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Everything posted by garrya

  1. Not sure whether I smell sarcasm here or not. A Large number of relationships break up. Sometimes we can't fix what has broken.
  2. Ok, I haven't seen that 80.000 requirements anywhere if based on Thai partner.
  3. I didn't mean that. I meant the Permanent Residence status that costs 7600 baht plus 95700 baht after successful application.
  4. Another thing I have found that I am probably eligible for Thai Residency Permit. It seems that I can tick all the boxes. The trouble is that application period starts in December. Will pay a visit to the local immigration to get more details.
  5. Wow. I haven't known about this. After a quick search it turns out that work is not allowed on this type of Visa though. But anyways, I don't think she would have a problem with this to be frank.
  6. Thanks for the lot of positive contribution. It seems that I could narrow my options down to three options. 1. Trying to get employed to get Non-B (rather unlikely but not impossible) 2. Sorting out my work permit and convert the business to a limited partnership as quickly as possible (somewhat more probable) 3. Using the tourist Visa option to keep coming back and get married to a Thai woman. (easiest way but rather inconvenient)
  7. Ok, understood. And sorry for being vague a bit, so let me rephrase. What if I meet a woman and she has a child that needs support and also there is intention to get married with her eventually? The thing is that Thailand is my "home" and I have got nowhere to go. I have got no work history in my home country so going back is impossible. Hence, I am looking at the options and want to get all the relevant information to make a plan.
  8. Unfortunately, we haven't got children. But it's a great point. What if there was a child that does not come from the missus?
  9. Yeah, absolutely true. I didn't want to go that way but now I have no options. Thanks mate, great advice again.
  10. Then non mutual divorce is a great way to stay longer. Pun intended. However, we won't have trouble sorting things out. But the business is a problem as lot of money is sitting in stock and products are being manufactured nonstop.
  11. So I will have to apply for a temporary stay of up to 30 days if I am not mistaken. Not sure if this information is correct.
  12. I have enough money for Non-O or even the retirement way if I reach age 50, but that Visa won't allow me to work even in my own business. Tourist Visa at least gives some time to sort things out. I have constant flow of money from our business and that's enough to live comfortably. The problem is that I used to work for a company that screwed up my work permit and I have been struggling to get a new work permit as the officials refuse to issue one due to previous employer not reporting me correctly. I have been chasing them for a year now but still no development. It's a joke that I can prove yearly tax reports but it's not enough lol. Would be possible to convert the business into a limited partnership but the missus may not want to help with it. The other "marriage" was a hypothetical situation but possible after a couple of months if I am not mistaken.
  13. Thanks, this is useful. Will need to find a company that is willing to go through all this hassle.
  14. Ok, I understand this. So basically I'll have to leave after papers are signed, won't I? If not married, no work, no large investment, is tourism the only option to enter Thailand again? How much time will I have left after divorce docs are cleared?
  15. Dear all, I'd like to get some advice regarding my rather inconvenient situation. A bit of a background: married to my Thai partner for 12 years. During this time I have spent roughly ten years in Thailand. Had jobs and we have a business now that is doing fairly well. Unfortunately, cracks have appeared in our relationship and it seems that divorce is gonna happen. Due to my age (47), and somewhat limited funds, it seems impossible for me to relocate to any other country. I have not had much employment in my home country and there aren't many people who would stand by me if I had to go back. And to be frank, I would like to stay in Thailand forever as I made it my home. I speak, read, write in Thai, follow traditions, understand the culture etc. I have bank accounts, tax history, insurance history ... Are these just gonna become useless? If I am not mistaken, in case of divorce, I'll have limited time to stay here and will have to leave Thailand. How does this work? What if a new marriage comes into the picture? Will have to start the process again but I must leave first? What visa options are available with limited funds? Can I just keep coming back on tourist Visa? How many times a year can tourist visa be used to come to Thailand? Are there any law firms that can give me advice? Note that I am also searching on the internet to find answers but information from knowledgeable and experienced people is invaluable. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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