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Posts posted by wwest5829

  1. On 8/29/2021 at 1:06 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

    The symptoms you report are not listed as recorded side effects on the vaccine data sheet.


    That doesn’t mean they are not caused by the vaccine but it does raise the question are there other causes.


    I suggest discussing with your Doctor.


    Concur … for what that is worth. Each person’s chemistry varies somewhat so reactions can vary. Let you know if I survive my first shot of Pfizer in two days.

    • Like 2
  2. On 8/28/2021 at 11:24 PM, TC17 said:

    I think there are three issues here.

    1) In this culture, the woman expects the man to support them and their family.  In return, you will be cared for in old age.  2)  Buddhism very much encourages you to live in the moment. The now is whatatters most.  The dwelling on the past leads to depression and dwelling on the future leads to anxiety.  

    3)  What brings you here, brings thousands of guys here.  So your competition is fierce.  

    Good observation.

  3. 3 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

    Thanks for thinking of me. Yes, I see September 1 & 2. I supposedly have a “priority” appointment but could just be another way-in.

    It has also been announced that Promenada Mall will be taking walk-ins for Pfizer relieving some pressure from McCormick.

  4. TO:  All

    RE: my Pfizer scheduling whining ...


    I am happy to report that I need not bother all of you again concerning my difficulty getting a Pfizer vaccine appointment in Chiang Mai. Yesterday eve, through the intervention of the expat citizen group assisting the Chiang Mai CPO, I was scheduled for my first Pfizer vaccine shot on September 1. Much public thanks goes to Ben Svasti Thomson and the group!!!

    • Like 1
  5. Registered for Pfizer vaccine, Aug 2 at expatvac. All documents uploaded without problem, including Medical Certificate listing Cardiovascular disease. American, age 74. Received return email of successful registration ... then nothing. Registered here in Chiang Mai, CMCVR Aug, 23  reply with registration number.  And awaiting scheduling for vaccine.

  6. At age 74, 5 by-passes in 2005 (stateside) and heart attack 2015 in Chiang Mai (resultant stent, 2 additional angioplasties), I have thought about this. I keep up my monthly Medicare premium payments as a "fallback" for long term care if I can get on a plane. But, I came planning on remaining here until I go up the chimney in smoke at the local Wat. Married to a Thai (26 years younger) and she and her daughter have declared that they will see that I live to age 200 ... right. So, I think I will be taken care of. Then there are several long term care facilities in the area within my monthly budget affordability. Insurance, yes, I am on O-A Visa with the non-paying insurance required. When travel opens, will switch to O Visa so no insurance required. I do get $5000.00 coverage annually from US so that helps. Here a decade and all good ...

  7. 16 hours ago, chessman said:

    How are you defining ‘worked’? If life was lived normally, the Delta variant would probably double the number of cases every 3-5 days. 

    the purpose of a lockdown is to reduce the R0 number and the speed of the spread. If that is the goal then they undoubtedly ‘work’.


    Whether reducing the spread is worth the economic and social costs of a lockdown is the real question although allowing the virus to spread among an entire population would also have extreme economic and social consequences. That is why most governments around the world have tried to walk the line between restrictions to inhibit the spread whilst allowing the majority of economic activity to continue. 



    Not worth addressing the post. As he stated, “as far as I know”. That explains much …

    • Haha 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Third and final time for the challenged ones, post is not about how under 60 gets vaccinated.


    I can see you are a few sandwiches short of a picnic to first question why I did not say my age to then troll why I mentioned my age.


    take your problems to a specialist and have him give you some meds 

    “… few sandwiches short of a picnic”. First time I read that one …I like it!

  9. 14 hours ago, Badrabbit said:

    I told the miserable girl that I had CT scan before for 15,000bht, the bill shows they charged 13,000bht obviously trying it on, I'm just gobsmacked at the medicine charge!!

    Lesson learned, always go to a Pharmacy outside a hospital rather than use in-hospital facility. I have found it is the same in Thailand as in the USA.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, DBath said:

    Thanks. It was mid-60's and I can remember kids wailing because they were afraid to get the jab - terrified - and that struck me a kind of funny for some odd reason...


    Seeing your post reminded me that in junior high my mom and I got a battery of 12-14 shots twice, so we could join my step-father who was working construction in Vietnam (so I mis-spoke on my previous post); both times we didn't end up going! I remember some had nasty side affects, typhoid was one (I think) and I just remember my arm feeling like it was going to fall off - couldn't even move it was painful for about 1.5 days.


    I was lucky though, because at least I didn't end up with another dick growing out of my forehead (though that might have made some of my sexual experiences more interesting later on, I suppose).


    I would likely be the same as you, if I were still traveling for work. Many of my ex-colleagues are getting jabbed in order to avoid a potential hassle with flight travel and clients. Personally, I would avoid it as long as I could, but that's just me.

    Your arm comment reminded me of the tenis shot. Felt like cement was injected. Here is a smile for all reading. I hate needles. I mean it is a violation of my strang defense mechanisms … so, Mom worked as a receptionist in a hospital lab. Every time visiting home from college … in for complete blood work up (submitted in my deceased Grandmother’s name). Anyway, getting ready to do back to visit the “vampires” and Mom says loudly … we have a fainter coming back … hey! That only happened one time, Mom!! 

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, DBath said:

    Who is ‘Sunbeam’. If you want to make a contest out of who has had the most jabs, I guess you win! (Shrug). 

    I had ONE jab back in elementary school, I don’t recall what for, maybe polio. I only ever saw one kid in my lifetime that had it. So, I’m pretty sure I didn’t need that one either. 

    I’m in my 7th decade and I’ve never felt better. In fact, I feel better and am healthier than I was 20 years ago. 

    So, I guess you win the old age contest, too…WHOOPY for you!

    Happy for your good health. If you were an American kid the DPT shot would have been administered before you had a memory. 1950’s in Southern New Jersey we were lined up and got both the Sabine and Salk vaccines. Applied for a college in North Carolina that required a Typhoid/Paratyphoid shot … severe reaction. Did not go to that college! Getting ready for international travel, Yellow Fever shot. Only ever took one flu shot … felt like I had the flu so passed on any future shots of that. Yeah, old enough to have been exposed to a number of virus but … getting in line for Pfizer shot. Appears that it will be looked for if I want to travel internationally sometime in the next two years.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Did you register with any of the multiple registration opportunities?


    These were all widely discussed here on this forum.

    Yes, Therein was my frustration. Registered at Expatvac on advice sent out by the US Consulate. Got an email message saying that my registration was successful. Then I heard nothing … no number, no appointment. Evidently it did not make it through cyberspace. Within the last two hours, with the assistance of my Thai wife talking to the Chiang Mai health people, I successfully registered and this time was given an immediate number but was told I would need to wait on the next batch of the Pfizer vaccine coming to Chiang Mai. So … progress today and hoping well for all …

    • Thanks 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Your cardiologist advised you that no vaccination at all during a Covid pandemic was better than anything apart from Pfizer?   Yeah, right, of course he did.


    4 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Your cardiologist advised you that no vaccination at all during a Covid pandemic was better than anything apart from Pfizer?   Yeah, right, of course he did.

    Moderna or Pfizer was recommended.

  14. 4 hours ago, buick said:

    i'm going to bet against his forecast.  the death numbers will be below 100/day in october.  death numbers can be hidden but they are far more reliable than cases.  so the death numbers will be better, not the same or worse.  the case numbers are meaningless due to the weak testing program.

    From the begining of the pandemic, I figured a good indicator was the number of times I heard the rockets going off in the local Wat denoting a funeral. Ah, well, the best laid plans … does not seem to be too many …?

  15. 2 hours ago, Thailand said:

    142 non Thai nationals over 80 were vaccinated yesterday at McCormick Hospital, Chiang Mai.

    Today over 75's starting with the most senior should now have received email or SMS messages with their appointment times. Only those with appointments should go for vaccination.


    For the record I am 75 and  registered via Expatvac and have not received SMS,

    email or phone call.

    I too await, age 74, successfully registered, heart issues. Hope for all of us ...

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