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Posts posted by terryp

  1. good to see all the tough and hang "em high TV member’s up early on a Sunday..

    Many obviously dont understand the ACTUAL job of Bar/Club/Disco Security ...it is to protect the customers and the property, it is not a fitness training centre to see how many people you can hospitalize or Murder each night.

    IT makes no difference what the CUSTOMER supposedly did …it is the Job of the Security to contain and manage the situation with minimal body contact or force….end of

    This is why in most countries Bouncers have to be registered and fully ACCOUNTABLE for THEIR Actions…..Assault is Assault in any country ..its just places like here; that look at NON Thais as inferior to basic Human and Legal Rights

    These clowns should be prosecuted for Attempted murder ..no less

  2. Finally the people are waking up to what’s basically a huge take over by vested interests.

    while here in thailand they are sleepwalking into the other disaster of the TPP.......................

    Next TSIA negotiations will be announced to control ALL your money in the World

    these are serious times people it will have huge implications on your life and most certainly on your children’s

  3. “You can’t have people attacking volunteers and just walking away. It sets a standard that no one wants to see on the streets, and then no one will want to help as a police volunteer.

    LOL is this guy for real this is Thailand....other nationalitys rights are zilch here and working in Patong where the hell has he been, its like this every night there.

    500 baht is the price he will pay for your smack on the head..i hope you wake up and realize you are basically wasting your time

  4. will it enable registered mail tracking to continue after Suwanabhumi as many dont get updated.

    will I now be able to send plastic bottles containing safe liquids in the new padded box..as now they wont accept the box if it contains any bottles liquid (even if padded and surrounded with poly chips) blink.png

  5. everytime i fly from swampy when i sit ion the seats across from the airline check in desks (where they sometime have cars on show), if i sit for longer that 30 mins using the wifi i guarantee that i will be approaced at least every 10 minutes by people asking for money to leave thailand ..Indian women , Russian men, so many europeans I've lost count...I no longer sit around there as its a pain and I am very aware they are possibly pick pockets too..one very European big guy (fat) has been doing this for 3 years that i know of blink.png

  6. "Thailand could be a more active partner to the UN"

    How about standing by the agreement that thailand signed up to when joining the UN, that requires thailand to respect ALL peoples Human rights inside the Country....they , have a long way to go

    As for the elections "possibly" in 18 months time!!!!!! ...I wont hold my breath bah.gif

  7. They are obviously shipting themselves that something is going to happen

    Registration of SIM , talk of internet Hub that will require registration no doubt, free wifi everywhere as long as you provide your passport number, AOT passport security check on International Passengers starting Nov and Now Finger prints required on all borders.

    Have these muppets every thought the huge problem the have IS ALREADY HERE they are THAI, it is simply laughable.

    The bloodbath taking place in the SOUTH OF THAILAND for the past close on 20 years show how wonderful the crime fighters and military are in this Country of "we must register everyone to protect ourselves" LOL ...no you are panicking at whats going to happen when the big event takes place hit-the-fan.gif and it wont be the wicked falang.

  8. from the FBI website ..posted for the Thai Police as they obviously dont know:

    "International terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

    • Involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
    • Appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
    • Occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum.*

    "Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

    • Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
    • Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
    • Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.

    * FISA defines "international terrorism" in a nearly identical way, replacing "primarily" outside the U.S. with "totally" outside the U.S. 50 U.S.C. § 1801©.


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