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Posts posted by briley

  1. I've always found that making recomendations about accomodation is impossible, what I like other hate and vice versa.

    My recomendation is turn up and book into a cheap guest house (there I will recomend Top North) and have a look around for a few days. You can rent almost on the spot and move in that day if you have a months rent and a couple of months rent for deposit in your pocket - say about 80,000 baht?

  2. Ethihad go to Abu Dhabi but have a terminal in Dubai and a coach transfer between the airpot and terminal. Should be about an hour as Dubai and Abu Dhabi are only 180Km or so appart and the airport is on the Dubai side of Abu Dhabi.

    But I have found that ofter the fare BKK to Europe via the middle East is almost the same or less than a fare BKK to Middle East. Why not look at Emirates to Europe that allows a stop over in Dubai in both directions? You might be able to tear up the Dubai Europe return part - or do a day trip!

  3. You can buy genuine citizenship of a few, small, countries but it is not cheap.

    Getting nationality due to residence is time consuming, rarely under 3 years.

    'Buying' one of the 'diplomatic' type passports advertised and you will be refused entry to many, if not most, countries.

    The countries you list have strict nationality laws, easier to get UK or US nationality.

    There is a swiss site that gives details for all countries but I can't currently locate it!

  4. Thought this thread was on SMTP - reading properly it says newfeed!

    There are a few free Text Only newsfeeds about. I use readfreenews, I think if you just click on this link it will open up in outlook express


    Thier web page is www.readfreenews.net - but having just checked they are refusing to let you sign up to post messages.

    Try googling for free news readers, especially in google groups as I know that this question has come up repeatedly on some of the UK groups.

    If all else fails there is an italian site, www.x-privat.org that I think is Euro10 for access and the old german site http://news.individual.net/ that used to be free but is now Euro10 per year but has an excellent record for text groups.

  5. I have always believed that you should send important documents of a small nature by ordinary post.

    Why advertise the fact that it is important, and not just Aunt Fanny's weekly letter, by registering/recording etc the post?

  6. bulmercke - BBC says @due to contractual rights the current programme on Radio 4/ world service is not available on the internet'

    They have the rights to broadcast live football, F1, forget what else on radio to the UK, but this has now been deemed to mean only the UK, so they can't stream it live on the internet.

    Note this is only for the LIVE sports content, all other programmes are streamed.

    I beleive they know you are outside the UK if you IP address is outside the UK, but this must cause problems for all AOL users as their IP address is in the US regardless of where they connect from.

    I am sure there must be a way around this problem but a year of research has got me nowhere.

  7. I have a QBE policy but got it initially from some guy in Hillside 4 - I have now lost his contact details. It is special for condo's and was not meantioned when I initially went to QBE, but they happily renew it. If they don't meantion it push for details. Costs 5,000 for 2 million of cover and includes personal liability in thailand, earthquake cover and damage caused by buffalo. Also all documents translated into English, although the Thai version is the legal version. By the way I don't think it is quite 'new for old' cover but replacement cover for theft etc.

    I went to Arriva (old CU) and a couple of other companies and found I could get cheaper cover down to about 3,000, but earthquake and other cover was often left out or cost 1,000 more.

    FOr me QBE gives the right level of coverage at an acceptable price. What they are like if you claim I don't know, but the manager does support Liverpool so should be OK???????

  8. Small correction to Albert?

    AFAIK your pension is frozen from the date you become non-resident if you are recieving a pension.

    If you become non-resident before you are retirement age (65 or whatever) then it is frozen at the rate due when you reach retirement age.

    But I would point out again that it is reasonably easy to convince the DHS that you live in the UK with all the benefits that that entails.

    (Incidentally I am not yet getting my UK state pension so you can't tell tales on me!)

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