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Posts posted by smileydude

  1. 51 minutes ago, mark01 said:

    Some people must be proud to be Thai.


    Money or not, let's hope on this occasion these scum get what they deserve.

    Why do they do things like this? Because they can and get away with it.



    This has nothing to do with being "Thai".  It's just thuggish behavior that often appears when your roaming around in gangs.  It happens all over the world eg. The biker gang who beat up the bar owner in Chiangmai etc.

  2. 5 hours ago, Valentine said:

    I don't recall ASEAN ever making a firm commitment on any foreign policy.

    They won't because the Asian style of foreign policy is "We don't butt into your business so don't butt into ours".

    ASEAN are not as ideological as western countries because most of them still have developing economies and really don't have the luxury or clout to think beyond keeping their economies growing and people happy.

  3. Germany figured this out decades ago with their high proportion of 2 year vocational graduates with specific skills like welding, machine tooling, etc and low number of liberal arts and PhD graduates who are mostly required in a limited number for academic research.


    The Thai education system separates kids in the early secondary years into science and arts.  The smarter kids go to science and the lesser to arts.  The science kids aspire to become doctors, dentist's, engineers and accountants while the art kids go for Law, political science, communications etc.  Thing is the system pigeonholes what they should pursue instead of allowing them to find out what they are really good and what has the best prospects in the job market.


    As a interviewer I once asked a newly graduated doctor why he wanted to pursue cardiology.  He said he found it challenging and prestigious blah blah blah.  I would have loved it if he said "The subject matter comes naturally to me and I feel the work ethos fits my character."

  4. She will be found guilty otherwise the coup will have been for nothing.

    An appeal will be lodged and she will self-exile herself to Dubai with the consent of the junta to leave without incident.

    Backroom negotiations and agreements are common to find a way out for both sides.

    If you look back at Thailands political history you will see losers in power struggles are often asked to leave the country in exile rather then jailing or executing them.  

    This tends to works because Thai supporters are less enraged as long as they have not been treated with cruelty.

    As for puppets, muppets and nominees contesting the next election, well that is another thing.

  5. With the information you have so far there could still be many possibilities:

    1.  She is NOT PREGNANT and her period just came late.  Let's wait for a pregnancy test.

    2.  She is PREGNANT and its not your child.  Get a DNA test to confirm this before you make any decisions. You will need to provide a DNA sample somehow.

    3.  She is PREGNANT and its your child.


    Ask for evidence THAT IT IS YOUR CHILD.  Give her the benefit of the doubt before assuming she is milking you but don't do anything until fatherhood is confirmed.  When I mean don't do anything is, don't block her, don't accept any responsibility.  Play it cool but gentlemanly.


    Now if it is scenario 3 you will have to decide, which I feel should not be based on legal rights, but your decency of being a father on what support you can muster.  I understand you feel that you used protection but these things do happen and leaving her to take care of the child alone is not the right thing to do.


    I hope its either scenario 1 or 2 for you.





  6. Unfortunately cars always win over motorcycles in accidents but in the opposite spectrum in most cases (for some illogical reason of the association of motorcyclists as poorer kin and unable to bear any accountability) vehicle drivers are often slapped with fines and being judged the guilty party.   

    Personally I'd rather be guilty then dead.  RIP to the two unfortunate young men.  Motorcycles and driving in Thailand do not bode well.

  7. 21 hours ago, Dakhar said:


    I am portly, but so is my sister-in-law.


    Once I was sitting down for dinner, eating some carbs (can't remember exactly what it was).   The sister in law said...   "Falang eat "x" that is why he is fat."   I said, "Yes you are right, but why are you fat?"      



    She hasn't commented about my physique after that.


  8. As you may have guessed by now in Thailand it is culturally okay to jest in light fun on how chubby/fat someone is.  

    Like how acquaintances often (or in your unusual case complete strangers) comment on your weight or figure and that your supposed to take it as a kind of paradox sadistic/adoration-compliment/joke.

    From a western perspective you'd be quite surprised how thai people take no personal offense (compared to how they take everything else personally eg. constructive criticism) when commented on their physique but this is usually limited to people they know.  

    Many a thai have learned the hard way how quickly it can turn ugly if they tried that with a non-thai and my kudos to you and everyone else who are able to take such clashing of cultures in stride and empathy as confrontation in any culture is usually not productive.

  9. On 8/18/2017 at 11:30 PM, tryasimight said:

    How is this intersection any different to any intersection......anywhere in the world?

    Some intersections are designed as roundabouts as commonly seen in the UK.  Other intersections have flashing red lights for the road that needs to stop before merging to warn them besides the stop sign.   Some intersections have road bumps for vehicles to slow down etc.

  10. 8 minutes ago, wvavin said:

    What a waste that the pick up driver is not dead. This means our roads are still not safe when he is back.

    If you look at the video you will see from the lane markings the pick up truck was on the main road with right of way.  The tourists were in a cross lane that needed to stop first before merging.  

    I don't think its a waste anyone's NOT DEAD, nevertheless.  

    Our roads are only as safe as drivers obeying laws + enforcement + road safety design.

    Unfortunately in Thailand we are lax in all 3 areas and then some.

  11. This incident and also the one where the thai foreign exchange students plunged down a cliff in California shows that what is supposed to be a joyous vacation can rapidly turn fatal as driving in unfamiliar places without knowledge of the roads and driving habits of the locals is a high risk hazard in itself.  

    Best is to drive defensively:  that is to be more alert, aware and at speeds slower then one usually drives.

    Looking at the video and lane markings its clear that the pick up truck was on the main road and had right of way.  Unfortunately intersections like this are an accident waiting to happen.  RIP

  12. They should be fined if they violated park rules knowingly,  if not then a warning.   Many people do not read signs and the excuse that someone did it first therefore I can is a common thai mentality.  

    This social media witch hunt reeks of a loss-of-national-face/pride thing akin to cyber bullying with a dash of vigilantism has been totally blown out of proportion and a downright waste of time when we should be calling out corruption and other more important things but I guess some people have nothing better to do then to beat their cyber warrior drums to feel good about themselves.

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