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Posts posted by hardy1943

  1. PAD or PPP are in the business to line their pockets. Forget about Democracy that is only a smoke screen.

    Corruption is a way of life in LOS but members of political parties are in risked of going to prison.

    The military is above the law and so are the police chiefs they both could hold seminars on corruption. :o

  2. Now that has got to be the mother of all posts....

    1) Democrats are fiscally conservative, Republicans grow government insanely and spend like drunken sailors.

    4) People are, as always, easy to fool.

    Especially concrete sequential mind-types who memorize inputs and engrain information deeply. These are the easiest to brainwash. They think it, authorities state it, therefore questioning is without warrant.

    Well the last 20 years this has proved true.

    Ignoring a Newt Gingrich anomolieAnd many of Gingrich's cronies

    got canned for illegal graft or similar things... Not the clean hands people for sure.

    Clinton left a huge surplus and Bush trashed it in record time.

    Leaving 10 years of debt to clear up,

    and no end in sight of frosting on the debt cake too.

    Regan left a HUGE deficit. It eventually got whittled down.

    People have been blinded by republican rhetoric

    and religious conservatism, and ignored the horrors they perpetrate.

    Then the Dems inherit a totally disordered system and get blamed for

    tax and spend to correct the mess.

    I find it quite blindered when people say 'the two parties are just the same'.

    You MUST be kidding. They both suck, but in quite different ways.

    Bush has upped the ante considerably

    and even tries to do it more within a month of the election.

    Nothing to lose, screw McCain, let's make a bundle for the boys.

    There is plenty of blame to spread around and it would be nice with some balancing against the "fruitcake Moore" and other one sided views.

    I am not surprised to see Democrats screaming how they want protection for the mortgage holders in the rescue packet after all they are according to some the real responsible behind this mess, forcing the banks to lend money to ethnic minority groups and other poor Americans who under normal circumstances would not qualify for a loan, and thus sucking up to the minority groups voters, then bankers and investment firms as Fanny and Mac jumped the bandwagon and by heavily lobbying and supporting (with money) their Democrat politician backers ensured no interference. When big capitalist institutions suddenly and unusually back the leftists alarm bells should ring.

    Now those policies of artificially raising the living standards of people in America who by work and financial merit did not deserve it just to score voters, is bringing the whole world in deep economic troubles and is now forcing tax payers in Europe to help bail out the American economy and European financial institutions who have invested in the rotten American lending project called the Sub primes.

    In my country we are used to send millions and millions to 3 world country's in an effort, to give people who are to idle to work and Governments more intent on waging war on their own people, money to waste and put away in secret offshore accounts, that America now has been added to that list of Banana republic beneficiaries must be a great shame for normal Americans.

    That this country with all its wealth have been unable to properly care for all its people with medical care, jobs and reasonable housing without resorting to dubious financial scams, is so much more surprising since all American politicians always proclaim they are World Champions in everything, maybe it is time they try to climb down from the much to high horse and look outside their own duckpond to maybe learn how it can be done. ( There actually exists capitalist country's with free high quality medical care for all, free education, and without vast desolate crime and drug ridden ghetto areas everywhere, but where all the people enjoys a relatively high living standard and the wealth is more evenly spread and this without being the slightest bit Marxist or Communist.)

    I don't mind if America asks for my tax money to help in the fight against World terrorism or Dictators that need to be disposed of, and I am personally grateful they lead the way, but I resent to have to indirectly support American house owners just as much as they would resent to pay for my European Mercedes that I could not afford to buy.


    trans.gif <h2 class="page-title">IBD: Carter More to Blame for Financial Crisis Than Bush or McCain</h2> picture-26.jpg By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)

    September 20, 2008 - 16:29 ET

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    39_carter_1.jpgMuch as Bush-hating media members conveniently ignore historical events that led to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, their current finger-pointing at the White House, John McCain, and all Republican politicians for the collapse of the financial services industry lacks any honest assessment of decades-old legislation that laid the groundwork for today's problems.

    In particular, 1977's Community Reinvestment Act which required banks and savings institutions to make loans to the lower-income areas in the communities they served.

    Despite how integrally tied the current crisis is to this bill enacted by a Democrat-controlled Congress and signed into law by Jimmy Carter, no major media outlet other than Investor's Business Daily and National Review Online mentioned it during last week's market meltdown.

    Going against the grain was a highly-informative editorial by IBD Thursday (emphasis added, h/t NBer Gary Hall, photo courtesy About.com):

    To hear today's Democrats, you'd think all this started in the last couple years. But the crisis began much earlier.
    The Carter-era Community Reinvestment Act forced banks to lend to uncreditworthy borrowers, mostly in minority areas.

    Age-old standards of banking prudence got thrown out the window.
    In their place came harsh new regulations requiring banks not only to lend to uncreditworthy borrowers, but to do so on the basis of race

    These well-intended rules were supercharged in the early 1990s by President Clinton. Despite warnings from GOP members of Congress in 1992,
    Clinton pushed extensive changes to the rules requiring lenders to make questionable loans
    . [...]

    Failure to comply meant your bank might not be allowed to expand lending, add new branches or merge with other companies
    . Banks were given a so-called "CRA rating" that graded how diverse their lending portfolio was. [...]

    In the name of diversity, banks began making huge numbers of loans that they previously would not hav
    e. They opened branches in poor areas to lift their CRA ratings.

    Meanwhile, Congress gave Fannie and Freddie the go-ahead to finance it all by buying loans from banks, then repackaging and securitizing them for resale on the open market

    That's how the contagion began.

    With those changes, the subprime market took off.
    From a mere $35 billion in loans in 1994, it soared to $1 trillion by 2008

    Readers are strongly encouraged to review this entire fact-filled piece to not only better understand the roots of today's financial crisis, but also to get a sense as to just how absurd media accusations of this all being Bush and McCain's fault are.

    That said, from 1989 through 1995, I managed branches for two savings and loans: Imperial Savings, which got taken over by the Resolution Trust Corporation during the S&L bailout, and; Great Western Bank which eventually was purchased by Washington Mutual.

    The pressure to comply with CRA was astounding, especially at Great Western as it was expanding throughout the country. Its ability to acquire other institutions was directly related to its CRA rating.

    With this in mind, IBD's views concerning this matter are spot on raising a very important question: if the role of news media is to inform the public, why does a LexisNexis search indicate that as this crisis came to a head last week, its connection to CRA, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton was almost completely ignored?

    Would such a revelation make it difficult for Obama-loving press outlets to point fingers at George W. Bush and, more importantly, John McCain?

    Yes, that's a rhetorical question.

    —Noel Sheppard is the Associate Editor of NewsBusters.

    All I can tell you ...........It was ANGLO SAXON GREED at its finest by all the FAT CATS!!!

  3. I have flown in and out of Bangkok's international airports 2 or 3 times each year for the last 10 years and never had any problems with taxis. I always use the standard taxis with meter. Sometimes the driver asks if he should use the meter. I smile politely and say yes.

    The replies on Thaivisa.com often give an unbalanced view.

    Reading some of this I begin to wonder just "which" Bangkok some of these people are talking about --- have lived here for over 3 years with 4--5 flights in/out each year on business ----- have never encountered one taxi who attempted to not use meter !!! not one!

    I must be the luckiest guy on earth..............

    You must be. I had these guys try to rip me off with my Thai wife with me.

  4. I have a neighbor he runs a private Taxi service from the Airport i.e. no meter.

    Charges 4000 BHT to Pattaya! runs there and back 3-4 times per day.

    Once asked him to pick up a friend expecting to get a special price,

    he quoted me 3800 so of course I told him to park his Taxi somewhere and went myself.

    But he didn't care cos he always finds some new be Tourist willing to pay.

    Must have been the same guy that tried that on me. Asked him if I had buffalo written on my forehead.

    Got someone to agree to take me for 1400 and they pay the toll.

  5. the problem when banks sell repossessed houses they are normally run down ,in the wrong area ,anything thats any good is sold to the staffs family or friends

    That's exactly it. By going to banks you will be looking at the left-overs that nobody wanted. First would be the bank staff themselves, second their families and friends, and third any people in their network who have indicated to them to go look out for good properties, then the bank staff make a commission on that. Whatever's left after that gets posted on those boards at the bank office that you're looking at. :o

    Went to a bank with my Thai wife, house was listed for 1.2 mill.inside the bank with picture, knew the house

    and was interested in it and had the cash. Was told to wait for 5 minutes while they where discussing it in the back room.

    When they returned, was told it went up to 1.4 million. Asked if anyone there could read English and told them

    that I do not have stupid written on my forehead and laughed at their faces and walked out.

    This was 3 years ago, house is still on market, now worthless, most of the roof is gone, all windows gone and copper wires

    stripped. Thai reasoning. Amazing

  6. My source confirms that Samak will announce his resignation in the morning.

    If he doesn't, I will run naked through the PAD crowd.

    huh......wishfull thinking

    I can not understand you people.....

    he was democraticaly elected....and

    I believe that his party will win again and again...the whole of Isan is with him ... I hope he will stay in power

    LOS is a long way from a democracy. Corruption is the main goal. It does not matter who is in power.

    This the way of life here and always will be.

  7. Well, while I don't care for TRT or PPP, I do seem to remember some ridiculous and unproven claims made by Khun Sondhi among others. One very nice example was the whole Erawan Shrine bullshit.

    Of course Thaksin and co have been at the same game. Like I said, both sides are crooks, but up until now one side, (at least for now) is part of a legitimate coalition government.

    I'm getting more tired of the bullshit each and every day. And I assume I'm far from the only one.

    RIGHT ON !!!!

  8. Excuse me! But has anyone thought that maybe these "guys" should do the right thing and serve their King andCountry...the same country that alows them the freedom to live the life they have chosen.

    All I have read on this thread is how to avoid military service, nothing about doing the right thing! :o

    Good point!

    Being an ex military officer and a Vietnam vet. I would help anyone to avoid the military. Most officers have stupid written on their forehead, just look what the military accomplished here the last 15 month.

  9. The [Thai] minister was initially scheduled to visit Burma on Thursday and would meet the junta's chairman Gen Than Shwe and deputy supreme commander Gen Maung Aye.

    --The Nation 2007-09-26

    Frequent neighborly visits have been going on between the Burmese/Thai juntas over the last year.

    ...birds of a feather... :o

    Well said.Thank you !!!

  10. As to the question of which is better, Western or Asian society, Liberal or Authoritarian, I am at a loss.

    I believe that modern western society has come into maturity faster than Asia. Simply put the feudalism and cultural introversion of many asian societies stifles education, creativity, progress, and growth. It's no mystery why western civilization has progressed much faster economically and militarily in the past 500 years than any other. Liberalism and the period of enlightenment had a lot to do with it and that's all built on Greek philosophical principles.

    Right now Asia is struggling with identity issues because western influence is shaping its progress. Even China's authoritarianism has been challenged by free thinking individuals who see the west as an example of civilization. I believe these issues will naturally resolve themselves through education and more contact with the western world.

    Agreed, Europe's progress was largely based on placing the individual above the masses. It took a long time but was based on the medieval rediscovery of Greek and Roman texts. Books on freedom, on science and logic, on politics, on self-discovery. When the Arab empire was at its height Europe was a dump. Charlemagne was so shocked by how stupid his people were that he started the process of what became Europe's universities. Why this did not happen within central Asia, who had the same greek texts, I don't know.

    The price we pay for it in the west is a certain perennial dissatisfaction, as ideas still compete for hearts and minds. But I think Europe may be starting to go backwards. Freedoms are eroded covertly. Power has gone from accountable politicians to unaccountable corporate owners. Corporate feudalism - the theme of so many scifi dystopias - is growing. And in that sense, the asian corporations are no different to western ones.

    If we're lucky we'll find our freedom, either physical or mental. Here in Thailand it still seems possible. We sometimes get frustrated with the inertia of the place, and sometimes it is also the reason we are here.


  11. Very very sad horible.... But when the gouvernement go do somethings about the mini buses in Bangkok REAL KILLERS they drive they "Van" same a Sportcar,drive from right do the left all the time Horible REAL KILLERS....

    It not just the buses it is the average Thai driver. Thais get a drivers license as easy as buying a

    lottery tickets. I could not get one here in Chiang Rai even so I had been driving for over 40 years

    accident free in the US. The lady in charge of issuing foreigner drivers licences could not speak one

    word of English and told my Thai wife that my US drivers licenses was a forgery because it did not look like a Korean Sample drivers license. I am 6'2" tall with blue eyes and brown hair. So to solve the problem

    my Thai wife gave her some money and they issues her one and I taught her how to drive.

    I would not be surprised if the same lady is in a supervisory position now.

  12. Well a few days ago it was al to blame on the forest fires in Burma, and at least they take some of the blame right now, while they should take 90% of the blame. In the post Thaksin period, the military who were always involved in illegal logging see their chances to do whatever they please. If you add the lack of education that all Thai people not only rurla people suffer from, you see that people, INCLUDING the government do not see anything wrong with the slash and burn or burning down of old vegetation. It is another show of lack of leadership and incompetence that this bunch of criminals in the top of the military and government do not enforce environmental standards. The discussion is on for over a week if they should ban the use of fire in the hills. If these people cannot even take such a decision while visibility is less than 50 meters in the early morning and 200 meters in the afternoon, how can you entrust them with an election?

    All very true and I live here in Chiang Rai and it has been smoky to say the least for over a week now.

    My lovely Thai wife was telling me it was the uneducated mountain people doing this.

    Well on this Monday while she driving the car on highway 1 on the outskirts of Chiang Rai City

    there was to 2 guys burning the brush on the side of the road and it got out of control and was

    also burning several advertising signs.Well apparently it was not smoky enough for them to start

    out with they had to add a little more.It is the complete lack of education in there school system

    and the Government. hel_l even on a clear and windy day if they can choke a fire so it just smolders all day they

    seem to think they are doing a good job.

  13. From Bloomberg.com

    Thailand May Declare Emergency in Haze-Hit Northern Provinces

    By Suttinee Yuvejwattana and Beth Jinks

    March 13 (Bloomberg) -- Thailand may declare a state of emergency in northern provinces such as Chiang Mai as dust and smoke from forest fires creates a choking haze, Natural Resource and Environment Minister Kasem Sanitwong said.

    ``The dust in the air exceeds standards and we are monitoring the situation closely,'' Kasem told reporters after Cabinet met today in Bangkok. ``If the situation doesn't improve, the prime minister has the right to declare an emergency situation, which may involve evacuating people from the area.''

    Dust levels have increase because of a drought in 52 of Thailand's 76 provinces, Interior Minister Aree Wongsearaya said today. An estimated 7 million people and more than 700,000 rai (276,758 acres) of agricultural land are affected by the lack of rain, he said.

    The government has already distributed 130,000 masks in the worst-hit areas, and will deliver another 170,000 tomorrow, Public Health Minister Mongkol Na Songkhla said today.

    The average dust particles smaller than 10 microns around Chiang Mai, Thailand's second-biggest city, are now around 240 micrograms per cubic meter of air, double the 120 micrograms standard, Kasem said.

    He blamed the drought on the El Nino weather phenomenon hitting Thailand and neighboring Myanmar and Laos.

    Sure it has been dryer than usual, but while driving on highway 1 in Chiang Rai City on Monday and Tuesday I saw incidence where people burning the brush on the side of the road and one got out of hand it it burned several advertising signs, what they need is educate the Thai public.My Thai wife which was driving just told me before it was the uneducated mountain people doing all the burning and I pointed out the idiots on the side of the wrote. I love Thailand and I plan to die here, but how many times have we seen the locals just start a fire and let it smolder in stead of attending it and burning it clean, it seems like to me in most cases they just to see it smoke

  14. From Bloomberg.com

    Thailand May Declare Emergency in Haze-Hit Northern Provinces

    By Suttinee Yuvejwattana and Beth Jinks

    March 13 (Bloomberg) -- Thailand may declare a state of emergency in northern provinces such as Chiang Mai as dust and smoke from forest fires creates a choking haze, Natural Resource and Environment Minister Kasem Sanitwong said.

    ``The dust in the air exceeds standards and we are monitoring the situation closely,'' Kasem told reporters after Cabinet met today in Bangkok. ``If the situation doesn't improve, the prime minister has the right to declare an emergency situation, which may involve evacuating people from the area.''

    Dust levels have increase because of a drought in 52 of Thailand's 76 provinces, Interior Minister Aree Wongsearaya said today. An estimated 7 million people and more than 700,000 rai (276,758 acres) of agricultural land are affected by the lack of rain, he said.

    The government has already distributed 130,000 masks in the worst-hit areas, and will deliver another 170,000 tomorrow, Public Health Minister Mongkol Na Songkhla said today.

    The average dust particles smaller than 10 microns around Chiang Mai, Thailand's second-biggest city, are now around 240 micrograms per cubic meter of air, double the 120 micrograms standard, Kasem said.

    He blamed the drought on the El Nino weather phenomenon hitting Thailand and neighboring Myanmar and Laos.

  15. If it involves violence and Russians then it's usually not random at all. I bet there's a lot more to this.


    Yeap; Wintermute; I believe you are correct; of course there's more to this story that what we've heard sofar. I've lived and worked in Pattaya for almost 15 years now and I can tell you that there have been some pretty incredible encounters involving Russian citizens here.

    As a rule; it is mostly kept "between Russians" and I would be surprised if this will not turn-out to fall into that same catagory.

    Likely scenario could be: two Russian hookers (and there are litterally hundreds of them here !?) no longer desoire to pay-off their Russian pimps; these guys are not the pick-nick type and will go through extreme lengths to "save face" with regards to the rest of their "flock" . . . . tatsteless business, no kidding !


    Right on , to them killing is a everyday thing .They are a real nasty bunch also killing a police officer

    come to them very natural.

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