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  1. It's an economy move. The sub comes without an engine and the frigate can tow it.
  2. “I’m planning to spend every penny and die broke. My last check is going to the funeral home. It will bounce” — Kevin Kelly (https://kk.org/thetechnium/)
  3. See Dr Jaruprot at: Bangkok Hospital Khon Kaen, Saturday 9 am to noon, make appt first --- 043042888 or Central Hospital Khon Kaen, Tuesday Central is a bit cheaper but you have to speak Thai.
  4. This country has an unworkable system (as if you didn't already know that). The correct time for deals, horse trading, maneuvers, etc. is prior to the election. Here, it goes on indefinitely after the election, to the point where it supersedes the election . If the process is supposed to implement the will of the people, the new government should be clear and cast in concrete immediately after the votes are counted.
  5. I'm an MIT graduate and spent 50 years working in electronics and computers. My wife and kids think I'm not smart enough to be the village idiot. They set out one day to buy a computer --- spent a huge amount on an old, outdated, used computer. About a year later, when the shortcomings were obvious even to them, they bought another one, this time new. Then the new one had to go back for various fixes and upgrades, none of which really worked. I was informed the other day, that it's time for a new computer. Any suggestion that I be consulted before the purchase is always met with the universal response: "you just don't understand Thailand". I guess I don't.
  6. Nothing to kid about. Main problem is difference in coefficients of expansion. As temperature varies over the years, tightly twisted wires work their way apart and start to arc across. Five to ten years and you've got yourself a fire. Some company markets a device that splices wires under tremendous pressure, enough to cold weld them. Also, you can buy special wall sockets, wall switches etc. that have a "CO/ALR" rating. The screw terminals look like regular copper but supposedly you can hook on an aluminum wire.
  7. Albert Einstein was once asked with what kind of weapons will World War 3 be fought. His reply: "I don't know about World War 3. World War 4 will be fought with stones".
  8. There is no "correct" answer. The law is whatever the person you are dealing with says it is.
  9. Let me join those saying this is not something to be done for lowest cost. From personal experience I recommend Rutnin in Bangkok. Ask for Dr. Sombat --- however, he may be retired by now.
  10. ADD ME TO THE LIST. Yes, after 2+ years of relatively trouble free operation, they appear to be on the verge of collapse. No point in going into all my sorry details here, THEY JUST DON'T CARE. E-mail gets only boilerplate response, and when an agent is finally reachable, the caller is treated as an idiot and a nuisance. Sure, there's a few folks out there who are yelling, "What's the problem? I don't have any problem." Give 'em a month or two.
  11. Walking around with "an object that looks like a gun", carrying 96 bullets, and taking the whole shebang to an international airport !!!!! Elon ...... here's your new CEO for Twitter.
  12. The so called "combination" method has never, to my knowledge, been clearly defined. I have always assumed that (12 x verified monthly income + actual money on deposit >= required amount on deposit) would do the trick. Usual disclaimers apply.
  13. My experience for simple extension based on money-in-the-bank, marriage, (yours may vary): Bank Letter: Establishes date from which funds have been continuously on deposit. Bank Book: Establishes that account is open/active on day of visit (account history not inspected). Bank Statement: Not required.
  14. Have it examined by a medical professional. Visiting here 35 years ago, I received an insect bite just above the ankle, which I decided to ignore despite several natives warning me that it looked serious to them. Sparing the details, let me just say that I still suffer effects of that decision. These folks really hate going to doctors. If they say you need a doctor, you probably really need a doctor!
  15. Using Transferwise for several years now, I have found them most uncooperative in resolving this issue. Transfers from the US sometimes arrive directly at Bangkok Bank and are shown in my local account as "International Transfer". Other times they pass through a "partner bank", usually Kasikorn, and are shown as "Transfer from another bank". The only control I have over this is to make the transfer for over 50,000 baht. This seems to force the transfer to be direct. How long this will last, I have no idea. Transferwise customer service is of no help, and frankly appears to be unable to understand what I am talking about, despite several communications.
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