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Posts posted by smileydude

  1. Looking at the outcome it is obvious this was not a case of bullying as compensation was not the true objective.

    It was more the principle that no matter how small or large the infringement was it is nevertheless an infringement and must be a dealt with as a example that IP rights are taken seriously. The Thai public needs to learn from this case that there are people and companies that have worked hard to develop their brands, IP rights need to be respected and copying is not good business in the long term.

  2. Thai women are no different from women of any other country.

    Who a women chooses likely depends on what stage that person is in in life. If she is young and wants both physical and emotional compatibility then she would probably chose a man of similar age.

    As she gets older and is thinking about settling down and marriage I'd assume she'd prefer a man who can be a leader and provide for the family. Men who are responsible and dependable.

    Then again people often prefer people who have similar values which is influenced by which generation you were brought up in so that may explain why women tend to chose men of similar age. Of course there are exceptions, and some men show maturity beyond their years so though uncommon you see women choosing younger men (if not for other reasons!)

    If she is looking for an ATM machine for a husband then the rationale is proportional to your bank account.

  3. You can steer clear of other farangs all you want. Do you believe that you are going to make friends among the Thai people? If you believe that you will, then I hope your have a huge bank account. Your Thai friends will will be your "friends", right up to the day your money runs out. So dream on, and happy trails to you!whistling.gif

    You sir are a racist to the highest degree. I pity you.

  4. According to the World Economic Forum Competitive Index Thailand is 38th on the list due to strengths in macroeconomic environment and the size of our market. Of the 12 pillars which determine the competitiveness of each country we are weakest in the areas of higher education + training, technological readiness and Institutions.

    Foreign investors are interested in maximizing profits and thus will hedge their risks.

    I wouldn't read into it too much at the moment as Thailand still has good fundamentals otherwise we wouldn't be 38th on the list BUT much needs to be improved especially in the area of institutions such as the Thai government which is not instilling confidence by passing laws that foreign investors are obviously aware will not weed out the bane of corruption but actually aggravate it. Thailand's legal & administrative framework is going backwards. I wonder how much more competitiveness do we have to lose out to our neighbors before we actually wake up from our legend-in-our-own-minds superiority?

    Shoot from the hip comments usually end up shooting yourself in the foot.

  5. febrile = feverish = hotspot

    Thailand has always been hot whether it be the weather or the girls.

    Thailand has never gotten along well with its neighbors formally but informally we are sabai sabai.

    I don't see anything changes in the general atmosphere lest you decide to linger around the Thai-Cambodian border area of Prear Vihear and get your foot blown off from a landline or shot for trespassing then the Lowry Institute can say " We told you so".

  6. In this age of globalization I think it would be foolish not to care about international opinions and think you are a one man island. This arrogance is often seen in the foreign policy of many powerful countries and Thailand despite its minor significance on the global stage is of no exception especially when it concerns our SE asian neighbors.

    Listening is always a virtue. The best reasoning is always void of ego.

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  7. Me thinks this has turned into a political agenda instead of its original intentions.

    Everyone has the right to disagree, such as myself, that the amnesty bill goes against all moral logic and is outright tantamount to illegal abuse of power but to suggest protest measures that would affect the livelihood of many doesn't seem like the best of options, unless of course you had an agenda.

  8. While taking someone's life is never justifiable (exception being self defense or military service) I have little sympathy for Jakrit's tragic ending as his history of abuse, drug usage and womanizing is well documented.

    Anguish can drive many to do the unthinkable.

    Looks like the mother-in-law is trying to take the fall for her daughter.

    As for the wife's involvement we'll have to wait and see.

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  9. From my personal experience I have little faith in the justice handed out by police.

    They tend to favor the side that has less money so that they can use it as a tool to extort from the side with more.

    Like one previous poster said, "when a car hits a motorcycle the car is usually responsible". Pretty much self explanatory now why car owners are always on the wrong when involved in an accident with "motorsai".

    Best bet is to have your insurance company negotiate it out instead of trying to argue with the cops as they're the only person on your side as its in their best interests. Money and compensation always wins over logic. It can even get you out of legal predicaments. TIT, nuff said.

  10. Whether it be the westerner or a thai gal, bad people are bad people and someone's always on the end of the receiving stick.

    Best bet is to use your common sense and keep your realities in check for both sides. A young pretty girl swooning over an older bald fat man or a presumably wealthy westerner sweeping a plain looking farm girl off to the la la land should sound alarm bells in their respective minds.

    Nothing better then playing it slow and safe and making sure we use the top head instead of the bottom one.

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  11. Educating the general public on how AIDS is spread at the same time dispelling any myths must be unwavering BUT only until there is TOTAL AWARENESS that comes from having the correct knowledge about AIDS and true CONCERN enough to change the high risk behaviors we involves ourselves in will we have a chance to keep in under control. Unfortunately sometimes the best things in life often come with drawbacks!

  12. Here goes our Minister of Foreign Affairs trying to pass the buck onto protesters for ruining our tourist industry when the obvious killer is our dangerous roads and home grown mafia extortionists.

    Those who know Thailand well know your more likely to be assaulted by Tuk Tuk and jet ski scammers then be in harms way from protests.

    Those 8 countries should post warnings about Phuket instead.

  13. PR stint hidden under the guise of social injustice from big companies bullying the little ones?

    I think it all started from a little creative copyright mimicking that was unexpectedly pursued for infringement. Using the public's ignorance of the seriousness of intellectual property rights the bung rode the waves of Andy Warhol's 15 minutes of fame for a while and then fell back before the big thumping came along. And I thought he really wanted to stand up for his ideological principles. Shame on my naiveness.

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