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Posts posted by smileydude

  1. So much cynicism in thaivisa.  Guess its because most of the residents here are experienced old timers who have been around the block or two and probably been shafted a few times.  Yeah, most Thai cops are incentivized to work with rewards, I've experienced it when my house was burglarized 3 times, but there are still some good cops around so maybe we should give them the benefit of the doubt and hope that they are able to solve something as complicated as this case.  I pray for a miracle to happen but am afraid it looks pretty grim for the mother whether it happened in Thailand or any country for that matter.

  2. This is one of those posts that incites the "them against us" mentality.

    If those who committed the crime actually said they were sorry for hurting Thailand's image and tourism wouldn't it seem obvious that it was a script prepared by the TAT?

    Crimes occur everyday against tourists in all countries and Thailand is not an exception.

    The only exception maybe being that victims (if still alive) are required to point their fingers at the culprits and for the culprits to say sorry for hurting Thailand's image and tourism.

  3. From one vantage point it can be said that the military are nit picking or bullying people who disagree with them.

    From another it can be seen as a strategy to contain and control regardless of public opinion.

    Its pretty obvious that Sombat is not just trying to make a living but instead trying to send a message that buying rice at a price higher then the market rates is fine as long as your helping farmers. He equates farmers = poor but the problem with that logic is not all farmers are poor nor are all poor farmers so while you may be getting the popularity votes you want from this policy your not really solving the problem of income disparity.

    The rice pledging scheme was undeniably an economic disaster for the country.

    If you want to help the poor and lessen the income gap between the haves and have-nots most economies rely on mechanisms such as minimizing jobless rates and increasing minimum wages and/or the median household income. Problem is Thailand is still what the WEF Global Competitive Index calls a group 3 country that relies heavily on labor intensive manufacturing where investors would just leave in droves if we say bumped wages to 360/day. We are not a group 5 country where R&D has pushed us to be highly innovative to the point that high minimum wages can be justified.

    Sombat may have good intentions towards the underpriveleged and the poor but he needs to do his homework and come up with more economically sustainable ideas instead of such simple minded activism.

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  4. Accidents and deaths are a sad part of life and my condolences to the family of the policeman.

    Initial facts seem to point to both being at fault.

    One for speeding and the other for the sudden U-turn but we really weren't there or part of the investigation so any assumptions would just be pre-judgemental.

  5. Its obvious a poll involving only Bangkokians is hardly representative of all Thai's and the justification a weak effort at best. Its all about security and containment of threats in which the military could care less of what others think. The power struggle has and will always be there. The claws are still there, just retracted and waiting to pounce and the military knows it, thus martial law. A lot of importance is being placed on the hope that ammending the constitution will bring about cures to many chronic problems, including those brought about by populist policies. We'll just have to wait and see but right now the referee has both sides sitting in the corner waiting while they re-write the rules.

  6. If there is any indifference its probably because trying to make ends meet is more important then political ideology.

    When you have more on the table then you need such as in highly developed countries, you usually have the luxury to ponder all the idealism you want.

    Pheu Thai has always appealed via populist agricultural subsidy policies ensuring acceptable levels of income, thus their popularity in Isaan, nothing more.

    Its more a wait and see attitude. If any new government can offer them decent livelihoods why stir the hive?

  7. We often prefer short cuts and this tends to cause us to overlook the many underlying causes of low sex drive that might be the culprit such as:

    Psychological issues: Anxiety, depression, stress.

    Relationship issues: Lack of connection/chemistry with your partner. Lack of communication of sexual needs and preferences. Past experience of breech of trust/infidelity problems. Unresolved conflicts or fights.

    Alcohol as too much can spoil your sex drive; the same is true of street drugs. Smoking decreases blood flow, which may dampen arousal.

    Fatigue. Exhaustion from caring for young children or aging parents can contribute to low sex drive.

    Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease can all affect our sexual desires.

    Prescription meds like antidepressants and anti-seizure medications.

    Menopause. Estrogen levels drop during the transition to menopause. This can cause decreased interest in sex and dryer vaginal tissues, resulting in painful or uncomfortable sex. At the same time, women may also experience a decrease in testosterone — a hormone that boosts sex drive in men and women alike —which may lead to decreased libido. Although many women continue to have satisfying sex during menopause and beyond some women experience a lagging libido during this hormonal change.

    • Like 1
  8. Extremism has and will always be a part of human civilization. It cannot be stamped out.

    At best we can lessen it with more tolerance, less racism and meddling geopolitics.

    When constant discontent becomes hatred it only takes a small group to lead it into fanaticism.

    I wish there was a way to give this more than one like

    I am humbled by your kind comment. I just returned from Paris today. I heard ambulance sirens again in the evening just to find out 2km from where I was staying in Montparnasse that another policewoman had been gunned down by automatic fire.

    Sadly for all of us, humans find it much easier to hate then to have empathy and compassion.

    • Like 1
  9. I agree with Sheryl's advice. It seems this doctor was overzealous in trying to stop your coughing and insomnia with a quick fix.

    Prednisolone is usually reserved as a last resort for post-viral allergic cough, that is the actual infection is gone but there is an allergic reaction.

    A Post-viral cough can sometimes last for months after infection resulting in prolonged bronchial hyperreactivity. This type of cough, which can be thought of as "temporary asthma," can usually be managed with inhaled steroids and/or a bronchodilator. For chronic cough a short burst of prednisone (40mg qD x 5d) may also be used when antibiotics are initiated. I wouldn't diagnose your case as either chronic cough or post viral, yet.

    It would be better practice for the doctor to try to use a codeine-based cough suppressant first plus maybe a mild bronchodilator such as meptin before jumping straight to steroids.

    He should have also advised you to avoid prolonged exposure to cold air eg. sleeping with the A/C on and also the use of a humidifier to alleviate your cough/bronchospasms which are triggered by both dryness and cold temperatures.

    Avoiding dusty areas and any kind of allergens would also help.

    As for Valium, I don't know how serious your insomnia is but I believe we should always use medication as a last resort.

    First we have to determine whether your sleep cycle is disturbed because of your sleeping habits and correct those first.

    Do you sleep and wake up at the same time regularly?

    Do you tend to oversleep on the weekends to compensate for lost sleep?

    Do you exercise late into the evening?

    Do you drink alot of caffeine, coca cola or alcohol late into the evening?

    (Contrary to popular belief even though alcoholic drinks tend to make us drowsy you often end up with poor quality REM prolonged sleep).

    Its normal for us to sleep less as we age and to also wake up in the middle of the night more often.

    Having the occasional difficulty sleeping and true insomnia require different approaches.

    Of course coughing will disrupt your sleep but it shouldn't warrant the immediate use of sleep medication.

  10. Lawyer jokes aside, the guys human and it could be anything from financial to health/mental problems.

    Its clear as daylight here that empathy and aging seem to be inversely proportional.

    The effect of living in the LOS seems to make people cynical and hardened perhaps due to constant scams by gold diggers and cheap value of life here.

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