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Posts posted by wwest5829

  1. He should not seek information by himself without sounding out an understanding of the country's background,

    The ambassador probably knows Thai history and the current events in Thailand better than any government spokesman.

    Based on the Ambassador comments so far, he seems to know little about Thailand. And I am an American. Ambassadorships are given out to friends of the President, not based on any knowledge of any country. I do believe that this Ambassador, being a friend of our President, an admitted "Social Activist", thinks he was sent here to teach Thailand how to act within their own government. He could not be more wrong about his mission here. Someone in the states needs to help him understand what his job involves, because he has been way out of line. Send him back to the states to be taught the role of an Ambassador. He is not going to make it any easier for us expats, that is for sure.

    Annnnd here we go...it's Obama's fault! The anti Obama voice is heard in Thailand! Good show. To others, not involved in the U.S. disapproval of the President...I apologize. Eight years I stomached "W" but some in the U.S. will be eternally angry at the way history treats "W" poorly versus Obama.

  2. C'mon. Let's have some fun. I want to see them lock Davies up for lese majeste.



    I am becoming bored with following U.S. Presidential Candidates. Pleeeze...provide much needed entertainment! The U.S. will probably, diplomatically, ignore the call for investigating its Ambassador for lese majeste but...think of the fun to be had. The sheer embarrassment of already proving the point of the misuse of lese majeste is worth something. But please...do continue to press trying to silence a representative of another country. Popcorn is in the microwave....

  3. This will be interesting.

    It's uncivilised to suppress information. Restrict dangerous information is wise, socially, but total suppression is counter to productive thought.

    Shattering the myth. That, too, will be interesting.

    Agreed. One of the thicker paperbacks in my college office before retirement, as I recall. The annotated edition should be interesting. "Nothing new in history" is quite foolish as new written information comes to light. Given some time, resources and understanding of historical events and personalities becomes as better understood.

    DAMN....file clerks (in my mind) are getting sloppy! It was, " Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" I remember as being on the thickish side! The rest of my comment stands.

  4. Yea, Yea. Denouncing Academic Freedom, Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression is a control mechanism. To be fair to Thailand, I once had the President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College tell me that there was no such thing as Academic Freedom. There is control at many different levels. As a retired Academic, I denounce the contol over free access to information and exploration of ideas.

  5. That is sad , what he did in the US , stays in the US , especially the US ridiculous war against drugs .

    If he does nothing wrong in Thailand , then he shouldn't be arrested.

    I have problems with this particular U.S. extraterritoial claim of law. However, as a U.S. citizen I have to deal with the U.S. claiming to enforce its national law internationally. This applies to many areas of activity...not all bad...income tax, pedophiles, etc. As I say I do have issues at the U.S. government over reach. Reminds me of the outlook of some others unilaterally claiming territory....the Ukraine and South China Sea come to mind.

  6. Pollard admitted he did it for money.

    Don't believe that BS for a second.

    He betrayed America for Israel.

    Like all Israeli Firsters, he is beneath contempt.

    I see no inconsistency. Yes, he did it for Israel. Yes, he accepted money for the acts. He was granted

    Israeli citizenship. Deport him as Persona non Grata and strip him of American citizenship. I believe this would forbid any return to U.S. territory.

  7. Well we have had an "Honest mistake", from a former P.M.

    and he got away with it.

    regards Worgeordie

    The thought along this line crossed my mind. The honest use of force in the war on drugs by a previous administration would receive amnesty also? They might want to be particular with the wording...or not. Is there "wiggle room" to purposely but suripticiously allow for an amnesty to be broader in application?

  8. OK, I can only speak for my experience during the last two years.

    1). My SS payment is directly deposited into my American bank (held by a brokerage).

    2). Once a month an electronic funds transfer is sent to Bangkok Bank, NY Branch. Yes, this is sent through ACH as one American bank to another American bank.

    3). Bangkok Bank notifies me here in Thailand that my funds have been deposited and at what exchange rate.

    No credit card cash withdrawals, no SWIFT wire transfers with the attendant higher fees.

  9. They were illegally staying in Thailand, so off course they should be deported. The western world should do the same, and many terrorism incidents would have been avoided.


    And if they apply for political asylum? Or if another country says they will take them as political asylum seekers ( Turkey for example)? It will be interesting to learn what happens to the North Koreans currently. Are they here illegally? Of course, they are not permitted to leave North Korea.

  10. Wonder what US reaction would be if Chinese Navy & Airforce flew similar distances from/in US territorial waters?

    Thumper Trumper would be manning the beaches!!

    Think US would be more useful in seeking UN 0r International Court intervention to quickly resolve the issue with all the claimant nations, rather than using provocative actions that may cause more damage than good!

    You are saying that China has the right to claim 80-90% of the South China Sea as its territorial waters. Invalid unilateral claim according to international law. The U.S. and other nations recognize China's territorial coastal waters, the same as other nations.

  11. Inclined to think that the regional nations should take the lead with the U.S. as a supporting power. (I believe this should be the case in the ME as well). China has over reached by unilaterally claiming sovereignty over 80-90% of the South China Sea. All nations wishing to maintain passage through international waters should be sailing freely and ignoring China's claim. That said, the U.S. is one of the nations with an interest in maintaining free navigation in accord with international law so there does exist a vested interest. I am by no means an American wishing conflict but this is a matter where I support international law recognition and enforcement. I recommend China find a solution in accord to international standards as I do not wish China to suffer a loss of face.

  12. Not Bangkok but Pattaya is where its at .Can now fly directly there from C.M ,by- passing bkk ;-),with Kan Air ,and now AirAsia .

    C.M is increasingly for old guys like myself who are in bed by midnight .

    Ha! Yes, or those of us not permitted out by ourselves after dark because we are weak males and there are so many available Thai females looking for good men. OK, that is what I am told by the wife.

  13. Private company doing whatever it sees fit to do within the law. Shouldn't be any other way. Only socialists would have an issue with that.

    Interesting that you read the conservative Christians denouncing Statbucks as Socialists. They would be appalled at your accusation that they are Socialists. Ironic at base as Christ indeed taught of sharing and caring for one another...evidently you are correct Christians, following the teachings, are Socialists.

  14. Interesting topic across cultures. Perhaps a reflection on the classical period of Greece and the use of ostracism. Family was not affected but those voted to be ostracized where forced out of society for a period of 10 years. A substantial amount of time which served to break the power of those found by the citizens (note, citizenship was quite limited) to be corrupt, a threat to democracy of the city, etc.

  15. There are a lot of biased people here, but I've been waiting 30 years for someone to vote for.

    A decent and fiscally responsible person that would end the federal reserve and private bank issuance of currency and a person that would put an end to all of the wars and meddling in all the affairs of other governments around the world.

    Someone who would balance the budget and put away with government debt is who is needed.

    Neither party has provided such a candidate. They basically are the same.

    Since 1950 there have been 10 U.S. presidents. 5 Democrats & 5 Republicans.

    What is the score when it comes to debt?

    Democrats increased debt during their terms an average of 29%.

    Republicans increased debt during their terms an average 85%.

    Ronald Reagan holds the record at 186% over budget.

    GW Bush comes in 2nd place at 101%.

    Pleeeeze, don't confuse them with facts!

  16. Arrived late last night after flights from U.S. via Inchon. Coming down the escalator to the Immigration lines, things were very backed up. Too many flights, not enough stations open. I noted that several people during my wait we're going directly to baggage claim avoiding Immigration altogether. This was possible due to an opening immediately right at the bottom of the escalator.

    My question. I assume these folks will be in for a rude awakening upon trying to exit Thailand as they did not legally enter Thailand. Just curious as to thoughts on the various possibilities. Immigration officers, steadily processing those in line, noted the run around but I did not see anyone call for security to block the breach while I was there (substantial line).

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