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Posts posted by reggaebkk

  1. Keep the peace? Oh, thank goodness, I thought they wanted to bomb the US. I feel so much better now.

    Respect? cheesy.gif

    I wonder if the NK people would agree with how their country is being run.

    Well actually USA is the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons. They used them after their opponents already surrendered and they used them on civilian populations.

    Since then the USA have engaged directly or indirectly in over 2 dozens major wars and invaded several nations.

    So my question is:

    How brainwashed are you?

  2. They have a point. THOUSANDS of Muslims have died at the hands of IS and Europe/ US have displayed no sympathy. Why should Turks be sympathetic to a few ( in comparison ) deaths in Paris?

    I agree very big! But not only that, Turkey has had around 12 terror attacks leaving over 150 dead in 2015 alone and I never saw so much as a Turkish sympathy bumper sticker on a donkey's bum.

    I am French (and Christian) and this whole sympathy thing makes me puke considering that France, holder of a veto privilege at the UN Security Council, is accomplice, passively and actively, of millions of death in the Middle East and elsewhere during the past 25 years.

    Now that the tiniest drop of poopoo hits the fan back home we see this whole marketing campaign for sympathy and war and it is disgusting, shame on my homeland!

    This is no France anymore but the ghost of a puppet.

  3. I have read many comments on here about Thai men (like taxi drivers etc.,) "ganging" up on a lone foreigners in a fight and it being labeled a cowardly act,.. at least this time the odds were a bit more evenly balanced. It has been my experience that dealing with 5 or 6 young men who may well be intoxicated is not an easy task....but in this instance the security are still being labeled as in the wrong. Maybe so,...but it appears (as in many other instances) the foreigner again is viewed as always being "the unfortunate victim"? Sometimes it seems, some people will always be seen as in the wrong, no matter what the circumstances (or so it appears).

    I understand what you mean but you are wrong. The bouncers are not customers, it is their job to handle drunk customers and keep their cool, even if they are provoqued and should be able to keep control of themselves even if they get roughed up.

    Their mission is not to hit back but keep the peace. We know that a certain proportion of patrons are not easy when drunk, it is part of the job, afternall it is the nightlife venues who sell them the alcohol.

    The bouncrrs duty in case of provocation is not retribution but cool handling of a difficult situation. Even with violent customers they have to control, diffuse the situation and not hit back, never, at worst call the police.

    What we witness here is pure thug street fight with clients who dont seem to want to fight back. There is no professional justification for it and they all should go to jail for 1 to 3 months, even if they were provoqued, triple if they were not.

  4. Poor kid just happens to be born in the wrong country...in an unnamed country...he would become an instant cult hero...offered free tuition, food, housing, and transportation...book deals, make the rounds of the morning news shows and become the star of his own reality show...

    Heaven forbid if he was an illegal alien...added to the above would be healthcare and a monthly income...

    You must be talking about France... But what you forget to mention is that in France NGOs would help him sue the university, the police and the taxi drivers for damages... Poor kid, being forced to steal from the hard working class... where are his human rights?
  5. Does anybody know if that also applies for people living in Cambodia and going to Thailand for shopping from time to time?

    There has always been a rule at the border that disallows entry to Thailand with a simple border stamp if the passport holder has spent more than 90 days in Thailand during the previous 365 days, and/or also limits the number of border stamps allowed per year.

    I have so many stamps (Cambodia/Thailand) in my passport that I am always been scrutinized when going to Thailand and threatened to be refused entry, but when they see that I only go for a couple of days and that the total number stays is less than 90 days, they let me through.

    I also have a yearly visa for Cambodia and a valid work permit.

    If somebody has more information about this and can tell me if I will be rejected next time, please tell me, I have to go to Thailand for a few days at the end of the month and it'd be good if I know upfront.

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