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Posts posted by reggaebkk

  1. I am French and I think France is an old country, old mentality, unable to accept reforms to go ahead; first thing to do : kill the trade unions, especially the CGT, 19 th century mentality trade union which doesn't accept to loose it's own privileges ; CFDT is more opened and modern

    stop the different aids from the government and you will see many people will work, but the different governments are affraid by rail workers ( SNCF ) who are very powerfull and can ruin the economy ( they have many, many privileges and don't want to loose them )

    But saying French are lazy, please don't generalize, I know many people who work very much ( forget clichés, please )

    when you are old fashion, you are short sight ; no, France is not finished, but must be modern ( and must learn to speak English and not be turned to it's past history )

    Some truth in what you say but I think you are only scratching the surface.

  2. "US captured top IS chemical arms engineer" ...

    US have captured their own man? maybe that's how they make the shift rotation.

    Ah yes comments from those with the aeffection of "Extreme lack of knowledge"

    Ah yes, reply from the helplessly brainwashed... Aeffection?... right, great display of knowledge dude...

  3. France has been sabotaged from the inside since May 1968.

    But French people are so blinded by their pride that even today they can't see it and put the blame on a few puppets in power.

    They think they are at the tip of the spear of democracy and freedom while their system is the most corrupt in the world, mainly because their position at the UN is essential to global power control. The French (and I am one of them), are completely hypnotised and manipulated to the core, programmed for actioning their own self destruction, and there is no sign that it can be cured. France is finished.

  4. Nothing strange nor bad about that.

    The whole world has been dumb enough to give value to these facebook likes so now why should we blame somebody for buying something to which we have given value ourselves?

    He's just following the lead of the brainwashed masses.

    He should have instructed these Indian networking SEO companies to mask their IP though, that's a basic... That's where he should be criticized, that's really not a professional campaign.

    For the rest, EVERY politician on the planet and even some celebrity use the service of trolls, nothing bad about that, and if there is some bad, the most guilty are facebook users themselves for collaborating in this mass folly by plugging their brain to facebook every day.

  5. I believe that people who don't vote and never voted in their life are not subject to any law in their country of origin because they have never been made to agree to that mega-scam... so, in my country of origin, I think police has no right to keep my passport and no right at all actually.

    Now if I am in a country that is not my country of origin, I guess I have to follow their law and police can do what they want to me.

  6. That is fantastic. I the news in France we've been hearing how Algeria rule is tough, antidemocratic, islamist and so on...

    but it seems we have much to learn from them... we should follow their lead and give Basque, Corsican and many others the right to officially have their languages.

    French people think they are at the spear of freedom and democracy while we seem to be well behind the ones we point fingers at.

  7. What is Twitter? a Bird ??

    One of the many modern ways for people to exist more.

    Before people didn't exist, but now they can vomit their life on Facebook and Twitter, so they exist more, they are more important because they have a place in the virtual world, with their OWN URL... wow!

    Don't you know?

    If you don't have a Twitter account where you can prove that you live such an amazing life, you are theoretically dead... I'm sure you're sorry to hear that.

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