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Posts posted by patongphil

  1. Funny Thing Today we Phuket Game Fishing Club took an American visitor out Fishing and he really wanted to catch a Wahoo . We got him one and we got 16+ 1 1/2" Steaks out of it Great eating.attachicon.gifDSC00476.JPG

    Why didn't you put it back into the water for others to enjoy as well ?sad.png

    This is called wound and release. Are we "trolling" instead of trawling for fish??

    I wonder what the fish would prefer - to be "wounded and released", as you put it, or bashed on the head and cut up into 16 steaks?

  2. mom and pop in isaan about 25 for a large Leo ,3 for 75 ,not bad eh

    Mate you have either been on too much sauce for too long or are still living in about 1970.

    25 baht for a lrge Leo Bullsh*t.

    • Like 2
  3. Funny Thing Today we Phuket Game Fishing Club took an American visitor out Fishing and he really wanted to catch a Wahoo . We got him one and we got 16+ 1 1/2" Steaks out of it Great eating.attachicon.gifDSC00476.JPG

    Why didn't you put it back into the water for others to enjoy as well ?sad.png

    first it is a very tasty fish, secondly, not very easy to handle as he got razor sharp teeth, so put him back is always a gamble with your fingers if not handle correctly.

    regarding the tip walking down the beach road and search for it, dont think so, you will find mostly king mackerel, wahoo is not very common in sea food restaurants here.

    Ok, so we go out purposely trying to catch a Wahoo, for a paying client, and when we catch one, only then we realise he is a really nasty fish with BIG NASTY teeth so we KILL him just in case he hurts us.

    Oh and just for the record he tastes nice too.

    Phuket Game Fishing Club indeed.

  4. Showed this to my wife she just shrugged her shoulders and said "trust no one". Her brother asked to borrow 1,000 bht and she asked for some form of deposit, car, gold, motorcycle...said the only person she trusted was herself.

    My wife thinks the whole family is in on the scam including your wife. No doubt once all is done and dusted your wife's bank account will have a few extra zeros behind it.

    My God this is sick. Your wife obviously moves in different circles to my family.

    • Like 1
  5. Funny Thing Today we Phuket Game Fishing Club took an American visitor out Fishing and he really wanted to catch a Wahoo . We got him one and we got 16+ 1 1/2" Steaks out of it Great eating.attachicon.gifDSC00476.JPG

    Why didn't you put it back into the water for others to enjoy as well ?sad.png

  6. I just read on Phuket Wan that three over stayers were arrested at the PTT gas station on Chao Fa West in Chalong at 10 AM this morning. Maybe time to carry my passport around.

    Crazy and very sad.

    For the first time, I'm carrying a photo-copy of my passport, TM stamp and card.

    I would never carry my passport around with me. To lose it would be a massive pain-in-the-arse, not to mention, a loss of income.

    If I get stopped and the photo-copy is refused, then a quick call to the missus to bring the original, is a much better option.

    I am never without my passport, it's what you should do so that is what I have always done!!
    NO WAY....I am with KB on this one....

    Never carry original passport around town.

    You take your passport with you to the beach to the bar out for a run,?? just asking for trouble damage or lost passport to risky....

    A photo copy of passport picture page and TM arivial card stuffed under the motorbike seat is all you need ....

    Exactly what I have started doing since this latest cr$p started. Never been stopped yet though.

  7. Ok:

    Many thanks. I will not add the snake heads and depend on the catfish to eat the baby nins.

    Hey Donald if this is a sport fishing pond then I have much the same. I put a dozen spotted featherbacks in about 18 months ago and they are now about 70 to 80 cm long. They eat the Tilapia Fry. They are also breeding in the pond. I bought them at a local market at the aquarium stand - they are pretty common.

    Anyway they are very good sport fish to catch and also good to eat.

    I have also put in Jungle Perch for the same reasons. These I catch in the wild and transfer back into my pond,

    Here is one of the small ones bred in the pond.


    And one of the Jungle Perch just about to make his way back to my pond.


  8. .....and I bet you didn't see a single Thai under the age of thirty.

    Whoo boy are you wrong there. I went today as well and there were at least 2 school groups there at the same time - about 100 odd little noise machines running around.

  9. Swiss

    FYI, the U.S. does NOT require health insurance to obtain a tourist visa.


    I know that... but I also know from personal experience that US hospitals will NOT treat you until you have paid upfront for the treatment... and that is the big difference, in Thailand you DO get treatment before you have shown money...

    absolutely wrong for the US and deadly wrong for Thailand, check your fact first!

    I had a pretty bad motorbike accident along with my TGf at the time. We were both taken in an ambulance and treated at the local hospital. Once stabilised my TGF was sent to another larger hospital and a bit later I was asked whether I would like to go to the same place which I said I did. I was asked whether I had insurance and when I replied in the negative nothing changed and I was not asked for any money.

    After 3 days in the larger hospital we were discharged and presented with the bill of just over 8,000 baht which I paid with money friends had brought to me in the meantime.

    We were given all support and services up front and with no proof of monies to pay.

  10. Sheet I reckon the OP has been sold a lemon here about Phuket - jumping off cliffs into lagoons, not here.

    Venture outside Patong Phil and you might be surprised.

    Please enlighten me as to where in Phuket I can jump from a cliff into a lagoon.

    Have my water wings packed and ready to go.

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