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Posts posted by terryp

  1. Sadly accidents do happen, and as Thailand is officially pressing ahead to become the Hub of all “Accidents” it is only natural that the more educated members of TV suspect something fishy.

    Many foreigners here have serious financial problems and so many stupidly burnt all their bridges back in their home Country’s; so when in such despair life looks worthless.

    Hope he had a good end of life here however the end sadly camewai2.gif

  2. From the very moment a tourist sets foot on this land he pays TAX ...its called VAT @ 7% yes i know on some items you can claim it back but NOT on the vast majority. Especially bar fines, night ladies fee, pre session dinners and alcohol oh also on temple visits plus you cant claim it back on tours, beach chairs , jet ski (additional fees) etc etc

    Who remembers last years brain wave that went no where ...Tourist hospital Insurance

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