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Posts posted by wwest5829

  1. Did a good deal of reading before retirement here, still learning, of course but...what I had read about Thai culture led me to believe that 1. Age is traditionally more respected than in my home culture 2. Education was more respected in my home culture 3. There is a focus on family security (yes, you can read steady income) and 4. There is a belief that western males are (earned or not) more monogamous than a goodly number of Thai males (I truly appreciate the Thai male who helps supply a never ending number of pretty 30 something Thai females looking for security).

    So, being a retired Professor in his mid-60s, with some funding, well hay, what's not to love! Ha! Played for awhile but I found I wanted a relationship where we could travel together, etc. For a younger lady from Isaan or not, the considerations out weigh the 28 year difference between my wife and myself.

    The part about respecting elders is true only between a young Thai and an Older Thai.

    We are all still farangs...to the young ones...., and we don't hold the same status as an older Thai.

    Especially when you are dealing with young ladies who are on the "take".

    Leaving aside the young ladies, I have always found Thais "ducking" if they must pass in front of me and always greeted with a wai, but that is just my experience.

  2. Vaguely related story concerning nurses. When I first arrived in retirement I contemplated continuing to work in the university setting. But first I needed to learn some Thai language. One university offered a program for a one year education visa where I would take the Thai language course and work with a community organization to help with learning their English. I was asked who I would like to work with in the city. Well, that was the first time I had to think about this. The office noted that I had just come from the hospital for a checkup. You know, I was told all the Doctors speak English but no one teaches the nurses. Oh, there is a heaven!!! Unfortunately, the program was cancelled due to visa abuse so thus ended my hopes and dreams.....

  3. Did a good deal of reading before retirement here, still learning, of course but...what I had read about Thai culture led me to believe that 1. Age is traditionally more respected than in my home culture 2. Education was more respected in my home culture 3. There is a focus on family security (yes, you can read steady income) and 4. There is a belief that western males are (earned or not) more monogamous than a goodly number of Thai males (I truly appreciate the Thai male who helps supply a never ending number of pretty 30 something Thai females looking for security).

    So, being a retired Professor in his mid-60s, with some funding, well hay, what's not to love! Ha! Played for awhile but I found I wanted a relationship where we could travel together, etc. For a younger lady from Isaan or not, the considerations out weigh the 28 year difference between my wife and myself.

  4. I think there are other countries worse off than Thailand with the aviation safety standards and we, the consumer, still fly into these countries. Do we ever check and see which countries do not meet these "regulations"? (NO)


    Really? You accuse U.S. And international aviation bodies of singling out Thailand? They do not hold other countries flying to the U.S. By the same standards. Do tell. I think all of those of us who fly would like to know which airlines you designate as not being under the same scrutiny. Oh...could you cite some sources for the knowledge?

  5. We will travel to the U.S. For about 50 days come September. A week with a good friend and wife in the old hometown, then on the road in the Southeastern states. Told the boys when I retired and moved to Thailand, good news, bad news. I'm not close by but the trade off is they do not have to care for me in old age. As to money, what comes to Thailand stays in Thailand. Wife is left everything here (not all that much). Retirement funds, if any remain, see inherit ted evenly by the two sons.

  6. Does Thailand think their new sweet heart is cheating on them? Why wouldn't Cambodia send a contingent to China? They are the 500 pound gorilla in the neighborhood last time I looked. Maybe this "non news" is attempt to get people on band wagon for those subs?

    That was the first thing to my mind. Special price on subs this week. If Cambodia opts for one that will reinforce the need for Thailand to have theirs.

  7. In this climate there brave guys..respect to them...it's a pity more weren't able to speak out.

    Could it be that you have confused bravery with stupidity ?

    There are ways and means of going about changing things that you don't agree with, provided of course that they can be changed, in this instance their actions can only cause trouble and slow down the process of returning to an elected democracy. Far better, if they do have any ideas of their own, to make those ideas heard in a constructive manner.

    Lord knows there are enough reforms needed in education, which they should know something about and law, their chosen subject, to need input from anyone who is willing to offer constructive comment.

    This lot are doing nobody any good particularly themselves, unless they have been promised list positions on a party ticket, as has been given to trouble makers before.

    Hmm, what? Oh, sorry, my mind just flashed back to the street protests that brought on the most recent coup.

  8. Riding a motocyce in Sihanookville was not fun with the cops stopping you for no reason

    and fining you US$ 3 but willing to settle for one or 2 $, not sure who learned from whom,

    the Thai cops from the Cambodians or vie a versa....


    I remember the road block. Showed my International License and acted like I did not understand what the "boss" on the side of the road was saying. He waved me to be gone. Interesting to note that you can be fined for having the bike headlight on in the daytime. Has a separate switch, not automatically on as here in Thailand.

  9. I wish the US would stay out of other region's territorial disputes.

    They are NOT the world police.

    Hmm, while not a U.S. hawk by any means, I have to say I have a big problem with China unilaterally claiming 80+% of the South China Sea, requiring flights over the area to report to Chinese authorities, to their declaring the area is now Chinese sovereign territory, thus having control of the sea lanes.

    But, hey, if the 7 nations having overlapping claims do not raise a collective international resistance, well, I support only the U.S. ignoring any Chinese demands of control over international air space and sea lanes. It is not just US flights and sea transport that uses these international air and sea lanes so, yes, by all means let the regional nations raise opposition. I do not support the U.S. taking a physical lead in this...unless China challenges unimpeded transport of our airplanes and sea ships.

  10. find them, check who finance them, seize their money. Cancel the visa of the foreigner and jail the thais...case finish...

    Better yet, cast out all the foreign devils. Foreign teachers influencing their students to think for themselves, foreign businessmen teaching about foreign economic attitudes, NGOs helping the hill tribe people....who knows what new ideas are introduced and don't get me started on those foreign missionaries and their foreign ideas.

  11. For sure..... Im currently using an LS2 helmet as I found it better fitting than others. However they (LS2) seem to all have a down side in that the rubber trim around the edge of the helmet always comes loose/off. Ive had 2 helmets and it occurred to both. Its as if the rubber shrinks in the heat. Otherwise I like the brand. The first was a composite helmet, thats one that is full face but has a flip up chin bar. Marvelous but a bit too heavy on long rides.

    However..... if you know what fits your head properly, stick with it. Ive tried others that have been recommended to me but found them very uncomfortable.

    What brand/size scooter are you looking at? There are a lot out there and some good second hand bargains to be made even from expats (Who tend to maintain them better). And scooters are great around town especially given the narrow streets and sois.

    Only my experience. I do not say I have done the research others might. I have found that a GSB helmet met my needs. Removable liner, flip-up, dual face mask with sun glass slide down and good facial air circulation. Liner fits close enough that there is no play but quite comfortable.

  12. Again we see Bill Clinton, who was in college, while the war was waged with Americans and Vietnamese dying, hobnobbing in Vietnam. Vietnam Veterans, their family and friends have little or no interest in developing a governmental relationship with those who are, have been and continue to be a communist breeding, breathing and believing nation. Even 40 years after, those in charge continue to direct their people in downhill digging spiral, knowing no real economic or social plan that has ever worked. The only achievements any of us have seen was the successful downing a Saigon cyclone fence with a tank in April 1975. If the 58,000 plus killed American veterans could see this picture of the ex president there, what do think their reaction would be? People need to stop living in a world that edits out the war and pretends to assume most Americans and others desire a working relationship with this backwards driven nation. With many more deserving nations available, let this one step to the back of line and let others who never have known Americas compassion and heart receive some "love". They didn't want us there, so fine. Let them kiss and make up with their old lover China on their own. Remember if it looks like and talks like one,, it probably is.. If the people in their country are indifferent to their leaders, why would we think they could be our friends. What kind of Uncle Wiggily road are politicians herding us on? We have the money, let's invest in those with a better track record and stop trying to remove the stripes from the tiger. Vietnam Veteran survivor

    I certainly understand your mind on this....but let it go. Our time is drawing to a close. Enjoy your remaining years without the burdens of the past. Newer citizens have no more connection with Vietnam than they do with exPresidents visiting Germany, Japan or a host of other nations that have been graced with the visit of U.S. miltary forces. Your experience, our experience as a nation is noted but be at peace with yourself. You did what your country asked you (or demanded) you do at the time.

  13. The result of thinking that debt would spur economic growth and tax collection would be able to pay off such a debt.

    Same as an individual taking on debts in the belief that his future income can pay it off...

    Reaganomics, trickle down economics at work?

    When Reagan took office the US was in bad shape with a bad recession, sky high interest rates and sky high inflation thanks to Democrat Jimmy Carter, The Worst President The US Ever HadR.

    Reagan pulled out of it and handed Bush 1 a recovering economy which went on to be one of the best expansions the US has had.


    At a cost of the U.S. debt rising by how much? Jimmy was a good man but I cannot defend the economic condition. Think I was paying 14% mortgage interest. I'll be quite satisfied with history's determination of these Presidents. Certainly Reagan was popular and a welcomed PR change. As to his Presidency he will be called to task for the Google and the bad. He will not end up being a saint by any means.

  14. in the west students study french, spanish, german etc and I've never found them to be able to speak it after graduation. just another pathetic thai bash I suppose.

    We all have different experiences. I still have been able to use my poor remembrance of 3 years of German study from high school. Certainly have forgotten most but from experience over time, I find I can make my needs known in German speaking countries. I allow that there are many German based words in English which certainly aids English speakers.

    As to speaking another language after studying in school, I have noted a reluctance in many countries, notably among cultures fearing loss of face. But that is just my experience. I do not see a critiques of a need to improve Thai education as Thai bashing. Constructive criticism might only be my cultural bias. Depends on the purpose whether critique is in bashing mode, I suppose.

  15. But the progressives (who would be the first to be crushed under Islamic rule) will defend the religion of peace to the very end. Blinded by their own idealism.

    Agreed, the groups that refuse to accept the dangers all around them may well find themselves the first to be slaughtered in the name of Allah.

    And yet, do we follow the path of those denouncing, for example, the Jews as controlling international finance and bringing our nation to its knees, sans of the Nazis leading up to WW II? No, not ignoring but neither falling under those who would persecute groups.

  16. For what it is worth....and I am not declaring to be all seeing... Thailand has the great opportunity of further promoting itself for medical tourism. The reputation has already been recognized. Now is the time to use some intelligence to do the research of 1st world medical costs, research the real Thai costs of providing the medial services and then setting prices to reflect the "Sweet Spot". This would be finding the best range of offering medical services at a great savings to the 1st world customer. In consultation with the private hospitals serving these patients, packages including recovery time at Thai resorts would be a great boon to attracting more patients. The Thai government hospitals could find their "Sweet Spot" by offering a savings (with possible less than five star recovery spots). I see a great growth market here with the aging populations of the 1st world.

    And additional market also needs attention. Those of us retired residents of Thailand need to be offered a reasonably priced medical policy. Private international insurance is too expensive for many. The Thai health services could be offering a better priced coverage and still more than cover their costs. This would further encourage retirees (of at least modest means) to come to Thailand. Think of the potential growth of assisted living facilities. Well, just some thoughts for Thais to consider.

  17. What a poor Report!!! Why him not wrote the real facts? Why him not wrote how much money him must pay for this and this, ...?

    Did him real try to get it or not? Completely unclear!!!

    "But I regret to say that I have not succeeded in acquiring Khmer citizenship. I do not have the hefty amounts required to pay my way through the process that leads to citizenship."

    So, how much does it cost???

    If you do not understand, I confess that this is something that would be clearly understood to a native English speaker. Just wishing for you to understand the message is clear but demands a more comprehensive knowledge of the language and, perhaps, western cultural use.

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