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Posts posted by hardy1943

  1. Have you spent time in Thailand ? Have you heard Thais speaking English?

    Any Thai that can speak English fluently will already have or be applying for a job that is far higher paid than any English language school is prepared to offer.

    That would be akin to expecting English speakers to learn Thai from a farang who is fluent in Thai.

    Any farang fluent in Thai will be able to hold a high paying job in this country as well.

    The reason they hire native speakers is so that Thai students can learn correct pronunciation and learn something of the western culture. .

    Very well said!!!! Could not agree with you more. Most Thai Teachers that teach English

    do not know the basis English. The teacher that is in charge of the English department in

    Chiang Rai is so bad, I can hardly understand a word what he is saying.

  2. "Coyote Girl" style of dancing is not acceptable at or as part of a religious ceremony. This is a very sensible statement.

    I agree with you on that statement completely.

    However was recently invited to a house warming party by a high ranking Police officer,

    they had 6 scarcely dress girl dancers as entertainment, some of them did not look to me even 20 years old, was also asked if I wanted to take some home, price 1000 baht.

    Also to my surprise had a group of lady boys perform.

    Is this common in Thailand?

  3. Exactly... the baht has only gained most over the US dollar, just as the USD dropped over other major currencies.


    1$ = NOW about 119Yen ..........1$= NOW about 1.26 Euro 1$ = ...........37BAHT RIGHT NOW

    1$= 1 1/2 Years ago...100Yen...... 1$ was about then 1.33 Euro 1$..was about then ..40BAHT

    Ever since the CHINESE YUAN took the Thai Baht into it basket

    the Thai Bath has been moving with the CHINESE YUAN


  4. So now we're having the Deputy Prime Minister and the Interior Minister both saying.... put an end to democracy.


    AND IS GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. That's a tragedy. Condolences to the familes of these people.

    It's no joke when the red flags are posted and swimming is restricted. At Mai Khao I ignored these warnings and got swept out in a rip current. eventually I was able to make it back in but barely. It is hard to resist when you see those beautiful waves and the water is warm, but be careful. If you are caught in a rip current, go with it and dont swim against it. Try to float and conserve energy and most of all try not to panic. I know it is easily said, but it could save your life.

    There actually is a much safer way to deal with rip currents. Very few are more than, at most, a couple hundred meters across. So the best thing to do is swim sideways, out of the current. I've saved myself very long journeys this way - usually, you're out in no more than a minute of swimming, and not that far from shore (especially if you notice quickly and swim parallel to the beach in the direction you just came from). Times may vary - I'm a pretty good swimmer - but this is the training lifeguards get, in the states anyway, so put it to good use. Letting the current carry you is better than fighting it, but not a very good way to save yourself - who knows how far you'll go, or how far you can swim.

    You are a 100% right. I was in the water of Cancun , Mexico for over 1 1/2 hours swimming sideways until a wave big wave got me back to shore and I was a trained lifeguard from the States 25 years old at the time and stupid for ignoring the RED FLAGS.

  6. That's a tragedy. Condolences to the familes of these people.

    It's no joke when the red flags are posted and swimming is restricted. At Mai Khao I ignored these warnings and got swept out in a rip current. eventually I was able to make it back in but barely. It is hard to resist when you see those beautiful waves and the water is warm, but be careful. If you are caught in a rip current, go with it and dont swim against it. Try to float and conserve energy and most of all try not to panic. I know it is easily said, but it could save your life.

    There actually is a much safer way to deal with rip currents. Very few are more than, at most, a couple hundred meters across. So the best thing to do is swim sideways, out of the current. I've saved myself very long journeys this way - usually, you're out in no more than a minute of swimming, and not that far from shore (especially if you notice quickly and swim parallel to the beach in the direction you just came from). Times may vary - I'm a pretty good swimmer - but this is the training lifeguards get, in the states anyway, so put it to good use. Letting the current carry you is better than fighting it, but not a very good way to save yourself - who knows how far you'll go, or how far you can swim.

  7. Dream on peter, u guys are so boring its like watching paint dy. I just came home at 5am Thai time. all my Thai mates r having a ball, sorry no pun iteneded. What about USA ???

    Boys hardly play it there,it is a girls sport there.Matter of fact The USA Women Team won the cup last time.

  8. If you refer to my recent postings on this topic @deforestation@Isaid it was an ideal time for the me.dia to imform the Thai people as to why this tradgedy happened.by media i mean by sound ,television, and all Thai newspapers.Reading postings on this topic 78% of Thai people said it was due to deforestation.they should demonstrate this in the next election.i repeat,this was brought about by the RICH & CORRUPT.They should be found out.Their assets siezed along with those of their immediate families and given to these poor unfortunate families,to enable them to start new lives. Albert

    I agree 100%.The Rich do what the want and everyone is looking the other way.

  9. hi'

    always something to complain about ...

    add or change by hand the phone number or you customer will do it!

    what are you afraid of, loosing customers?

    seems to me to hear westerners in their home country!

    never satisfied!

    always something to complain about!

    give Thailand a break, would you ...

    I love this country, but explain to me I have a Telephone post on my property and the neighbor

    acrossed the street has a phone running off of my pole,I have been trying to get a hard line phone

    installed in my house for over 6 month now and was told they ran out of number and I may have to wait years for a phone,so I am connected with satillite to run my computer.

    Does anyone else have the same problem not getting a phone hooked up?

  10. hi'

    always something to complain about ...

    add or change by hand the phone number or you customer will do it!

    what are you afraid of, loosing customers?

    seems to me to hear westerners in their home country!

    never satisfied!

    always something to complain about!

    give Thailand a break, would you ...



  11. this is old news...as in 6months+ old.i used a crack on one of my pcs but left the other,about a month later it just reverted to normal and started downloading updates normally.

    i think microsoft realised they would be causing more problems for legitamate users by not updating pirate versions.

    one of there wonderful ideas that was not so good in practice.

    regards scmok

    This has been the case for a long time. Maybe now it’s official. But I can remember this happening when trying to update to SP2. That must have a been a year ago.

    1, The windows system/sucess was copied from Apple anyway.

    2, Does Bill Gates need more money?

    Wheres there's a will there'll always be a way.

    Glad i live in Thailand. :o

    DOS was developed by a small company in Seattle and MSN bought it for a small amount and released it in 1980 as MS-DOS it has nothing to do with Apple, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple computers in 1976 and Manufactured Computers and they had nothing to do with developing the original computer language.I am more interested when are we ever get the infratructure running on a consistant basis in Thailand.Will we ever see the DAY???

  12. this is old news...as in 6months+ old.i used a crack on one of my pcs but left the other,about a month later it just reverted to normal and started downloading updates normally.

    i think microsoft realised they would be causing more problems for legitamate users by not updating pirate versions.

    one of there wonderful ideas that was not so good in practice.

    regards scmok

    This has been the case for a long time. Maybe now it’s official. But I can remember this happening when trying to update to SP2. That must have a been a year ago.

    1, The windows system/sucess was copied from Apple anyway.

    2, Does Bill Gates need more money?

    Wheres there's a will there'll always be a way.

    Glad i live in Thailand. :o

  13. yea i remember the days of 42-43 baht and us feb was only payibg 2.5%...guess it is time to takemy usd somewhere else...

    I can remember 25 Baht to a Dollar and less than 40 baht to a pound. :o

    It was from 1948 until 1980 at 20 Baht per US$ and from 1980 until 1997 at 25 per US$

    Actually if it goes down to 35 Thailand is still a very inexspensive place to live cmpared to the USA

  14. Now there's a surprise eh ?   :D

    What worries me, is that these are the people who are running an entire country . . . . . . . I would like them to (in small teams of say 4 people) try and "run" a 7/11 store, for a month AND make a profit, of course ! ! I firmly believe they couldn't do it - therefor it really worries me, that people like these are running an entire country ! ! ! :o

    That is the way government in Thailand operates and believe me we will not see any change in our life time.

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