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Posts posted by terryp

  1. Agreed. But still better than a few years ago. And better than the prostignations of many who said the US was doomed! LOL

    If you think all is well i think you need to read a lot more; what-ever your people in the US are telling you.

    Why is it that the US Fed (you know the place that issues all the treasurys for their member collegues of the US banks to buy) are having to buy back all the treasurys being sold secretly via a front agent in Belgium???...yes everything must be wonderful LOL

    almost 20 trillion in debt and almost 100 million with NO JOBS..................thats why they a swamping the country with all the immirants like the EU..its a planned take down and that includes the $

    just because a few more people have part time seasonal jobs for the holidays at Target and Walmart means nothing

  2. They are talking themselves into this totalitarian globalist corporate takeover… do it and they are finished. (only 1 silver lining thai law will be overridden by International law and that will get very interesting)giggle.gif

    A big clue to what the TPP is, can be seen by Chinas total rejection of the idea

    TPP, TTIP TISA are all main parts of the UN Agenda 21 policy signed by 176 Countrys (inc Thailand) in 1992at the Brazil sumit..................people wake up <deleted>

  3. rubbish as usual ....people want their freedom, Liberys and HUMAN RIGHTS not a Military dictatorship that will kill anyone , if I wanted that I would be in PDRK

    The Only reason they have lasted so long is because so many thais are locked to their smartphones brain-nummed up on MSG and basically cant be bothered...then something will happen (can be anytime from today but almost guarenteed within the next 5 years) and then all hell is going to break loose

  4. No warrant required? Just a carte blanche invitation for the police and intelligence agencies to access all ISP data on its customers? So much for the UK's privacy laws and the scraps of a British constitution. Might as well dump democracy while they're at it.

    Desperate times require desperate measures, maybe better than getting a leg blown off. I'm afraid we have made a rod for our own backs in the UK!

    What garbage you have been brainwashed just as planned ; Benjamin Franklin once said:

    "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    That quote often comes up in the context of new technology and concerns about government surveillance.

  5. been planned for years thats why China has been buying so many tons of Gold to back the Yuan ..whatever people may think China is in control for the next 2,000 years...Egypt, Roman, Great Britain/US now China..its the Age of Aquarius (all connected ..this is also why Christianity is dying as the Age of Pisces is almost over... the scary thing is that Issslam is next to take over)

  6. If they cant give hospitality in the hospitality business then they should quit.

    It makes absolutely no difference what the girls occupation is as she was trying to book a hotel room for her partner (with HER I.D), this made her the customer of the hotel not her boyfriend.

    Unless there is a sign at reception stating we do not accept room reservations from suspected sex workers then what right do the 2 morons have for even refusing her let alone trying to beat the crrap out of her?

    As this was Pattaya I expect the ex-receptionist will be paid a visit later in the week by some motocy taxi guys, that will explain more easily why 2 big boys (questionable) dont kick the ..... out of girls beatdeadhorse.gif

  7. the sooner this buffoon and his Junta go the better ...by the time he's finished I might as well be living in Europe, the speed of the removal of freedom, liberty’s and human rights here is frightening.

    And as for the TPP well this man is braindead..just look at the demos in Europe against the TTIP ...ITS A MASSIVE Corporate TAKEOVER OF YOUR RIGHTS dont fall for all the BULL ...its the first step to AGENDA 21 (of which THAILAND was a signatory along with 192 other Countrys at the UN in 1996...this has been planned for decades)


    Forgot to add ..the Single gateway is all part of TPP …so they can monitor IP and copyright ..all downloading of digital media and Sat TV over internet will be gone or priced so high that many wont afford the service..DONT BE FOOLED BY EVIL they want absolute control over YOU the DEBT SLAVE

  8. the poor guy most prob had the heart attack from the crowd BANGING ON SIDE OF THE AMBULANCE...as reported on Thai news

    why in 2015 a serious heart problem must be transported from 1 international tourist resort to another almost 200km is beyond me...the money from tourism should provide the finest in medical facilitys for locals and visitors ...oh sorry forgot this is the third world

  9. if thailand is stupid enough (yes they are) to join this first step of Agenda 21 then they might as well shut down the country ..it will destroy trade.

    expats here will be falling over themselves to get out of the place as daily life will change dramatically... I could go on but PLEASE spend 30 minutes today reserching the TPP (what you can actually find out about this secret agenda)

    then look at TTIP and TSIA... this is the NWO one world everything ...as i say its all into the UN AGENDA 21; 192 Countrys AGREED and signed up to it in 1992 and now its full on to implement it

    this is scary stuffbah.gif

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