are you talking about? I pay for it in Canada but cannot watch it here so I'm looking for a VPN

    he means when it comes to VPNs you get what you pay for. There is no such thing as a good free vpn

    Of course there are, when you consider what you want it for.

    Gaining access to an exit node in another country is not something you need to pay for. Plenty of open source software already available.

  5. The scam-talk here is nonsense. A few minutes work reveals if the text used in the domain has been trademarked.

    Notwithstanding the fact you could independantly verify the lawyer's details.

    To advise no action is dangerous at best.

  6. You're example is still trademark infringement.

    No it's not if the domain was purchased in good faith and is unrelated to the trademark owner.

    For example:

    ABC.com sell empty beer cans, and has a trademark on "ABC"

    I buy AB-C.com and start an online dating website; without any knowledge about ABC.com trademarks etc..

    No customers could get confused between the two companies as they are running totally different businesses. ABC.com would have to prove bad faith (such as me planning on selling my own empty beer cans, or me only using the site as a parked advertising placeholder to capitalize on ABC typos, etc..)

    P.S. To the OP I would make sure I put up a quick HTML page on your domain (NO ADS) which says something like "This is the future home of XYZ, we will be doing this and that etc..".

    Again this all assume that you will be running a different business from the complaining company.

    While it is true that normal trademarks are protected against identical and confusingly similar trademarks used for the same or similar goods or services, this rule does not apply to so-called famous (or notorious) trademarks. If a trademark is qualified as "famous" (e.g. Coca-Cola) its scope of protection extends to all kind of goods and services.

    This also depends on the national legislation, i.e. the country where the trademark is registered and where the alleged infringement takes place. Remember: the scope of protection of a trademark covers only the country where it is registered. In other words, a trademark registered in USA, but NOT in Thailand, has no effect in Thailand.

    The problem is that while trademarks are territorially limited, domain names are not. Any domain can be accessed from anywhere in the world. So even if a trademark is not registered in Thailand, the domain owner in Thailand might infringe the US trademark with his domain name. (Because the website behind can be accessed in USA as well).

    Trademark / domain name conflicts are very delicate and complicated. Better seek advice from a professional.

    While true, don't forget that a trademark can be internationally registered in all member countries of The Madrid Protocol, with a single application.

    It probably comes as no suprise to many that Thailand has not signed up.

  7. Thank you for your resposes. Only going for a month and will call them to see if just 1 month with no commitment is ok.

    Having VPN is always good if you travel away from your home network and use public WiFi networks. When you are sending/receiving unencrypted packets on those, they can be picked off and read by bad guys. A VPN service costing US$4 or $5/month is not an expensive insurance policy considering the possible downside.

    Whether you are sending encrypted or unencrypted data you are still at the mercy of the owner of your VPNs exit node. If they sniff the traffic across their network there's nothing you can do about it.

  8. Menthol and eucalyptus ARE NOT bronchodilators.

    They are aromatic decongestants which relieve stuffiness in the nose and help make breathing easier. They also have a soothing effect on the throat and help reduce irritation.

    Clearly there use in polluted areas is quite justified and does not represent an increased risk in the way you describe.

  9. There's no question she's guilty. She's admitted it and was found with the corpse.

    The only question is the kind of sentence she will get.

    She's obviously going for temporary insanity due to abuse.

    Some people are skeptical as to whether the abuse was real and suspicious that courts tend to go easy on women murderers that make these claims.

    And its not necessarily an anti-Thai woman thing. Lorrena Bobbit is a case where if a man cut a woman's breasts off and threw them away its unlikely he'd be turning up on chat shows not long after claiming to be a victim

    Reading comprehension not your strong point?

    Rimmer who used an interpreter to help her understand proceedings due to her poor English denies murder.

    The court heard that Rimmer said nothing to police after being arrested.

    She also claimed ... that she had suffered 'a blackout' on the night he had died so she could not remember anything.

    You could try being less snotty.

    And you missed this line


    Prosecutor Andrew Jackson said he believed that Rimmer did not deny killing him and that she would claim that she was suffering from diminished responsibility."

    Are you contending that there is doubt over her guilt? That you think she may be innocent? That someone else broke in to the house, slipped her a roofie, and battered him to death?

    Again, I urge you to read and comprehend. And perhaps understand the mindset of a prosecutor.

    I offered no opinion on the case, merely challenged your statement that "she admitted it".

    "Did not deny" is not synonymous with "admitted it".

  10. There's no question she's guilty. She's admitted it and was found with the corpse.

    The only question is the kind of sentence she will get.

    She's obviously going for temporary insanity due to abuse.

    Some people are skeptical as to whether the abuse was real and suspicious that courts tend to go easy on women murderers that make these claims.

    And its not necessarily an anti-Thai woman thing. Lorrena Bobbit is a case where if a man cut a woman's breasts off and threw them away its unlikely he'd be turning up on chat shows not long after claiming to be a victim

    Reading comprehension not your strong point?

    Rimmer who used an interpreter to help her understand proceedings due to her poor English denies murder.

    The court heard that Rimmer said nothing to police after being arrested.

    She also claimed ... that she had suffered ‘a blackout’ on the night he had died so she could not remember anything.

  11. Good luck OP. Props for making what must have been a difficult decision.

    I also feel for you re the advice given to get your family over to the UK to join you: from 9th July you'll need an annual income of £22,400 net to settle your wife and one child in the UK.

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