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Posts posted by smileydude

  1. What BOI and Thailand needs to do:

    1. Remove protectionist regulations but with a gradual clear timeframe allowing enough time for local business to develop international level competitiveness.

    If you keep protecting certain businesses they will never be motivated to evolve competitively e.g. worker productivity, skill-appropriate wage hikes (versus continually depending upon cheap labor), innovation, efficient production and management etc.

    2. Promote Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by removing the all the barriers e.g. tariffs, taxes, bureuacracy, setting up special economic zones etc.

    3. Develop your workforce efficiency and productivity through better educational systems. Germany has long emphasized vocational training rather then a University degree as the skills attained are highly specialized, direct and less wasteful of resources then a liberal arts education that results in having no specific skill-set. Imagine everyone spending 4-10 years in college versus a 2 year engineering vocational degree where you have a high degree of technical skill in a specific production process. It might not look fancy or "entitled" but it gets the job done and done well. Look no further thenthe level of QC in the German automotive assembly business.

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  2. You need determined, tenacious and strong-willed women to lead the way for women's and children's rights which even in the 21st century are being blatantly abused.

    Having a well-known public profile tends to help the cause immensely.


    I have followed Boom's recent activity concerning the punishment for rape and believe her outrage to be genuine.

    I'm not sure if she wants to do her part or become seriously involved in the cause.

    If she does I just hope she doesn't become a Paveena 2, where sometimes the sense of self-importance and power becomes your cause instead.

  3. Another typical example in life where anger never solves anything.

    Like the saying goes,

    "Before you speak let your words pass through 3 gates:

    At the first gate ask yourself: Is it true?

    At the second ask: Is it necessary?

    At the third gate ask: Is it kind?

    In this case:

    Bicyclists says to motorcyclist: "Your a <deleted> retard running into me!!"

    Gate no. 1: The truth; Does our level of intelligence correlate with making correct decisions 100% of the time?

    Gate no. 2: Is it necessary when your an angry confrontative person, need to let off some steam and being physically larger think you will be safe?

    Gate no. 3: Must our kindness always be mistaken for weakness such that we fear loss of face?

    Ever since I've watched "Frozen" the theme song "Let it go" has been stuck in my head.

    Maybe we should sing it to ourselves when we're angry.

  4. Many women who park in Lady Parking are afraid of the male security guards who have the benefit of:


    Knowing the layout e.g. blind spots from cameras, exits and escapes etc.

    Having the legitmate convenience of scoping out potential targets.

    Often being the only person around when women exit or enter their vehicles.

    Tempted everyday by watching unaccompanied women walking around pre-occupied with texting or chatting on cellphones entering/exiting their cars without observing their surroundings.


    Unless they employ female security guards its a possibility waiting to happen.

  5. IOL surgery with phacoemulsification is free for all people under the Universal Health Care program.

    The difference is the lens used are manufactured in India and cost around 700 baht.

    If you can afford it you can pay an extra +5000 baht for lens made in the US from manufacturers like Alcon.

    Most of that extra we are paying is for the quality of service and the competence of top specialists but at the end of the day its still relatively the same results.

  6. What producer or writer would commit career suicide by changing what sells?

    Same goes for all those gruesome photos splattered all over the front page of Thai newspapers.

    Mainstream thai society has this distasteful love of graphic displays of death and portrayals of heroes semi-forcing his affections on the heroine which in the many parts of the world is also present but limited to tabloids, niche horror magazines and

    B movies.

    Perhaps censorship and age appropriate control of access?

  7. Power is like electricity in the atmosphere. Don't use it and it just hangs in the air, unseen and unused.

    Use it abusively it can strike like lightening, start a fire and burn everyone including yourself.

    Power relationships are full of surprises. When leaders with good intentions begin to believe they ARE their role they hold themselves above the rules, begin to use resources according to their own beliefs and values and expect to held above contempt.

    Almost anyone with power will become corrupt if in a power role long enough.

    The best judgment is sticking to the principles of law, order and accountability.

  8. The 21st century is full of technological paradoxes.

    We have the radar and communications technology to differentiate and identify between the imprint of a boeing 777 and a fighter/military plane.

    We have SAM's that can reach 72,000 ft.

    Yet we shoot down civilian planes.

    Cause? Stupid humans.

    Not surprised if we are the cause of our own extinction.

    Makes you want to pound your head against the wall in sheer frustration at the utterly senseless loss of life that should never have happened in this day and age.

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  9. Weapons and ammo like this are expensive and it takes a few common elements to have such a cache.

    Connected to influential people like local politicians, Kamnans, Nai Amphurs, high-ranking police and army personnel etc.

    Being wealthy like a politician (or his sons), drug lord, gambling den owner and all those hi-so brats.

    Most of us know that all those Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche owners all carry guns because they have both money and know people.

    Silencers are a step up and can be obtained if you "know the right people" who are usually those in the armed forces, police and customs etc.

    It is a well known fact that Panthongtae, Thaksin's son was an avid shooter who tried his hand at IPSC.

    Chalerm's sons are fanatical gun collectors themselves with one of his son enlisting as an officer and undergoing sniper training with special forces.

    Their cache is legendary but they would never get arrested.

    My point is anybody who is a big shot/legend-in-his-own-mind most likely has a similar cache of weapons and packs heat.

    Its sort of the small phallus compensation thing to feel powerful and above the law so best not to go all road rage when you see a rich kid in a fancy car blasting his horn at you to get out of his way. I saw a german gentlemen get all furious at a porsche owner for cutting his superbike off who went ballistic by walking up and yelling at the guy only for his face to turn pale when the dude opened his window and stuck something at him.

    Ruins gun ownership for legit people who enjoy the sport but Thailand is still all about who you know and what you can pay.

    Condos around Chidlom are pretty expensive. Unfortunately for this guy someone ratted him out.

  10. So why does it take 10 years to bother to thank someone who was so important to your family? Call me cynic, but this is just hype press for no reason. And what??


    I understood that they were just young children 10 years ago and now that they are adults have the means to travel and thank them personally.

    I'm sure the Thai couple will be very happy to see that the young children they helped have grown up and become a productive part of society.

    Pay it forward everyone.

    • Like 2
  11. Since people here on TV love generalizations here are some:

    Korean men are know for physical abuse of women.

    Thai athletes and thai's are known for being less disciplined and lazier then their East Asian counterparts.

    Bad combination of kimchi and pla-raa?

    If this was a solitary incident I think its nothing more then a combination of a memory lapse and a blown fuse.

    Kick her off the team for forgeting?

    Kick him off the team for ill-tempered physical punishment?

    How about evaluating how they both are MOST of the time and not just in this particular incident.

    If both the coach and athlete are super-talented then maybe they apologise to each other and a stern warning that this cannot happen again otherwise its out, is a more constructive solution.

  12. A lot of things in this world cannot be explained. Just because we cannot logically rationalize it does not mean it does not exist.

    As a scientist I believe there are forms of energy that we are unable to detect with our 5 senses.

    I prefer to keep an open mind and take these unexplainable phenomenon for what they are, unexplainable.

    I will not use these unexplained phenomenon to make decisions so much so I do not use reasoning and common sense in living a normal life.

    All I know is that a few hundred years ago we knew nothing about molecules, microorganisms, infrared, microwaves, bipolar and personality disorders etc. so I wouldn't be suprised when we discover life on other planets in the next few decades and are able to detect energy forms previously unknown to us. Heck we don't even know how the brain exactly functions so we know very little about what forms of energy could cause human behavioral changes as seen in the OP's post.

    Modern medicine now suspects Werewolves could have been those afflicted with hirsutism and Vampires people with porphyria. Try explaining that in the 14th Century.

    Supersitition and accepting we still have much to discover are two very different things in my mind.

  13. For the Brazilian players the will to win was never truly there, only the will not to lose in front of a home crowd.

    Like a weakened patient (Neymar and Silva missing), the first goal dazed them.

    The second goal stunned them into disarray

    By the third goal they were in total shock and incoherent.

    After the 4th goals it was like watching zombies running around without any form of consciousness.

  14. Killer found incoherent with a history of addiction to Dormicum (Midazolam)?

    Side effects of taking midazolam include anterograde amnesia (unable to recall or remember anything that happened AFTER taking the drug)

    "In susceptible individuals, midazolam has been known to cause a paradoxical reaction, a well-documented complication with benzodiazapines. When this occurs, the individual may experience anxiety, involuntary movements, aggressive or violent behavior, uncontrollable crying or verbalization, and other similar effects."

    Despite the reported side effects I would think you need motive.

  15. Typical reaction to focus on the obvious end factors and react to them to please the public when in fact the SRT and the whole system should be focusing on:

    Criminal record checks of new employees

    Yearly mental evaluations and random spot drug testing

    Strict enforcement of work ethics and quick decisive disciplinary action when broken (not the mai pen rai attitude)

    Risk management e.g. both passenger and operational safety

    A lot of sexual offenders and drug users come from broken families and were molested themselves when young. This is not absolute or excusatory but statistical.

    Its time Thai's changed their pre-conceived notion that these problems are personal/family problems which causes these offences to be under reported.

    State agencies such as the Child Protection & Welfare agency need to step up their game in terms of intervention, counseling and long term evaluation of victim mental health and well-being.

    The difficulty in prohibting internet pornography viewing by minors and the depicition of sexual violence on TV also ingrains misleading stereotypes and values.

    You have the nip it early in the bud (early childhood years) to root out these kind of problems plaguing society.

    Society needs to focus on family/child upbringing and address the balance between work and life. If all we do is work and throw the responsibility to nannies, relatives, grandparents and teachers how much have we done to be caring responsible parents?

    Its really sad to read something like this happening in the 21st century in a scenario that should be relatively safe for children.

    This did not happen in a remote soi. The abduction happened in a sleeping carriage within sight of many potential witnesses.

    What does it say about the mind of the killer/rapist? Sends chills down my spine.

  16. Another moral of the story.

    When you marry a thai girl you marry the entire family, relatives and inlaws and all their problems included. Sometimes you marry the entire village if it is close knit enough.

    Best to just smile, keep your opinion to yourself and remain immune by feigning ignorance to culture and language.

    Continue hiding and give your wife a nice back rub when she's done.

    My conspiracy theory is that the lights are set in a way that we are not allowed to continously zoom at 120km non-stop so that we are tempted to stop by the numerous 7 Elevens along the route (Thai's love eating all the time anyways). Good for business.

    Unwanted travelers is a tough one to avoid. Besides the suggested motorcycle as transportation another option might be to try not bathing for a week before going to weddings. I think freeloading hitchchikers would avoid the "farangmobile." Of course your wife would have to take her poy sian inhalant with her.


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