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Posts posted by terryp

  1. Straight answer NO; not a chance in hel ....just from my experience over the past 5 years from the supposed top Hospitals in BKK ..I now go straight back to europe...most of them cant diagnose a headache here let alone serious life problems…they let the machines diagnose then tell you what pills to pop..or say it could be cancer (that has been told to me 3 times in the past 5 years) …finally told it was a disc problem on my back!!!! …its ridiculous bah.gif

  2. Just another load of garbage spouted by witless buffoons..and that covers many both on and off ‘tinternet

    It is painfully obvious that the Hotels/guest houses, private renters etc INSIDE this messed up place are not doing their guest/ rental agreement notifications as required by Thai Immigration rules.

    This guy had ALREADY LEFT thailand …he was in Cambodia for <deleted> sake

  3. it looks like the TAT is going to flip out with the 2016 tourist death rate, there has been approx 9 in Krabi province alone in the past 2 weeks!!!!, I will never set foot in this place again it is manic the worst holuday i've ever had in thailand, the roads/speed are insane, not to mention the sea with all the HUNDREDS of speedboat tours blasting around at full speed (it is like all the thais here are on a death wish)

    sad for the familys of all the Deceased but i will just says something ....THIALAND IS NOT SAFE, whatever you are told by tour agents (or what many on here believe)

  4. the new scam to promote a new miracle vaccine for a virus that was discovered in 1940…all the hype about small headed baby syndrome …a grand total of 6 have been born in Brazil with a POSSIBLE connection to mosquitoes

    to put this into perspective 25, 000 yes THOUSAND were born with this in the US last year with NO connection to mosquitoes

    WHO have now declared this a Worldwide emergency …. Its laughable

    The problem is Pesticides and GMO crops…but the big money behind these just make up a fake problem to safeguard their profit …sick

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