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Posts posted by hardy1943

  1. At least he was elected twice (or is three times) by the people (legally) and not put up by puppet Generals.



    Could not agree more -elected by the people for the people - must have been doing something right I expect !!! - the generals and the so called Bkk elite (those who have the money) are still playing puppet master and will do so for the time being -

    Lets face it he was getting to popular for the elite and to much backing from the poor and that is why he had to go.

  2. Exempt it on the numerous bar closure days. Then it will really sell.

    Absolutley right> Welcome to Thailand, Merry Christmas, Just done 18 hours flying? need a drink? Sorry we are having a local election, No booz for 2 days, Nothing to do with you, Well we dont want you to vote intoxicated, even though you cant vote. More Tea?

    Restore your image?Thailand keep on dreaming.The last 3 years you been the comedy hour on CNN

    with your changes in Governments and your actions, Airport seizure, 1 yellow shirt can make 100 policemen run

    backwards and seems like every week you make more headlines over some stupid actions.

  3. Of course Thaksin and his proxiers stuffed every province, the police, the DSI, the bureacracy etc with every hand chosen yes man and supporter they could. Now the Dems are trying although a tadslowly and less brutally to do the same.

    The reality is that is the only way you can make sure you can govern. Leaving the enemy in place maens at best for you obstructionism and at worst outrgith campaigns against.

    It is no surprise that state officails appointed by Samak and Somchai would assist in and even organize actions to help government supporters.

    If the Dems want to see their asbility to govern improve they now need to brutally replace all Thaksin sympathisers. And if PTP were to return to power they would then brutally replace all Dem sympathisers.....

    Real Politik in Thailand.

    You must also think the yellow shirt did a patriotic thing by taking over the airport.

    I think your handle fits you well.

  4. Cabinet approves Bt200 million budget to help tourism operators

    BANGKOK: -- Thai Cabinet granted a budget of Bt214 million (US$6.1 million) to shoulder the burden of interest payments for tourism business operators for two years, a senior government official announced on Tuesday.

    Permanent Secretary for Tourism and Sports Sasithara Pichaichannarong said that the budget would help lessen the financial burden of tourism-related businesses who have debts with commercial

    banks and financial institutions.

    The cabinet, she said, also resolved to have the Small Business Credit Guarantee Corporation guarantee credit risks for four tourism-related business sectors such as four-star hoteliers, restaurants, transport and tour companies battered by the closure of the country's two main airports late last year.

    The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) earlier projected that the number of foreign tourists visiting

    Thailand in 2009 would rise to 14.5 million.

    The Bank of Thailand, however, forecast that tourist arrivals this year would drop by 8.8 percent from 12.8 million in 2008.

    The central bank has estimated the country would lose 290 billion baht ($8.3 billion) as a result of the closure of Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports from late November to early December by the anti-Thaksin People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD).

    -- TNA 2009-02-17

    Yes and the biggest joke is the PAD is running the country.Great reward for being MORONS

  5. Not sure about Lampang, but the problem around here in Phrae is the Charcoal

    Production. The burning of Wood to produce Charcoal is quite a extensive practise, the worst area is Den Chai.

    Driving on the Highway in Den Chai, you can not see 5 metres in front of you.

    Most up North here is from outside burning of wet leaves especially in the morning when everything is still wet

    so it really smolders and the more it produces smoke the better they seem to like it, sometimes they even sit around it and I swear they must get off on it.

  6. Rather than taking the opportunity to take a swipe at the Thai approach to the problem of the Rohingya people can anyone suggest an alternative? These are an Islamic people. They were heading for an Islamic nation. Send them to Malaysia or Indonesia? Do they want them?

    Do you want them going to the UK, Australia, US etc?

    No I thought not. So, what to do? Send them on? Send them to the Muslem insurgents in the south of Thailand? Send them back?

    How many Brits would like to send teh Muslems in the UK back to Arabic states?

    See, it isn't as clear cut as you think.

    Spot on!

    It is MADE a "Thai Problem" as it is on of the closest Nation and one of the wealthiest in the Region!

    Why it is forgotten how many of these "Boat People" have been dealt with already - why are people so quick with blaming Abhisit and the "new Government" for it, taking a swipe at "the Military" without any genuine grounds?

    Statement from the Government has been already that the resources are limited..... and the real Culprit is the Military Junta of Myanmar!

    It will be a hot issue at the ASEAN Conference, shortly!

    Why nobody asks if the Thai Government maybe may need some very urgent international (UNHCR) help with this burning issue?

    Instead bash, bash, bash!

    Do not make me laugh. The last ASAEN summit the only ones that objected over the head bashing and of the killings of Burmese Monks was the Philippines. The Thai foreign minister at that time congratulated the Burmese junta for a job well done. That was in The Nation and picked up by the NY Times

  7. Petrol stations to be warned about alcohol sales

    A massive campaign to strictly control alcohol and ban its sale in gas stations across the country will kick off next week in a bid to raise awareness about the danger of drink driving during Songkran, Deputy Public Health Minister Manit Nopamornbodi said yesterday.

    He said provincial health office chiefs would be asked to check petrol stations across the country for alcohol sales.

    The ministry would warn gas station owners still selling alcohol to comply with the law, then any offenders who break the law would be prosecuted.

    Under the Alcohol Control Act, service station owners and grocery shops located in gas station compounds are banned from selling alcohol. Those who violate the law face a fine of Bt 10,000 and up to six months jail.

    Selling alcohol is also banned in schools, hospitals, dormitories, temples and government offices.

    Manit said he would also prohibit department stores from selling alcohol to customers in gift baskets. If people wanted to include drinks in gift baskets they must buy and put them in themselves.

    Health Minister Witthaya Kaewparadai said he would study the possibility of issuing a ministerial regulation to control the advertising of alcohol products in newspapers, magazines and broadcasting.

    While the law was passed last year, a National Alcohol Policy body chaired by the prime minister and the National Alcohol Control panel chaired by the health minister, have yet to meet to draw up plans, policies, etc, to limit alcohol consumption and advertising.

    Manit, who oversees alcohol control, said committees at provincial levels had not been completed. Some 44 provinces had yet to set up alcohol control groups. But when they were organised a national debate would be held on alcohol issues.

    According to a health ministry report in 2006, some 31 per cent of the population - 16 million people - drink alcohol. Nine million consume alcohol on a regular basis.

    During the last New Year holiday - from December 30 to January 4 - 335 people were killed and some 3,810 injured in 3,549 road accidents. Police estimate 28 per cent of these accidents were caused by drunk drivers.

    -- The Nation 2009-02-11

    BIG BROTHER has spoken

  8. I didn't know it was against the law to have sex behind closed doors. When did they introduce the no sex please we are thai policy. No sex in thailand, 1st the demos at the airport now a ban on sex the thai economy is going to be in real bad shape without the sex tourists comming. What is going to happen to places like Pattaya. I am married to a thai and living in chiangmai just hope I don't get that knock on the door in the middle of the night.

    I hope I do not either, live Chiang Rai been married for 5 years to a very lovely Thai lady.

    Its seem like every year that I have lived here the MORONS are getting in complete authority

  9. This will be a huge setback for teachers. All of these excess Admin types will try to justify their existence by spending their time creating yet more worthless paperwork and bureaucratic BS to waste teachers' time. Most schools in Thailand have enough Admin staff, they just don't have enough teachers, classrooms or resources.

    Very true all they due hire 12,999 more buffaloes 1 could be smart.

  10. When Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid are in flames please do not expect the US to save your butts AGAIN.

    Oh wake up, it was the US in flames not Europe, and it was the US government's apalling foreign policy that made the country a target. But it's probably a waste of oxygen trying to convince you otherwise.

    The best way to deal with terrorists is to refuse to be terrorized.

    It onl to reason that a certain number of Eurpoeans would be gloating over 911.

    Remember people from over 100 different countries died @ 911 but the majority where firefighters from New York

  11. if thailand wants to get tourist, get the baht back to 42 to 1 usd
    Actually I see more European tourists than American. It would be much better to make Euro more expensive than $$$

    Probably due to the fact that America will almost fill all of Europe land wise. 3 full days maybe more on rotating shifts to drive

    nonstop one coast to the other Texas almost 2 days speeding to get through it. I wonder how many countries you can go through in Europe in that amount of time.Most Americans don't even travel to other countries & can care less. Hawaii is almost the same weather as Thailand. No bullshit with visas & extensions. I wish my buddies would come down but I understand why . It is pretty nice in some parts of the country!

    Very true, I am always asked how is the weather in America, there is always some place that is -30 C. and 30 C.

  12. IQ is a measure of potential.

    Having the biggest tool box does not make the best mechanic, unless the mechanic knows how to usr them. Having a bunch of kids with raised IQ's means little if they are not taught to use their brain, critical thinking, analytical problem solving are absent from the schooling.

    Well put , free thinking and being an individual is a big no no and a course in logic would not hurt either.

  13. Guys - dont be too hard on Thailand.

    Shutting the door after the horse has bolted? Ok, yep, sure. But to be honest, most of OUR western health and safety rules are in place under precisely those circumstances.

    It unfortunately takes a terrible tragedy for people to learn from their mistakes, identify the problems and try to do something about it.

    On the face of it, Thailand is doing something. Yeah, it may be too little too late, but at least it appears to be a step in the right direction.

    Frankly, it's better then doing nothing isnt it?

    I hope it is more then just talk and no action. Did you noticed the changed the electrical building code last year to 3

    wires and 1 is actually a ground wire. Well it is a start.

  14. It's most likely end of year system maintenance/changes that require interbanks comm links to be suspended. Overnight, when US comes to work, or even evening US time, it should all be OK.

    My Citibank card issued in Japan did not work for 3 days (Jan 1-3) with other banks ATMs where it usualy does work, yesterday back to normal.

    Thanks, that is what I tought also. Had it down for several hours before,

    Have plenty of money in my Thai banks, see US$ is up today anyway,

  15. Sounds strange to me. Have you tried making an "over the counter" cash withdrawal?

    Talked to Siam Com. by the Big C. they told me to try Bangkok Bank.did not work either

    dates are fine all expire in 2010

    2 of them just tried last week , still in 2008, worked great,

    1 bank card shows my name as soon as I insert it in ATM........now nothing

  16. SO SAD.........

    BUT WHO IS TO BLAME???? :o

    Everyone, I understand it was located on the 3rd floor and was a death trap to starts with.

    It was just a matter of time some thing terrible would happen. Young people however feel invincible.

    I guess I am to old and cautious. We all know how lax the codes, if any codes at all and enforcement are in LOS.

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