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Posts posted by hardy1943

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Farang prices? My Thai wife and I received each a package this last week from the USA hers was $260 value and had to pay 1400 Baht
    when she complained never had to pay before she was told NEW LAW .Mine was $180 value she had to pay 1100 Baht . I have my medication coming next month wondering how much they hit me for.

    Isnt it just great, to get charged TAX for the freight charges as well as the item???..... alt=blink.png>

    Item cost 100 USD...airfreight $70USD....total charges this end,TAX on the $170USD............... alt=w00t.gif>

    Weegee, I think you should know that it is worldwide the same. Import duties are everywhere calculated on the fob price + freight + insurance.

    Been here for 10+ years never got charge a penny until last week.Send stuff from here to the Usa and Germany ,they never paid for anything either.Have no Idea where your Info.?

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Farang prices? My Thai wife and I received each a package this last week from the USA hers was $260 value and had to pay 1400 Baht
    when she complained never had to pay before she was told NEW LAW .Mine was $180 value she had to pay 1100 Baht . I have my medication coming next month wondering how much they hit me for.

    Isnt it just great, to get charged TAX for the freight charges as well as the item???..... alt=blink.png>

    Item cost 100 USD...airfreight $70USD....total charges this end,TAX on the $170USD............... alt=w00t.gif>

    I would have known it I would told them to send it back and not paid for it. New Law!Yes new way to ripp off Farang

  3. Farang prices? My Thai wife and I received each a package this last week from the USA hers was $260 value and had to pay 1400 Baht
    when she complained never had to pay before she was told NEW LAW .Mine was $180 value she had to pay 1100 Baht . I have my medication coming next month wondering how much they hit me for.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Sticking a higher price to a farang is just what is done here. But sticking it to a Thai

    because she is seen to be with a farang is pathetic. My girlfriend has told me many

    times to not be near her when she is buying something from a Thai merchant....

    Yes, my Thai wife does the same with me.

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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thaksin is a crafty, cunning, amoral political beast. Imagine it: The military will know that if they keep Yingluck in custody, she will now become an international martyr. BUT: If they release her, there is a very real chance that someone on the Red side would seek to do her harm -- maybe even very serious harm -- in order to make her even MORE of a martyr. Anticipating this possibility, the military might then decide to release her from custody but then expel her from Thailand. At least she would be physically safe in Dubai. But she's such an international "darling" that Thaksin could then take her from national capital to national capital, paying for her to meet with world leaders and testify tearfully before parliaments and congresses about the endangerment of Thai democracy. And there is no doubt whatsoever that she would be a sympathetic character abroad. Remember how smitten Obama seemed to be when he met with her. But it's not just males. Even Hillary Clinton, who could very well become the next US president, treated Yingluck as an elder sister would treat a younger sister.

    The only hope is that Obama, Clinton, and other world leaders will see through the Thaksin move and recognize how manipulative and cynical it shockingly is. World publics won't see through it -- they mindlessly consider Thaksin already to be a martyr for democracy. But world leaders might recognize the diabolical move for what it is.

    All that American bashing amuses me. No one mentions that Obama was invited from H M the King for one hour. Yes he came here just to see Yingluck lol. Name me please other heads of states that H M the King invited for 1 hour.

    LOL right back at 'cha, dude, because I'm an American, and I'm not America-bashing. You're so ridiculously sensitive to "your Country" being insulted that you missed the major point, which is that Thaksin has made a clever if cold and calculating move. Possibly he wants to try to turn Yingluck into the next Aung San Suu Kyi. This is a BIG development, and whoever suggested that it probably has some very big backers co-strategizing is, I suspect, right.

    Speculations again. Maybe you have a Texan mentality? You love Fox network too?

  6. starting to get interesting trying to work out what exactly the general is up to. I was quite happy with what he was doing till this, have to admit I am baffled by this move though but I hope he does have a good reason for it. We can only hope that he is being very even handed and going to try to get a neutral group in control, he has virtually warned the police etc that he will not take any sh*t from them and to do their jobs properly without any thaksin/ptp/red interference. I think tarit may well and truly be on the outer and should be sh*tting his pants as should the beloved ex police boss, both will hate their sucking up to thaksin I think in the near future. Just hope he continues to do what the country needs, lets wait and see.

    "even handed" -- what planet are you living on? Apparently, he was the main proponent of the military crackdown on the reds in 2009 and 2010, and considered a hardliner even within the military.

    I been here over 10 years and hope I am wrong but this time it is giving me a bad feeling

  7. I lived here during the last martial law and reign of the military and I was concernd and my Thai wife told me DO NOT WORRY

    we live our life as usual and we do not let us upset whats going on in BKK.The men in brown where less visible and more polite IMO

    We just leaving for down town and expect nothing has changed .We been living over 10 years here.

  8. I see no one here was ever in HaNoi Vietnam .The Chinese then French then their own Vietnamese you have the best of all worlds.Then the real fresh seafood not farmed raised from the ocean. Then Macau was good too but not close to restaurants in HaNoi.Thailand has to be the worst foods from all. Chinese is not Chinese , Korean is not Korean and so on.

  9. The problem is that the people don't know if it's a Chinese, Taiwanese or Korean factory, they are just fed up with China and the factories that have owners from other countries are collateral damage. The Vietnamese people have fought against colonial countries before and some of them now sees that China is trying to make a colony out of Vietnam or some of its areas again. Chinese companies are building the factories in Vietnam but then they have Chinese workers. Try that in Thailand or own home countries, Would it be accepted?!

    It all comes down to the fact that China wants more areas and are currently have disputes with at least 3 countries (Vietnam, Philippines and Japan) about islands and surrounding areas.

    Chinese workers shouldn't be allowed to work inside factories in Vietnam and other countries. How can Vietnam accept that for this long? Vietnamese workers are cheaper and speak the local lingo, so why would any Vietnamese factory (even if Chinese owned) need Chinese workers who are more expensive and aren't legally authorized to work in Vietnam? How many Australian factories employ Australian workers in Vietnam? How many American factories employ American workers in Vietnam? Probably none! So why have the Chinese been able to get away with it? To me this seems like a case of a double standard - probably the Chinese pay some protection money to the police or immigration or something (in order to avoid immigration arresting these illegal workers), which western companies don't do due to the principle of "we don't do corruption back home, so we don't do it here either". The only foreigners that should be able to work in factories in countries like Vietnam should be factory managers and one or two other skilled managers that oversee production performed by local workers.

    Doesn't Vietnam have local/foreigner worker ratios like Thailand does?

    All I can say they have some balls which most Asian Countires lack and Thailand included.

  10. I been useing them for over 10 years 4-5 times a month but never at a tourist trap or BKK and never any problem.I bitch about the fee they charge:)

    • Like 1
  11. I been living here over 10 years and seen it all .I liked it myself when the military took control last time.Nice peaceful time for a change without the circus of a so called government. Well at least IMO. Also not having the men in brown screwing with the internet what we should see.

    yes I recall that all the censorship was turned off and Surayud told that people who can handle a computer can also build there own opinion.

    The government acted a lot more democratic than any elected government. The only mistake was that they were too kind and thought that Thaksin will be peaceful. Would they seized all his money and properties we wouldn't be in troubles now.

    I think they all liked to get the finger in the pie.How ironic but true the military much more Democatic then a so called elected government.

    • Like 1
  12. I am a Yank and I never owned a gun and we only have one in our extented family that is a bird hunter that owns a shot gun for hunting.

    Like the story goes little man needs a gun to be as tall or to feel like a bigman. I am 6'2" 250 Lbs also you find less educated people and on a lower income bracked owning guns.I do not ever had the urge to own a gun and neither does my older brother and his sons and they all have PhD's. People in Texas,Kentucky and most Southern States seem to own more then the more affluent States to the North.

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The leading credit rating firm said the court’s move is likely to reinforce the belief among the largely rural supporters of Ms Yingluck’s Phue Thai party that the judiciary is biased toward the establishment–made up of the urban elite, the military, and royalists.

    pretty much sums up the domestic (and international) reaction to yesterdays judicial coup . sadly there are still a few left that just don't get it and are part of the problem, not the solution

    Foreign investment will be pulling out by the droves but should help us get a better exchande rate .It will also take a bite out the super rich that are investested in the SET

  14. I been living here for over 10 years and seen it all and everytime a PM is replaced it is a laughing stock and no new in the rest of the world.

    My Thai family is not exited and worried not about anything, only lots of Farang here that can not vote make a big dealt about it and I find it very amusing to say the least.

    They forget we are guest here and let the Thais sorted out and it is not our problem but theirs.

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