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Posts posted by smileydude

  1. Some pretty vile people in charge of the Peacekeeping Center. Usually you'd want upstanding compromise-minded people taking helm but as you can see the government does not intend to end it peacefully so they bring out the pit bulls.

    The Emergency decree has some interesting legal sides to it (differing from the Security Act)

    1. Law enforcement are not liable for their actions and people cannot sue state officials, unlike the security act in which liability for your actions is still in place.

    2. The Security Act still allows for protests, the Emergency decree bans it completely with no more then 3 people being allowed to congregate publicly. So if your pub gang of 5 are out talking in the wee hours beware of getting arrested.

    3. The Emergency acts authorizes LE to surround, contain, search and arrest at will, unlike the Security act which still requires reasonable just cause and search warrants.

    4. At the end of implementing the Security Act the government is required to hand in a summary report to Parliament for scrutiny therefore all acts must have a clear work plan and objective. The Emergency decree does not require any report.

    So as we can see this is a draconian measure legalizing lethal force that is unaccountable.

    very informative, however would like to see a source cited

    Sent from my tin can via string

    As requested:

    Internal Security Act


    Emergency Decree


    Oh and btw don't forget there is still one more last resort

    Martial law


    This part of the Emergency Decree really needs to be reread to the PM

    "The Prime Minister shall have the power to appoint competent officials to perform duties under this Emergency Decree and to carry out functions under laws which have been transferred to the powers and duties of the Prime Minister under paragraph one. A person appointed as a competent official shall be deemed to have the powers under such law"

    Oh sure Chalerm and Toad Face are competent. <deleted>

    All of this of course is hardly justified as I haven't really seen any violence invoked on part by the protestors except for the inconvenience of blocked traffic and of course for government officials not being able to function.

  2. Some pretty vile people in charge of the Peacekeeping Center. Usually you'd want upstanding compromise-minded people taking helm but as you can see the government does not intend to end it peacefully so they bring out the pit bulls.

    The Emergency decree has some interesting legal sides to it (differing from the Security Act)

    1. Law enforcement are not liable for their actions and people cannot sue state officials, unlike the security act in which liability for your actions is still in place.

    2. The Security Act still allows for protests, the Emergency decree bans it completely with no more then 3 people being allowed to congregate publicly. So if your pub gang of 5 are out talking in the wee hours beware of getting arrested.

    3. The Emergency acts authorizes LE to surround, contain, search and arrest at will, unlike the Security act which still requires reasonable just cause and search warrants.

    4. At the end of implementing the Security Act the government is required to hand in a summary report to Parliament for scrutiny therefore all acts must have a clear work plan and objective. The Emergency decree does not require any report.

    So as we can see this is a draconian measure legalizing lethal force that is unaccountable.

    • Like 2
  3. Casual about it?

    Hmmm, I've never heard of a woman not getting jealous about her hubby/partner getting his kiks (pun intended) from another lass unless:

    She really doesn't give a rats ass about him except for his being a convenient ATM machine and wants someone to lessen her workload.

    She is also gettin "some" elsewhere thus wants to even out the blame if found out.

    Entrapment with video evidence to force a divorce and proceed with splitting the booty which she is entitled to but never earned (she will never admit to encouraging it of course).

    She wants to start swinging

    She is into Menage a Trois

    She's a liberal

    • Like 1
  4. Pattaya is becoming less and less habitable.

    Locals stealing from Tourists. (druggings and muggings)

    Tourists stealing from locals (think ATM scams)

    Now tourists stealing from tourists?

    How the hell are we supposed to enjoy each other's company if we have to be paranoid all the time, unless of course it's a pre-paid agreement.


  5. Our rapid economic growth has us now classified as a high middle income country.

    Most of the income is in the hands of few and most have been left behind, take a look at the income disparity.

    This isn't the case in most democratically suave countries.

    When your basic needs have been met and you don't have to worry if you will have breakfast on the table tomorrow you have more time to ponder equality, ideologies, corruption and injustice.

    When your poor and hopeless all your thinking about is feeding yourself, your family and making ends meet so you will vote for whoever can give you a free handout (think vote buying, populist policies like the rice scheme, universal healthcare coverage).

    Thailand needs to spread the wealth by removing the oligarchy (mostly landowners whose primary income is rent).

    Who are these landowners? Politicians, Senators, Aristocracy, Military& Police elite, Palace, Established family conglomerates etc.

    Land taxation and inheritance tax comes to mind.

    This has been proven to work in many countries when it comes to spreading the wealth.

    Fighting to promote people who are only up there to serve their own interests and that of their allies is useless.

    Thaksin takes corruption to a whole new level.

    The Democrats just don't get it and will never appeal to the poor.

    We need more choices.

    Wake up people.

  6. I think hanging around on the internet all day is a better example of "escapism".

    With all of the sterotypes and reputations Thailand seems to be garnering coming to Thailand is more like "hedonism" for some.

    Only we know why we're here so judgement is best saved for the ignorant.

    • Like 1
  7. Go where they go:

    Paragon, especially around the food court and movie theaters.


    Central Chidlom


    Trendy cafe's along Thonglor

    If your 30, dress fashionably and still have your abs you should be fine though some are still reluctant to be seen going out with a white dude because they don't want to be mistaken for call girls. The ones educated overseas are probably more open to interracial dating.

    Good luck and let us know how it works out.

  8. My advice is ask your gf for tips on what her parents like and don't like. Do your homework.

    Bring something like a gift basket as a show of respect for tradition.

    Be humble but yourself otherwise it will just be a charade and any connection you make will be superficial.

    Any parent would want to know what kind of future their potential son-in-law is capable enough to provide for their daughter so you'll want to explain your current job situation and future plans.

    In asian society it is of utmost important that the parents at least don't disapprove of you so you can't apply the western thinking of "too bad if you don't like me but its up to your daughter" because the family unit is very tight in Thailand so try your best. If you're a responsible decent caring person then you should have nothing to worry about.

    Girl's will always ask for advice. Let her be. If she doesn't trust you or her own feelings then I guess it wasn't supposed to be and time to move on.

  9. Being upset that they haven't been paid doesn't mean that they have been enlightened about this whole populist policy charade and corruption on a grand scale. They don't really care as long as they can continue their livelihood. Thais have always accepted the "middle road". It's okay to skim off public coffers as long as its done in moderation. It's okay to take 30% commission on all government initiated mega projects as long as the things are built. It's okay to pardon yourself for convicted crimes via an amnesty bill as long as you make good on your promises.

    Everything is really okay if you do it in moderation.

    Now pay us and we'll go home.

  10. Only a few species of box jellyfish possess venom capable of inflicting fatalities but if your out in open waters why take the risk.

    Safest bet is to wear a full body diving suit as the box jellyfish discharges its venom only when it comes into direct contact with skin as chemicals on the skin trigger the stingers, not actually contact.

    Fatalities due to box jellyfish stings are probably under reported as victims often drown and death is presumed to be due to cramping, undercurrents etc.

  11. Someone calling your wife "mia" is fine.

    Someone calling her "mia noi" is derogatory.

    Most thai's unfortunately look down on thai women who are seen out and/or married to Farang's because of the stereotypic "ladies of the night" thing that started since during the Vietnam war/G.I's and further propagated by Patpong and Pattaya.

    They think the Farangs are here for the companionship sex but already have wives and families in their respective countries thus the thai women taking up residence are called "mia noi" or mistresses. The newer more trendy term is "kik" though that is often used to describe when you have multiple partners WHO ARE NOT your declared BF/GF and for people who're not married though not limited too.

  12. The chute harness needs to have a crotch strap that stops the harness from riding up.

    Same as a racing car harness that prevents the driver from "submarine-ing" under heavy braking.

    Perhaps this strap was missing from the harness or was not fastened for some reason?

    Thinking the same thing. Crotch strap not properly fastened or faulty lock allowed strap to loosen under weight stress.

    Every extreme sport has its risks and people participating in them should be minimally trained enough to handle situations when things don't go according to plan. Operator needs to brief customers on safety issues prior to taking off, double check his equipment and possibly install a remote wireless emergency button in case participant feels something is wrong or freaks and wants to bail out.

    This is the reason I don't do bungee jumping or skydiving also.

    Of course my fear of heights played no partwhistling.gif

  13. Just spotted a group of around 200 people on trucks and motorbikes on Lad Prao rd making a lot of noise waving placards with "Bangkok open 24/7".

    They were wearing white shirts

    They are known as the 3rd group trying to advocate no coup, no violence, pro-vote on Feb 2.

    They are actually led by red shirts (Korkaew Pikultong) masquerading as civil people to deceive those who believe Suthep is too radical, to join them in order to lull us into voting, which of course will turn into a farce as the EC plans to store the ballot boxes at Police Stations nationwide.

    They plan to lead a candle lit protest.

    Of course the candles will come in handy when you want to burn things.

    Hmmmm... Yet another Red Shirt Leader violating his bail conditions.

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1389345373.383969.jpg

    Korkaew Pikultong

    Ahh yes, I forgot he was violating his bail.

    He'll probably plead either "insanity", "I forgot" or "an alien told me to do it".

    I guess jail "violates" people they therefore feel it necessary to "violate" their termswink.png

    • Like 1
  14. As expected but until our politicians get their heads out of their asses and stop playing the crowds I doubt there will be any progress. True reform starts with true intentions and its obvious this is not the case with politicians who would pimp even their mothers to win the election. Why don't we try to start fresh by developing job descriptions for MP's, KPI's and minimum requirements such as:

    IQ above 100 (I don't ask much)

    4 years studying ethics and good governance courses

    pass psychological profile screening (neither narcissistic nor psychotic)

    Inspection by certified proctologists to make sure nothing is stuck up there

    • Like 1
  15. The risks of a recurrent stroke is 30% by 5 years (9 times the risk of stroke in the general population).

    So lets all light our candles and cross our fingers that these risks play out on Chalerm and that he has a recurring episode of stroke to put him out of his misery (and ours too).

    • Like 1
  16. Thai people like many other people in this world when witnessing a crime, if they can, will help.

    As for the police, its the indifference and extortion thats usually a bummer but there are some decent ones out there and you were lucky.

    Just glad the assailant didn't have a weapon like a knife or what thais call 3" plywood otherwise assistance by soup ladle-welding ladies just might not have cut it!

    Wish you a speedy recovery and kudos' to those that came to your assistance.

  17. Everything is dandy as long as you don't wear yellow or red attire.

    At least you don't have the risks of being abducted by radical jihadists like in the Phillipines or that unfortunate Taiwanese couple in a Malaysian Island. The most risk you'll have is going deaf from going near the whistleblowers but then again you'll have the benefit of free cuisine provided by supporters of the protest and readily handed out to anybody who walks by including tourists. Diarrhea is of course complimentary.

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