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Posts posted by mogoso

  1. click2delete, you're in a foul mood. You might read the forum rules about postingThailand so much. But don't expect your wife to enjoy tortillas.

    Tortillas, Que es malo con los tortillas?

    My lovely patient sweet hearted wife loves tortillas, tacos, enchiladas, its the people who are from there she doesn't like. Dirty is how she describes them.

    I plan to take her to Peru in a couple of years to show her Machu Picchu ( I think it's a place most should see before they leave the living) And we'll visit my inlaws ( 1st marriage) in Colombia. She'll see how the very rich live and when we go to my farm, she'll see how the campesinos live. But alas no tortillas in Colombia, rice potatoes and a meat are the standard fare for lunch and dinner with a soup. They do have arapas made of corn meal, a thick pancake that I guess could be a version of a tortilla. Colombia is a most beautiful land, populated with the some of the best people , but also with the absolute worst people in the world. sometimes its hard to tell who is who without a scorecard, but at that point it'll be too late.

  2. There is one thing that has really amazed me about the violence in the south and that is at least in the U.S. there seems to be very little knowledge of it. It was amazing a few months back I got an emergency e-mail from a friend in the states to escape while I could, seems there had been a teacher l killed on the south. Wonder where he had been when the 100's of others were killed, he simply didn't know.

    Effecting tourism I don't think so, for there to be an effect, it would have to be well know in international circles. Whatever the actual causation, Thailand has done well in keeping this out of the international eye.

    I don't have any answers for the south but things don't seem to be going well at all. I does seem very hard to believe that criminal's such as these can not be arrested. Anyone notice that if it happens in Bangkok a huge roar, the south just business a usual?

    There may be a huge message in that alone.

    The media bias in the US prevents the disemination of much infomation that would benefit the ideology of the present administration. When the voting record of media members is 90% for one party you'll likeky get slanted reporting. Major events will get a look at, but what they consider little stuff won't get a mention.

    Secondly due to political correctness much reporting of antiIslamic nature is not shown. Pre WWII and during WWII most massacres of Jewish, Gypsy, Gay and other groups were never page one news, always buried in the back of newspapers, never page 1. ( see" Beyond Belief: The American Press and the coming of Holocaust 1933-1943" by Deborah Lipstadt) Those from the UK might remember her being sued by David Irving and her resounding courtroom victory. But now as then the press hides it head in the sand or actually puts a slant on the story favorable to the injuring party rather than the injured.

    Mostly the media will simply say we've only so much time to report the "news" and have to select what will play best with its audience. After all they need to attract and keep their audience to be fair to their sponsers to have an audience

  3. [quote name='plachon' date='2007-05-03 condo?

    And just to show I'm not only discriminating against Israel, I also refuse to buy Chinese and US products as well. Nothing personal, you understand, but would rather not support rogue nations, human rights abusers, despots and slave drivers wherever possible. :o

    Now, back to my G&T on the verandah and that amazing Bangkok smog-set. :D

    I can understand that attitute, I don't like buying things from Islamic countries, I do buy some but try to limit it to oil. BTW where are you from? nothing personal just wanna return the gesture.

  4. I don't see how this is funny. The guy was driving drunk, fled the scene of a crime, damaged property, fled the police, had a weapon. He also wasted government resources in calling out a special unit to deal with the situation. This guy should be put in jail for a couple years. They certainly wouldn't let a Thai get off so easy. But 13,000 plus Thai work in Israel. Thailand is more about money than morality.

    Too bad it didn't occur in the US. You get more time in jail for animal abuse than child abuse.

  5. The ancient Pali texts describe this time period we are in as "Kali Yuga." It started about 5000 years ago and according to this philosophy, things, in fact everything just gets worse for the next aprx. 430,000 years until the distruction of the entire cosmic manifestation. If you believe that sort of thing?

    In this time period it is described that demons will incarnate as world leaders who appear to be human in form but they are in fact not human. Their only business is to create havoc. I think "they've got it down."



    The Mayas calendar have the civilization being destroyed in 2012. Time to say your goodbyes. :o

    As for 100 running when shots are fired, kind of a natural reaction to most. The loss of six lives, is certainly most regretable because of it. I wonder if any reprimands were issued? Naw I reckon naught

  6. One is owned by Gore the other is by Bush Jr. - who owns which will surprise you!

    I believe Gore has three of those large homes, but says it's ok as he buys carbon offsets. Interestingly he travels around making his speeches in a private jet, rather than utilize commercial aviation.

  7. My personal view is that until it becomes politically unacceptable to the majority of voters for big business to donate huge sums of money to any political party or person, with the obvious main aim of protecting their own interests, then nothing substantial will happen, either to alleviate the production and use of fossil fuels or to the other humanitarian interest, assisting poor nations to have the ability to feed themselves.



    What about large private donors? Soros group Move on says they own the democrat party in the US. Soros funds tens of millions into org. devoted to change the US gov't.

    As far from removing human caused CO2, put in back where alot of it came from, the cutting of the worlds forests and jungles released it from the plants. Lets just reforest areas, and after all isn't man is 9th on the emission of Co2 after the natural causes.

    I think I seen where acre of land could be saved in the Amazon for everyone who gives up eating beef. So if someones that active an enviormentalist or man made global warming stooge, give up that steak, or hamburger to show your proper concern.

    Many of the worlds scientists Russian, German (Planck Inst) Australian (Eastman is one I think) simply say the suns hotter, and I believe it. That idiot Gore uses nutitionists, social scientists, biologists, and any that an ist after his name. Very few are climatologists and none work for private industry unless you count those in universities whom gain monies to do research. Gores proud of saying this is the warmest in recorded history, and how long have we been recording and keeping records.

    Go back to the warming period at the end of the dark ages, where it is estimted the temp rose 5 degrees and the French wine makers were complaining about vineyards being established in Northern England. But that warming period dried up wetlands that diseases incubated in and help the rise of the middle ages. Crops could be grown longer, less starvation. More food more leisure, more time for invention and the arts.

  8. One MAJOR difference, in the US the governmental system of checks and balances is bringing these people to account for their actions. In the US there are laws prohibiting this behavior. In Thailand this ever happens. For example, if a US Merchant tried to double prices goods and services based on race and nationality he would be in court. They took the big insurance down for that policy a few years ago. In Thailand the word is, "This is Thailand".

    By the same token, I'm an international student in America. My tuition fees are always higher than those of state residents. Is that some kind of racism as well? Where are the US laws that prohibit this kind of behavior? I'm just curious. Or this is America?

    I grew up in arizona, went to the university of Missouri and paid out of state fees. State universities are first and foremost for state students. As for Katrina...the Mayor was help up in a posh hotel and refused to released the hundreds of buses to evacuate the affected areas...teh governor is head of the National guard of that state and she has to be the one to release the state national guard. It was GWB who, in affect, had to prod her to do so. She was expecting federal troops and not relying on her own state troops who there and ready. compare this to Denver had had those three Class III (the highest and worst, I believe) which could have shut down the state and destroyed it but somehow they managed. Or Florida which get hit every month, it seems, by a natural disaster and somehow they seem to manage it. Local government have the first responsibility to react because they are closest to the situation. As well, the President cannot acctive any national guard with a governor's approval and also must seek her consent to send in federal troops. There is a military base in Lousiana but the both the mayor and the governor did not ask for their assistance. How come the rest of the nation can deal with natural disasters and not Lousiana...because they are considered to be the most corrupt state in the union...corrupt police force...corrupt local governing agencies...ect. It is controlled by Democrats...what would you expect.

    Many states allow illegal immigrants to pay instate tuition even though they attended high school in a different state. America ya gotta love it, politically correctness at work in our poltically correct schools. :o

  9. "this kind of crime makes me think castration should be a legal punishment. if the guy had no balls, he wouldn't have wanted the girl to come to his table anyway- problem solved for next time. "

    The act of rape is not one of sex, per se, but of power. If you removed a rapist's testicles, he'd find another avenue to intimidate and manifest his control.

    That may be true, but it should give him cause to stop and think that there might just be consequences to his actions.

  10. If you are going to start tracking people shouldn't it be ALL offenders , not just child sex ones . Seems like you think its ok for murderers released after serving their sentence to be allowed free travel but not child sex offenders . Surely its fairer to be all or nothing?

    Doubt this thread will last long ...everything on this topic is always shut down pronto.

    Seems to local and federal police in the US, as well as a television show, entice the pedos pretending to be underage children, and arrest them when they show up for a rendevous. I think rather than track them on the internet, get them to show up in Thailand or where ever and arrest them and try them there. Gotta be worse than any prison in their own country, They could become somebodys biatch in the Bangkok Hilton.

  11. I am drinking fluids at above recommended minimums of 1.5 liters per day. I drink that in water alone but intrasperse it with gatorade (to replace the electrolytes) and orange, carrot and cranberry juices (also my cups of tea)


    Pain relief; apart from the normal pain killers you will benefit from getting whatever works for you, even in Thailand, strength wise, you will be looking to get semi restricted OTC pain killers, a letter from your doctor may help. Also despite doctors warning about not holding onto medication after the event, I keep and travel with a selection of pain killers and anti bios for situations just like this. I found sitting in a bath of quite hot water for hours on end great relief, this was the only way I could get any sleep for a few days.


    I've lortabs and hydrocodone ( samething I think but different doctors prescribed) for pain, but don't really like taking them except when necessary.

    I return in 10 days to hospital to replace the stent and maybe ultrasound the stone at that time, but will know more in 3 days when I go to my preop appointment.

    I took a antibioctic called nitroflur----- for severals days after stent was put in and of course recieved liquid cipro during stent insertion


    Generally once you have had a kidney stone you will have them again, like another post above you very quickly recognize the pain/symptoms. I know from pissing out some blood I have two hours before the real pain hits. You don't mention reading up on other web sites, I recommend you do, as you have passed blood the stone has moved, there is some risk of secondary infection from the internal wound. Having antibiotics to hand will help.


    I've read several sites John Hopkins, Mayo Clinic Kidneystone.org, wikipedia and others.

    I've change my diet no spinach, sweet potatoes, sesame candy and bagels, I can't get my wife to stop serving me chinese brocolli, she likes it and thinks its good for kidneys. I do drink alot more bitter melon tea, but most of the things bad for you I'll miss eating on a regular basis particularily raw almonds. But I will not give up my chocolates or cocoa, theres gotta be a line drawn somewhere.


    Kidney stones are not a modern illness, huge stones have been found throughout history even in Egyptian mummies. Some people (families) have just get them, diet will affect this - I have started avoiding uncooked dark green leave salads, spinach being a typical source. (( Although cause of stones varies. ))

    You don't mention sleeping around, and sorry to presume to mention this, however it might help someone else, after a stone has passed for a while you are at slightly higher risk from transmissible infections, as the stone bounces along the exit tube small cuts offer a path into the body for nasty things, <rude word> hurts too.


    No I don't sleep around, I've a very strong adversion to feeding the ducks (gulp)


    I understand that most reported back pain is in fact kidney related, a very scary thought, many people simply pass the fine grains without feeling the passage. My personal worst was a thin half grain of rice and a few bits, if you sieve the bits you can get them tested to see the composition, most are oxalate, this might help you identify what is the cause for you.


    As the stone is 6mmx11mm, even after ultrasound it'll be a rough time for a few days. I've already been given pee screens to catch the bits


    You have concerns about your treatment and don't mention any other tests. You NEED to make sure your blood pressure is "normal", there are other threads on this subject. Kidney problems can cause blood pressure problems that in turn cause more kidney problems, not called the silent killer without just cause.


    I do recieve adequate medical attention, seeing my primary physician twice yearly, the same for my rheumatology clinic. I've an elevated psa for many years, that has some concern but all biopsies have been negative so far, but during preop exam a lump was felt and they'll suss that out after the kidneys straighten out. My kidney surgeons are staff doctors from Emory University a very decent medical school here in Atlanta Ga, and the hospital is my local Veterans Administration, who do have the best equipment availible, and the most experience due to the sheer volume they handle.

    My blood pressure is at its winter worst mid 130's but will drop to 120 in another month as my business actually causes me to become active, drop a few pounds, and get in much better shape till it gets cold.

    Thank you for reply

    Silent Killer - (high) Blood Pressure

    Kidney Stones

  12. For me it's simple, my wife doesn't have a budget. She works and saves most everything she makes. I on the other hand pay all the bills. If she wants something thats in the perview of marriage, normal clothing expenditures, the odd piece of jewelry, the yearly diamond, thats mine to buy. Her work clothes, oils and such are hers to buy. Fortunately shes as frugal as humanly possible, while I'm just cheap. :o

  13. [quote name='george' date='2007-03-23 00:06:14' She said the three followed her on motorcycles and one of them used big knife to cut off her arm.

    Two other friends, Nirat Kongtham and Prasarn Bundok who allegedly assisted in the crime have not been charged with any offence.

    It is not yet clear on Thursday who chopped her arm.

    -- The Nation 2007-03-23

    I think forensics should give his motorcycle and his companions a good going over. I'd imagine a bit of blood might be on one or more of bikes Cutting off someones arm is liable to be a little messy.

    But I'd guess they'll walk with no charges being filed. After all if you can shoot and kill someone in a room full of witnesses, and walk away, whats a little thing like an arm. (said sarsastically)

    I feel sorry for the girl, probably just wanted to do the right thing, by not sitting with them.

  14. Horror Film Fanatic Murders

    Updated: 14:09, Tuesday March 20, 2007

    A 20-year-old cannabis addict has been found guilty of murdering two teenage friends in a frenzied knife attack.

    Horror film fanatic Tom Palmer was 18 when he stabbed Nuttawut Nadauld, 14, and Steven Bayliss, 16, in a country lane near Wokingham in September 2005.

    When the body of Bayliss was found a knife was still protruding from his body.

    Continued here http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-1256655,00.html

    I'd guess the horror films had a lot more to do with this heinous crime than the ganga the posting infers. Maybe 35-40 years ago the herb was a lot weaker than that of today, but can't imagine being stoned and cutting two people death. Certainly inconsistent with my memories of the drug.

  15. And eventually, muslims will win : all the boudhists civilians will leave the south.

    Do you really think they'll stop at the south. Been an awful lot of northern movement as far as muslim population is concerned. No they might end up with the south short term but thats not the true objective, which is a total Islamic state, then the world. Its been the objective for 1300 years, and when/if obtained what a stale barbaric planet we will become.

  16. Hardly draconian.... one rarely hears people say "I wish I had spent less time with them" when their parents pass away. It's a complete balanced cycle. Parents take care of kids when they are unable to take care of themselves. Kids take care of parents when they are unable to take care of themselves. Most would not like to admit it, but all humans are unable to take care of themselves when they are born and then once again when they are extremely old (and no, I am not referring to you guys and gals in your 40's, 60's, and 80's who still have the strength to click on the your automatic bill payment icon to transfer your pension payment to pay the rent for your room). Like it or not, we all eventually lose control of our bodies, no different from an infant not yet having full control over his/her body.

    Having a stranger take care of one's parents is just as irresponsible (and some would say cruel and unusual) as having a stranger take care of one's babies. Just IMO of course.


    Nicely said, Those of us that'll die of old age problems, will at the end be crapping in our beds and being fed by someone, totally dependent on what we've reaped over the course of our lives. If your family takes on responsibility, it'll be for their love of you, and what you've done for them. Your karmic kickback so to speak. If your family justs sticks you somewhere or you've no family and you end up under the care of strangers, I don't think the quality of your final days will be the same. Be a shame to end it on a sour note.

  17. "The group said they were not seeking political asylum in Malaysia, but wanted Malaysia to help stop the bloody violence that has claimed at least 2,000 lives in the three Muslim-majority provinces in southern Thailand since January 2004."

    Why not confront their own people who are causing the problems?

    From what I've read, the vast amount of specificly targeted persons aren't Islamic. Miscellaneous bombing are indiscriminate and kill or injury those caught in it. If Islamic and you die you become a martyr and have a special place with Allah. So why are they running away to Malaysia, if they die they get to paradise quicker, if they leave is their faith very strong? or are they trying to gain sympathy from non Islamics? Its all very confusing, do they really believe or is it a publicity trip.

  18. Thanks for link. Great!

    You welcome, I should've mentioned that some of the other countries universities taking part are in China, France, The Netherlands, and Japan . Truly a great resource in many languages, and how I'll spend a bit of time reviewing courses I would've like to have taken, but didn't need for degree, or was just to cheap to pay or didn't wanna take the time.

  19. I had the same thought when I first arrived in Issan. One crop of rice is grown a year - the rice paddy floods when the first rains of the season come and rice is planted. Later, it is harvested and the land sits vacant for a number of months.

    I thought to myself, water here is only 3 metres (10ft) down. It would be easy to put in a bore and pump water onto the rice paddies and grow a second crop (maybe even a third crop) each year.

    We could easily double (or maybe triple) production.

    The response from the villagers to my idea. One word (translated) ...... WHY ???

    I am now starting to think like a Thai person ... Life IS too short not to spend 20 hours a day resting in a hammock!


    Beans are grown on our paddies in the off season, adds nitrogen back to the soil and provides the farmer another crop. We get a cut off the rice and the beans, and the farmer does have a bit more income. It works out nicely for us as an investment. Rather it works out good for momma as we let her keep the cash.

  20. Borrowed from a Roman grave in Spain or Portugal

    " May the earth rest lightly upon thee" or

    There he was and now he's here

    Should not have drank that last beer

    Peeing in the street much to his disgust

    He got ran over by a big honking bus

    Mai pen rai

  21. 6x11 mm, cm, or in???? Good lord, a big stone no matter which units you use.

    I had a stone once and I thought I would die.... the only time I've ever thrown up simply from nausea resulting from pain. I've heard that women who have had babies and also had kidneystones say that the kidneystones are the only comparable pain to labour. Threw up once in the bathroom; thought it was a stomach issue- misinterpreted the pain as a stomach ache. Went to the doc's office; told them I was in incredible pain and needed to see the doc as soon as possible. He made me wait 10 minutes or more, and so I threw up again in his waiting room- it expedited the visit. Turns out that the stone was too small to break up; it was just allowed eventually to pass (drink LOOOOOTS of water!)- pissed through a tea-strainer for a month.


    In mm, although it felt like meters :o Doc told me to drink some gatorade also to replace electrolytes. Although I'm not to drink excessly as I'm not trying to pass an impassable object

  22. [quote name='h90' date='2007-03-15of cases known, he is there against any laws ever made, the complete Guantanamo thing is as illegal as german KZs. Red Cross is not allowed to check it (why?).

    But if you ask that way: No I have no proof that he was tortured, do you have any that he wasn't?

    But thats not much Thailand related.

    Lets see enemy combatants taken in the field of battle, put into a military prison, is that really illegal ? They're at Gitmo to recieve military justice, if taken to US soil the demos would demand that they recieve civilian justice. (Slap on the hand sent to bed without the dinner.)

    The Al Queida manuals call for when captured scream torture, (the looney left will believe it.)

    Islofascists have nothing but comtempt for all non Islamics, but even more for those surrender monkeys. Those who fight against them show a bit of manhood, those who capitulate are below the status of women, and you know where women stand in Islofascists eyes. You may revere your women and children, to them they make the best targets.

    As far as checking out Gitmo, Democrats have toured many times, nothing much going on there but what the internees cause.

    The American public would be happy to recieve the same level of medical care given to the inmates there. The Red Cross is an ok organization but some of the personel might be used to relay messages back to the inmates organization. They maybe captives, but intelligence gathering is oft a two way street.

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