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Posts posted by patongphil

  1. We stock and carry removable pool safety fencing. We have also done several installations in Phuket, driving down from BKK. PM me at anytime, post here, or see our website with tons of references and photos.


    Thanks for that - will keep you in mind.


  2. And would much, much prefer not having power for a little while than having to live in a place like Patong... my god.

    Hell, I'd rather not have power for a month than have to live in Patong!

    Where do you live - posting at 1 in the morning???

  3. If Thailand is really serious about making tourists feel confidence, then slow down the dam_n vans and stop killing people. Who the hell wants to tour a country where every time you drive or ride in a tour bus or van you are risking your life. I cannot enjoy looking at scenery because I have to watch every joker who is driving a car that thinks he is a formula 1 driver. Where you can expect a car or truck on your side of the road coming at you and not to mention hundreds of motorbikes. I also must include the train that falls off the track every other day and now last but not least the airplane that run off the runway because the nose wheel collapsed. IS ANYBODY HERE FEELING CONFIDENT

    Back to Nanny state you come from for you Mr Yooper!!!

  4. @ Patongphil and stevenl. I am not sure whether you are being sarcastic or not?!

    Chalong Circle, Phuket Town, Rawai area.

    Two of my friends were stopped and fined on the same day last week, and my gf has been stopped twice (she is not Thai). I have successfully avoided them so far!!

    dam_n the police

    You posted earlier that the police were only stopping the foreigners and fining them This is contrary to my experiences as I have seen many a Thai pulled over at the road blocks as well. You see them queuing up with the foreigners to pay their fines as well.

    Do you mean your experiences are different to this?

    Bottom line is wear your helmet, licence and insure your bike and carry a legitimate licence and you will be off on your merry way WITHOUT a fine. This is my experience here.

    • Like 2
  5. This was 9 years ago. Local builder, local wood. Very similar to a small 3 ft garden fence you'd find attached to a English cottage garden. Our kids were under 2 at the time, so they couldn't get over it. We sold the house and kept in touch with the new owners, who took the fence down, as there kids were swimmers. Hope that helps a touch. I'll try and dig out a photo.

    Thanks mate - sort of where I am heading at present.

  6. Driving me up the wall this. Just bought new house with pool and really want to put some form of fence up as have young kids in family.

    Looked into the pool covers but not really practical IMO so am now looking for some ideas on how to build a fence around the pool which is not too unsightly. Prefer some sort of structure that we can remove when we have friends over for BBQ etc.

    No joy from the local pool people here so thought I would give the forum a go.

  7. The real cheats are the police that ONLY stop farangs even when they are driving normally and wearing helmets whilst teenagers drive like Jorge Lorenzo and Valentino rossi

    And where is that?

    I would like to know too - never come across it myself.

  8. @ Jimi007

    So, that only leaves the question that most "long termers" happen to be asking themselves now - when are they moving, and where are they moving to? smile.pngsmile.png

    Speaking to some guys that have been here quite a while, the feeling I'm getting is, "not if, just when." smile.png

    Of course, the question remains, where? smile.png

    Follow in my footsteps to what we call our Northern paradise. Chiang mai and Chang rai.wai2.gif

    Why are you still posting on the Phuket forum?

  9. Any ideas here? I bought a Upod for my little daughter for 4,000 baht but not impressed at all. Cannot connect fast enough to wifi for decent viewing of nursery rhymes, cartoons etc so she has now taken over my Ipad leaving me with nothing.

    Basically looking for something that can connect to youtube at a decent enough speed and with a fair screen resolution so I can claim my ipad back.

    Anything from 8,000 baht down would be ok - even a second hand item.

  10. I am building a village with my wife and we dont offer any cars just one air con. the village is 70% sold and we have stopped advertising because we cannot build the houses quick enough . Most Thai people do not like old houses. Dont ask me why they seem to want a new house , maybe keeping up with the friends .

    No ghosts in new houses.

    Ghost thing, is just an excuse. Who would not prefer a new house, when it is paid for in cash, by your beloved partner?

    Besides houses are so poorly built, so an old house quickly becomes worthless.

    Mate you really need to talk to some Thais about ghosts and houses before you comment.

  11. Here are my two favorite Phuket restaurants 2013:

    Number 6 Restaurant in Patong: Good and affordable authentic thai food. Don't waste your time waiting for a table in the Number 6 Restaurant on the main road, but ask the waiter for the free shuttle bus up to their second restaurant up in the hills. It's more quiet there and you have a wonderful view over the bay. Unfortunately, the waiters are a little bit slow, but the food is very good.

    Kata Kitchen in Kata Beach: If you like personal service and authentic thai food, don't miss Kata Kitchen in Kata Beach. It's quite a walk away from the main road, but they offer a free pickup service: cheap cheap and good good! Check my review on Phuket-Trip

    Have a good Dinnersmile.png

    genuine thai food in the tourist ghetto? dont think so..

    What do you think the Thais that live there eat???

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