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Posts posted by smileydude

  1. 2 hours ago, ThaiCitizen said:

    He's usually on his way home from a 12 hour shift and looking for a quick fare. If it's in the opposite direction he doesn't want it. Chris, it ain't rocket science. Quite right PM.

    Yes this is usually the reason but it doesn't make it right.  Either you turn off your meter/taxi available light or be prepared to accept passengers wherever they need to go.

  2. Its really not protocol to show such emotions thus the amusement of onlookers but monks are too highly regarded here in Thailand per se.

    Most are just people like us, not eunuchs, not saints.  Only a few have reached true enlightenment or are strict practitioners.

    Many are seeking peace or enlightenment while others are trying to redeem themselves e.g. ex-convicts, people with HIV etc.

    A lot do it in the belief they are giving good blessings to their mothers which is admirable but they do it for a week or month at most.

    To me monkhood is just a ritual unless your truly seeking enlightenment and then you deserve the respect and I am saying this from a perspective as a Thai.  I never donate money to temples.  I prefer to support needy children because donating to temples is expecting blessings for oneself in the afterlife which is not truly giving in my book.  

    Research ( http://www.bangkokpost.com/print/1057729)  has shown Thai people are generous, but that generosity is donating 75 billion baht a year mostly to temples.  I'd wish they would instead donate to education,  orphans, abused women, HIV foundations, prison reform programs etc.

    Naive and wishful thinking I know but one's gotta have hope.


  3. 21 hours ago, Sooo Upto Me said:


    The guy is a business man he should know that u don't leave ur passport with anyone. Obviously he owed a lot of money to someone.

    Another dodgy farang so called real estate developer over here.

    No sympathy from me.


    I have to agree that no one can force you to hand over your passport except for your own government but if it was trickery then that's another matter altogether.  I don't know enough details to pass judgement but does anything that has to do with business really worth dying over?  Reports say he was agitated.  Was he drinking heavily or under the influence of drugs?  That's the problem when your depressed and turn to such means of dealing with problems that often don't end up well because your judgement is clouded.  I know ThaiVisa is full of seasoned cynics but a lot of comments r just plain cold as we really don't know what led up to this except that a guy is dead.

  4. Hey, we're men and a nice pair is always tempting but once you decide on getting a wife it kinda requires us to avoid such places and go for the old granny massages otherwise we risk the saying "hell hath no fury like a women scorned".


    My advice is if you want to live a long and peaceful life avoid such temptations at all costs or either get a divorce first if you can't shake off these temptations.  There are no secrets in life and one thing tends to lead to another.

  5. Really feel sorry for these immigrant workers.  I suspect she was targeted because the perp knew she was from Myanmar (accent etc) and assuming the high possibility that if she was an illegal she would not dare go to the police to report it or at worst if he killed her the case would be less rigorously followed up without relatives to push on it.  This Thai mentality towards migrant workers is both racist, opportunistic and unjust and we as thais should be ashamed of it.  I hope he gets his karma payback as I don't have high hopes on the police unless women's protection rights groups and social media follow up on it.

  6. The big retailers are not convinced because they believe online shopping in Thailand is still rather limited to less expensive items like brandless clothing, decorative jewelry etc. basically anything that if you were ripped off you wouldn't feel stupid or gullible.  

    Thai's still prefer to see the real thing and their belief of the existence of consumer protection is about as true as Santa Claus.

    Couldn't  blame em, online customer service here means long waits on hold, answers that don't help and lots of passing the buck.

    I'll stick to eBay and bricks and mortar for now, thank you.

  7. The person filming says that the driver of the white sedan (Thai dude with the bat) cut in front of the Farang motorcycle and almost caused them to fall thus the woman was probably trying to take a pic of the license plate to report it to the police?? (That would be for nothing).

    The person also goes on to say that instead of apologizing it was embarrassing to see a fellow Thai act like a thug.

    I have to agree.  Pulling a bat on a woman is pathetic.  

  8. I'd recommend a skype video chat first if your the careful type.  If they're genuine they won't avoid it because as much as we'd like to know they're anything like their pics so would they.  Also chatting reveals a lot about a person if you ask the right questions.

  9. As much as the death sentence sounds more then deserving for someone who doesn't even deserve to breathe the air we breathe, unfortunately Thailand has not carried out a single execution  in over +10 years.  There are thousands in the so called death row but they know they will never be executed and some are actually given royal pardons like the 2 doctors who chopped up their wives/gf's and flushed their remains down the toilet are now free.  What's the use of capital punishment if you never intend to execute anyone?

  10. I'm sure Nat will be demonized for being a gold digger etc. but Harold's a big boy enough to know what he was getting into.

    Its not as he was forced at gunpoint  so its just an exchange of goods to them.


    I don't know why she wants to get a boob job.  If I recall correctly they were fine as they were.....but I am getting senile so don't quote me on that.

  11. 15 hours ago, smotherb said:

    well, perhaps those types are the only farang who come to Thailand--maybe a closer background check by immigration on all farangs entering and especially those living here is necessary



    10 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    Hey. Fair go with the generalisations please. Maybe you should re-phrase this. Sodomists, really? By sodomist do you mean gay/homosexual men? Are you saying that gay men shouldn't be teachers or are you saying all foreign teachers are the same as this low life? Ridiculous post.

    Please re-read the original article.  The perp was quoted as having a job as an English teacher and is wanted on charges of sodomy with a 5 year old child.  I don't know the sex of the child and sodomy does not necessarily imply homosexuality.

    My post is not meant to be homophobic.  It is meant to address the problem of the hiring of English teachers without doing criminal background checks as in the case of Jack Hall.  It is because of your jumping to conclusions that you may have found my post ridiculous no?

  12. No Toyota options?  Honda's are great but cost of parts and maintenance are higher then Toyota's and if you look at the reliability rankings in the US they have fallen down the charts (assuming that the Honda's made in the US are of even better quality then the ones made here too).  Toyota's have the most service centers and fairly decent resale values.  Downside is they're common and bland.


    Ever consider the Suzuki Swift?  Best seller in Japan and that probably says something since the Japanese have so many choices.

  13. 20 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    More likely to be hiding in plain sight.  No need to worry about extradition treaties, since he is not wanted for any crime in Thailand.

    Last I read, even though the wife/brother of the deceased has accepted a 3 million baht compensation and dropped charges the police have still charged him with reckless driving and homicide and a warrant is out but how seriously that warrant is pursued is another thing.

  14. Unfortunately she chose the wrong place to have a "real" massage.  I don't think its our job to second guess her judgement other then when you go to the trouble of laying a complaint to the police, its their job to take everything seriously (if it breaks the laws and in this case attempted rape cannot be taken lightly) until proven otherwise.  I'm sure a lot of foreign women, (I doubt men) are naive to what desires may lurk in many a Thai male's mind concocted from watching too many Hollywood movies and porn.  Tread carefully white females, though Thailand is a relatively safe country, if you put yourself in certain situations it can turn bad really quickly.



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