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Everything posted by Captor

  1. Or put it down to 25 same as in the western world.
  2. It can not be fun to be an attorney or police in US!
  3. I wonder if original brake pads and other spare parts are used or cheap and ineffective copies? There is a huge production in certain countries (ex. Turkey) for copies. Especially brake pads that are not upto correct stadard.
  4. What are the government efforts? Someone know?
  5. So the farmers are allowed to burn if they are careful.... Karma!
  6. For discussions about air pollusion?
  7. Not menion who to enforce the same law there has been several years already. So I assume no one got the mission. So nothing will actually happen and in April the issue is forgotten again until next year...
  8. And then later on when tried that change their mind again and wants to transform back again. That is quite common.
  9. Or the air pollution. In that case the money would be for better health for ALL people.
  10. "Do not do to others what you would not want done to you”. The same goes for the Criminals ending up in that jail, right?
  11. No plans to prohibit and follow the law about burning? To easy?
  12. No, not the first time. And it did not help last tme as well. And not next year too.
  13. That pipeline shut just now i believe.
  14. Russia is still delivering huge quantities of gas to Europe! There are not many real sanctions in place against Russia unfortunately!
  15. Or protesting against the deadly air pollution....
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