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Posts posted by briley

  1. Suthep area of Chiang Mai - problems most days for myself and everyone else I know on TOT ADSL over the past 2 weeks.

    This is what I'm talking about. I'm in the same building as briley and I have had no problem.

    Obviously I don't know the Dan Sai Kid - stand up and identify yourself :o

  2. As a summary:

    Elna branches in Tesco (North) and Carafour, main shop opposite Kad Suan Kaew, seems to be the only place selling any domestic sewing machines.

    Everywhere else is selling industrial machines.

    The Elna machines do not appear to be current models and those I can track down are markely more expensive than UK prices.

    I was recomended to try Bangkok but think I might get from the UK next time I'm there - they only weigh up to 11Kg.

    Thanks to all.

  3. AFAIK and I would check with the DVLA site she can ride any sized motorbike for 1 year with no restrictions at all provided she has an international licence and her Thai licence.

    If staying in the UK for over 1 year she needs to take a test. I beleive that she only needs to take the riden test. If she passes fine, if she fails she can still continue to drive up to the end of the 1 year period.

    Personally I wouldn't allow someone who has learnt in Thailand to drive any bike in the UK - especially not if I loved them :o

  4. I did try the thai version of Google Earth, the pictures were different and more up to date of Chiang Mai but the program was more fiddly to use and not better pictures. Unfortunately I've lost the link and the program but it must be somewhere on Thai Visa from earlier this year.

    Have you tried MS's version?


    gives Chiang Mai and obviously Google Earth is MUCH better, but MS is MUCH better for my place in the UK than Google.

    Whilst Thailand can control it's airspace I don't think they have much success at stoping satallites taking photo's.

    PS Don't need Google to see the Thai airforce, they've just gone past my window!

  5. As an aside don't forget that if your bank uses a free-phone number (0800 in UK or 800 in many other countries) you can use skype to call them free even if you have no credit etc. Saved me a bit when I spent 45 minutes calling BT in the UK a while back.

  6. Yes, found out they make sewing machines in Lampun, but don't seem to sell them in Thailand.

    It is Elna opposite (almost) Kad Suan Kaew.

    Will continue wandering the streets and report back on any good findings. Thanks for all

  7. Because, LivinLOS, they send spam to obvious addresses, [email protected], Help@, info@, accounts@ etc etc. Then they just try a dictionary attack (especially on Yahoo and Hotmail).

    The company that handles mail to these addresses often sends all mail to the address you request for [email protected] UNLESS you ask otherwise, either specifically for an address or for 'all other mail'.

    I did try filtering these spam myself but it got too complex and I want mail to firstname (even if misspelt) @myname.com to arrive somewhere. Hence I send all mail sent to [email protected] to [email protected] and POP the un-spamed result into outlook express.

  8. I get over 70 spam e-mails a day sent to random addresses at my domains. To cope I now send all my e-mails from all sources to a gmail account and then download what gmail regard as non-spam.

    I now get 1 or 2 spam a day and have had no e-mails wrongly diagnosed as spam over the last 6 months.

    Cheap (free) easy once set up and effective control of spam.

  9. But google does not find the Elna shop (two branches) - and I would expect more than 3 shops in Chiang Mai selling sewing machines.

    I expected Central and Robinsons to sell them - but no luck. Wandering around Central plaza didn't find any suitable shop, but that place has many many 'hidden' shops.

    What I am interested in is people who knows shops in CM and have experience of the machines they sell.

  10. I'm looking for a sewing machine in Chiang Mai, so far I've found the Elna shop but I'm a little un-impressed by their range as they seem a little out of date. Will be visiting the Singer shop near Rimping Condo next week, but can't find anywhere else selling sewing machines.

    Anyone with suggestions as to where to look or which machine to buy - I want a reasonably good quality one.

  11. Thanks for all the replies,

    Found the food hall (level 1 far right facing the building from outside) - very good food, service and price. Open longer than DM airport food hall - still very busy at 9pm

    The family mart's are not as good as the 7 eleven but did have some stuff at good prices. Couldn't get next mornings breafast things - but their beer is slightly cheaper than the food hall (Leo for 23 against 30 baht).

  12. Our condo management do have the ability to get a court order to take over a condo who's owner is in arrears - mind they are not willing to go that far but the threat does keep the default numbers down.

    Naming and shaming can also work, if management are willing. Generally getting condo fees paid depends upon the tenasity of the management in persuing the problem.

    As others said look for a place that is in good condition, also look for a high % of farangs, not that they always pay!

  13. Fast4 increased their price between my post at 1423 and Trevor at 1830hrs. I had checked and was surprised at the price as I paid £6.99 a month two months ago!

    Yes they are bad at stopping taking continuous CREDIT card payments, hence I always change it to Direct debit and then cancel the direct debit.

    PS and to prove the change check this link

    That goes to the Google cache of the page from 28th September - not sure if the link will work?

  14. Do your own maths but I use


    for short-term internet, £5 a month unlimited.

    The only problem is they cancel rather quickly so I change my payment method from credit card to direct debit after signing up (use the credit card as sign up isthen instantaneous) and just before the end of the month cancel the direct debit and e-mail fast4 a cancellation. They always try to collect the direct debit but never succeed!

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