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Posts posted by mogoso

  1. quote] Unlike the enlightened west that has done so much to address the issue of illegal workers in places such as Southern California, Texas, and New Mexico. Australia has a world renowned attitude to illegal boat people, seconded only by that of the UK.

    The US attitute is similiar to the Aussies and Brits as far as boats or ships are concerned. You gotta get your boots on dry land to be treated to all the social benefits. Once here you can recieve free medical, WIC program to families with young children, welfare, prefrential tuition to Universities, housing etc.

    It matters not whether your eligible for some of these programs, the Catholic church will teach you how to game the system. No I'm not really knocking the church its catholics helping catholics

  2. The g/f's mum says it's very cold in Sisaket at night now ... about 16 deg. C.

    So much for Al Gore :o

    Could this be considered a negative slur on Gore's global warming? :D

    Some global warming inquisitionists have avocated making it a crime to deny such a proven fact (in their mind) :D

    Didn't a British court rule last week that nine statements in Al Gore's movie not to be fact. :D

  3. Size? I find some large shoes in Central, but only up to about size 12/13 - 48/50. Larger than that you need a cobbler.

    A cobbler! at times I think it's easier to get a boat builder (shipwright) to contain the feet I've been stuck with. :o

  4. I have stamps in my passport from all over the world and have never been stopped before usually they just say you sure travel a lot and I just respond with yup got the time too so why not and go on my way. This time however the customs agents were all retards with shaved heads and considered me guilty til innocent. I mean what right do they have to search files on a laptop? Thats like way invasion of privacy...all the reasons I will one day soon leave and never come back....I was held for like 45 minutes and was nervous for no reason and figured next time I will be a pompass ass to them...

    I went through MSP (Minneapolis/St. Paul on the flight from Narita)....

    I have to say get over it dude. Yes they do have the right, and have had the right to search your laptop and all items you bring into the country. Go ahead and be a pompous ass, it certainly won't speed up the process.

    When younger and with a shaggery image I've been stripped and cavity searched at departing as well as recieving airports on the same flight coming from Colombia to the US. Not a big deal, I hadn't anything that would raise stink, except the orifice they were giving an exam.

    I've found that simple politeness to any customs official in any country I've entered has always been a way to speed up the process. Smiles rather than attitute works for me.

    I did get a bit miffed when after being taken aside to the small room and questioned about why my cat wouldn't drink water that they offered him. I simply replied maybe he doesn't like you. Which was quite true with this animal, as he tolerated no handling by anyone but me, and the vet.

    On my return in August from Thailand I tried to pay my taxes on excess purchases being brought into the US, but they were so backed up he just waived me through after one question, which was I bringing any meat into the US. Dried squid and shrimp was what I replied. Welcome back he said

  5. Wow, your situation is certainly different from mine. No kids at home, but shared responsibilities. I make breakfast, no ones home for lunch, but my wife cooks wondereful Thai food most everynight.

    Occasionally I'll make Lasanga or Chicken Pot Pie or something other, but my stomachs very happy.

  6. Not only can I do it, I can lay my hands flat on the floor! But then I do yoga and Tai Chi and gym work several times a week!

    keep fit, do yaga!

    I can put my hands flat on the floor also, and I don't go to a gym or do yoga, but I do read Thai Visa. :o

  7. I was the first leader in the near 100-year history of Thailand to be not just democratically elected, but democratically re-elected. Under my administration,

    It's a shame that he never took history lessons either, i would hardly call 68 years a 'near 100-year history'. :o

    Well it's 68% thats close enough for gov't work :D

  8. My advice for you is this:

    1. Make sure that when she comes to LA to study English that she applies to a first-rate university with a full-time program. Otherwise she may have trouble getting a visa. My wife went to Columbia U. and had no trouble. We tried to bring over her sister at one point to study for three months at an ESL school and she was refused. Once you are refused she can just forget it in the future. So the stakes are high. As you have apparently realized, bringing her over on a student visa allows you time to get to know each other without the decision pressures of a K-1 visa. In the end if you two decide not to marry, you can feel confident that you have at least improved her situation in the process.

    2. Pay close attention to your girlfriend's needs. Does she want to have a career here? Or is she only looking to advance her English skills? When there is a big age discrepancy you have to work a little to remember what was important to you at that age. In our case, although it would be financially advantageous for me to retire to Thailand, if my wife wants to continue to pursue her career here, I will retire later in order to enable that.

    She will also need friendships here. Perhaps you can help her in this regard. You will spend more time socializing with younger people than you would have.

    3. Start learning Thai seriously. I have started and there are numerous benefits.

    Sometimes it makes sense to choose to play the small odds in life. On the one hand they may be the best odds we can get and, on the other, we can make the most of them by doing our best.

    Good luck to you whatever you decide.


    Your advice to the OP is on this subject is spot on and IMHO some of the best that I have read on this subject. Congrats on your successful relationship as you are a fine example of one of many of us farangs that understand some of the cultural and age difference issues and have done things right and found sucess and happiness with a Thai woman. :o

    I rather enjoyed the advice. My situation is slightly diffferent with a slightly less difference in ages. I knew my wife for a few years longer, not that I think that matters. I've heard it said that in the west people fall in love or lust first then marry, and in the east people marry for what ever reason, be that security, lust, even desparation, or whatever, then fall in love.

    We were in love, but I'm sure other factors entered in her mind in her decision. She had to sell her business and move to the US, we went the K-1 visa route and neither has regreted that decision.

    We have helped support mom and son in Thailand, but its been the same amount for 6 years and its not that much. My MIL is great, she handles our affairs in Thailand and stepson is a teenager and is a good kid, who will join us in the US when we return home in March after our vacation, of 6 weeks.

    My wifes english has improved, but was good when we met, and she'll correct my usage every once in a while.

    I think every situation is different, with different attitutes between the people. To paint with the same brush negative or positive outcomes seems a bit absurb or as I read a bit of bitterness from some. the poster who started this will have step carefully or soil his shoes with some of these replies, while in others he'll find somes kernels of wisdom or good advice.

    I myself hope he at least gives it a try, it may work or it may not, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, or lost.

  9. Looking for aviation mechanic school for my stepson. I know he'll need the computer training first but whats availible to him in Thailand, as he has an interest in computers and mechanics


    I assume you are from USA since you used the term aviation mechanic. I am a US FAA Designated Mechnaic Examiner and have been researching schools in South East Asia for future teaching opportunities. At this time there does not seem to be any aviation maintenance training schools in Thailand although one may open in ISSAN area in the near future. Having instructed in various parts of the world I believe the most valuable training is found in the USA or UK. Both have course that are recognized around the world, Thailand included. Taking the training in an engish speaking country will also be of great benefit. As for Thailand, contact the Chiang Mai Flying Club for the latest on training here.

    I've not come across any nonmilitary school, so it looks like the US is our best bet. Thank you all for the info imparted.

  10. Looking for a place in chiang mai that sells nice rich, authentic fruit cakes. Preferably with brandy or liquor in it :o anyone?

    I've found a large rock or a brick will keep the door from blowing shut, those fruit cakes are just too heavy to move around. :D

  11. When she reaches pension age she can get an NI number, without going to the UK. They said this could be done purely to enable them to pay her a pension.

    god bless the outstanding generosity of the selfless british taxpayer for services above and beyond.

    i am sure that they will be most gratified to know that people who have never set foot in the british isles will be able to draw a pension , even as pensioners in the uk , some of whom have actually paid contributions and taxes , struggle to exist on the pittance paid out there as an excuse for a pension.

    rule brittania.

    Wow! Britain sounds like one crazy country :o

    No crazier than the US. I've read of plans to maybe extend social security to Mexicans who may or may not have worked in the US. Its called totalization and it'll allow mexicans who have worked as little as 18 months in the US to recieve partial benefits. while as a citizen or legal resident it'll take 10 years of work to obtain benefits. their families will be eligible to recieve benefits also.

  12. One more season with no college football, it just sucks! At least we get a few NBA and NFL games. Oh, how I hate soccer and it is on 24/7 and they even cry when there favorite team from obscure league is not shown live.

    Appalachian State upset Michigan today, what a game that must have been. But what did we have to watch, stinking soccer. They should just put the camera in the middle of the field and watch the grass grow; it would be far more exciting.

    Miami beat Marshall, not a big win but a win. Let’s hope my home town team is back to the best team in the nation where they belong. Next week their at Oklahoma, wow, what a game that will be. And what will we have to watch, freaking soccer.

    About the only thing I miss is the sports on TV and the variety of food here. I would love to get a Greek Giro from a Greek Dinner. Or a real chili dog, a good pizza, a Philly cheese steak would also be great.

    Oh well that’s all for now, no college football, but we have stinking soccer every-day, all-day, never-ending, perpetual, it just so SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

    Have you any friends in the US? Get a slingbox and take control of their tv and watch whatever they can watch on your computer. Heard it advertised here for $129 usd must be cheaper at panthip if availible in LOS

  13. Can't think of anything particularly ethnic in terms of baby care, but there is a baby fair going on at Queen Sirikit Center this week with good variety and savings to be had. Going in tomorrow to pick up a pair of car seats. The normally $1000+ Japanese car seat I've been after (by Combi) is going for 30% off.

    Also, if you don't feel like hand carrying, you can just Fedex/UPS a gift and arrange it to arrive on the same day as you do... from babycenter dot com.


    $1000 , wow! What's so special about it? Is it like an escape pod strapped to an ejection seat , with it's own airbags and such?

    As soundman mentioned, it's just a well built seat. I'm not too happy about the price, but the quality is there (it's not like a "brand" inflated price in some 'fashionable' clothes or some brands of watches for example) and figure divide the costs for the two seats by 2 since it'll go through 2 kids (at least).


    I'll be a grandfather in a few months, and of course I wanted to get lots of stuff for the newborn. I wanted to bring some things over early in the month when I popped over for a few days, but my wife said it was bad luck to give a present till after the birth. So I'll wait until our return in January to bring and even purchase presents, bowing to my wifes superstitions.

  14. Since your personal association with the Thai lady in question is so strong and your interest in her welfare is so obvious, I think much of that "sponsorship" feeling would be lost by using a visa service.

    Going with her to obtain her visa, writing appropriate "sponsorship" letters and being available to answer any questions I think would only be a plus.

    As her traveling companions, your ties to Thailand only enhances her position, especially when you can swear under oath in your declaration accompanying her application that you have traveled with her to the various places documented in her passport and that she has always returned with you within the visa period.

    Keep in mind that it is her/your burden to convince the visa review officer that "she has a compelling reason to return to Thailand" and prior trips where she has done just that, backed up by your sworn testimony, does just that.

    My general impression is that visa services success rates are far less than the personal approach I suggest, especially when there is a declarations from two U.S. Citizen traveling companions who have traveled with her before.

    I would bring your passports to show travel on same dates and destinations as in her passports as a paper trail document.

  15. There I was just settling in for the live coverage of qualifying for the Turkish GP when there was an almighty crumpf from the transformer at the end of my soi, darkness ensued! Shit I thought, I'll just have to catch the replay later. Torrential rain is not conducive to repair crews rushing to the scene. The power was restored about half an hour later, when there was another almighty thump minutes later, yeah, it went again, and caughr fire this time.

    The pics aren't the clearest as it was ariound 6.30 and pretty murky with the rain. Oh well maybe I'll get a better run for the race tonight :o

    MM, The F1 will be as usual Mclaren/Ferrari duel, unless they wipe each other out. Turn 8 looks interesting. :D

    does this happen in other parts of the world- ie transformers catching fire due to a short?

    Im guessing that the fuses in the transformers should blow before the transformer catching fire, but my guess is that the repair crew whack in a fuse rated higher that doesnt blow before the transformer starts fire, who knows but transformers that pop is quite common here. Was in the Red Lion about a month back and there was an almighty bpooommmf - the transformer by Burger King gave up.

    It happens here in Georgia, generally it's a squirrel commiting suicide by electrocution. ###### inconvient to lose power over a tree rat.

  16. surely its not the nationality of ones partner which should matter. it should be how much you love her/him and how much fun you have together.

    the fact that one may be sexy to you in the beginning should grow stronger once you really know the person, no matter how their body shape may change as you move along in life together.

    i, for one, think a mans brain is far more sexy than his six pack.

    I gotta agree with you Donna, my wife and I have officially been married for 6 years and our marriage could not be stronger than it will be tomorrow as it grows each day.

    There is a 25 year difference in our ages and the only ones who care are old farang ladies here in the US. that we pass by when shopping. They can't get over how much my wife appears to be in love with me.

    We've the same goals with only minor differences that grow closer with each day that passes.

    I returned from a quick trip to Thailand last Tuesday and missed my wife terribly. She called twice daily and we really had nothing to talk about, but talked an hour or so each call. I stayed with her family and it was really good. Momma had built a little house next to hers for our use, complete with aircon western toilet and highspeed internet. She had saved the money we recieve from rental on our rice paddies and instead of using it for her use as we asked, she built it.

    I rented a car, but didn't bother to drive, as I let the niece who lived next door chauffer me around and do what translations I needed help with. I in turn took the family down to Bangkok for a short sightsee and took them shopping and to the Night Safari in Chiang Mai. I got real touristy there and had my picture taken with a cute little tiger cub.

    But as for my wonderful wife other than her yearly diamond piece of jewelry she wants nothing. She spends so little and saves her income for our future. I'm proud of my little village women, who when we met had her own business and was making a living at it, who wanted nothing more than to sell me products and not have a relationship, whom I wore down after a few years to go out with me, then only with her friends or family to chaperone, lest anyone get the wrong idea. No my wife is moral ethical and focused upon our future. should anything occur to me she'd go back to selling electrical supplies. But as I plan on being around for a while, I'd hope she'd just take care of the grandkids when that time does occur.

  17. About a year ago, I came back from New York with very heavy bags (even more than the Gold Card allotment of 40 kg). A good deal of it was kosher food and other products difficult to obtain here. The customs official stopped me, and I explained my situation. He showed me an English translation of the regs stating that only a "reasonable" amount of food could be brought in duty-free. I told him the background and what the cost of the food was (about 400 dollars). When he told me the duty would be 2,000 baht, I told him "if Thailand needs the money, no problem". We talked more, and he cut it down to about 800 baht, which, considering the amount of food was eminently reasonable. I found him to be courteous and understanding, and frankly, I was shaken by the use of the expression "monkey" one of the previous posts.

    I arrived a couple of weeks ago with two heavy bags a carry on stuffed to capacity and weight. I rolled on up and was asked what was in the bags, and I replied mostly Chocolates, a few cookies, lots of scifi books. I was asked where I was going, to my familys home to stay with MIL and stepson, who were calling to me through the door. He smiled and waved me through. Very pleasant experience in comparision to some of my returns to the US. I believe the kids in village will develop cavitities in short order.

  18. I go there Dr.Korakot is a cutie isn't She, speaks English & French perfecty and has a smile to die for :o

    I happily pay a little more than I may do elsewhere for that reason alone...I am smitten :D

    and She has to be LOADED :D

    I always wear my best shoes when I go there but they make me take them off :D

    I wanna know where they get those flip flops they make you wear. I use a size 14 shoe and cannot find a flip flop my size, yet they have one there to fit me.

    Additionally as a most happily married man, I must say I harbor a bit of lust toward the vivacious Dr. K :D

  19. - 17 August, Phuket, ThaiVisa BBQ with Buckwheat's famous ribs.

    - 18 August, Chiang Mai, ThaiVisa BBQ with Buckwheat's famous ribs.




    phew ! wish it was 17 August Chiang mai and 18 August phuket.

    I wish I wasn't leaving Chiang Mai tomorrow for the US, but on the brighter side I'll be returning for 6 weeks in the beginning of the year. Do you think that beer will remain cold till then? :D

  20. Well if you marry a white girl then this means you have an easier time finding bitterchoc girls to flirt with in the bars. If on the other hand you marry a dark girl, then it becomes a lot of hassle to find white girls. Variety is the spice of life, after all.

    and the grass is always greener on the other side ? :o


    I just haven't understood this quote, call me obtuse, call me stupid, call me inane on the other just don't call me as I'm not really a telephone person. But I digress I've looked at grass for many ways over the years and its always been from above. Now if I was looking at grass from below,ie the otherside how would it'd be green? wouldn't it be rooty and dirty. Hey If I was looking at grass from the otherside, I'd be dead. So I never wanna find out if grass is greener on the otherside as I like how it looks from here. :D

  21. Just ate there last night, not very well lit streets to get there but paid less than 700 baht for 5 people to eat very well. The fried shrimp patties are pretty tasty (2 orders). was disappointed in the seafood in red curry as it used to be served in half a coconut instead of aluminum foil, with a sauce not dried out. the steamed fish was real yummy, the tom yum khun was humnaeh(sound of my reaction not a word) the tom gai ok I didn't partake of the fried chicken feet (2 orders)and I was the only one drinking the Chang. Incidently if you don't want ice in your beer grab that bottle which is chilled and keep it outta the servers hands. I can drink beer cold or hot, just not watered down. :o

  22. Popping over to LOS for a few days so I won't have much free time to comparison shop for price and quality.

    I understand the washer I bought a decade past has gone to the old appliance shop in the sky. I seek a resonably priced washer with a spin cycle, not the cheap dual tub with a wringer attached to it.

    As my wife isn't coming with me this trip I gotta get it right on all counts or suffer her wrath when she and I return for 6 weeks in Jan. Feb

    Ok her wrath isn't hard to take, but I prefer to hear good job, to you go shopping baba bobo? :o

    I did the rounds of the usual suspects and worked out the best price for delivery and installation including modifying the plumbing to suit. On the day they came, unloaded it from the truck, took it out of the box and started to walk away. I stopped them and explained that the deal was to do the plumbing as was written on the delivery docket. Ahh no they explained - it was a mistake. Ahh right a mistake written and negotiated in Thai with additional expense for the plumbing. Too bad, so sad, never mind they said. Called the customer service number who told me that it should be installed but I would have to pay an extra charge over the additional charge already paid. Fine I said - turned to the guys and said "pack it up and take it back" Got them to endorse the delivery ticket that the machine was returned. Went back and got my refund and on the way home pulled into the little shop selling white goods and motor bikes etc. Asked them if they had the machine - no but could have it by the next morning. How much - price was lower than my negotiated price with the big store. Told them that it would need plumbing done - no problem no charge. Machine arrived next morning, they installed it, did the necessary plumbing and modified the electrical as well. Gave the guys a hundred baht tip each and then discovered that my machine was actually an upscale model over the one I had originally ordered. Went up the road to the shop and told them I thought I had the wrong machine and they told me that it was correct. Explained that the departments and discount chains get a bulk lot of older stock and discount them to sell them off. However the discount is on the full price and is not what they would normally sell for.

    Not saying that the discount stores aren't any good but so far my 2 aircons plus the washing machine have cost me less than what I could get them for at any of the big discount stores plus they send someone around every three months to do a 20 minute service on them for free. Works for me and I like supporting the smaller stores.


    Going to head out looking to purchase washer in a few hours, I'd like to go to this place as we're in a moo ban north of Bo Sang, but will go looking at Siam and two or three others mentioned here. If not today it'll wait for a couple of days as gotta pop on down to Bangkok for an embassy visit.

  23. Popping over to LOS for a few days so I won't have much free time to comparison shop for price and quality.

    I understand the washer I bought a decade past has gone to the old appliance shop in the sky. I seek a resonably priced washer with a spin cycle, not the cheap dual tub with a wringer attached to it.

    As my wife isn't coming with me this trip I gotta get it right on all counts or suffer her wrath when she and I return for 6 weeks in Jan. Feb

    Ok her wrath isn't hard to take, but I prefer to hear good job, to you go shopping baba bobo? :o

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