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Everything posted by SidJames

  1. My lad's visa will be 10 wks tomorrow with no sign of it, my missus got her's in 2 weeks, application & biometrics done at exactly the same time. There is no rhyme or reason to such an inconsistent process & they are <deleted> with people's lives.
  2. Also try using a different platform ie: chrome, internet explorer etc as sometimes they just don't connect properly. Even when you get your biometrics done she will be looking at a 9-10 week wait at present.
  3. I actually find it very concerning indeed & it's happening to younger & younger children as well. The modern phones & apps have filters that will whiten your eyes & teeth, clean up your skin, give you a glowing tan & put a shine to your hair. This narcissistic behaviour is being compounded because whole generations are doing it so it is normalised behaviour but it's not healthy. They are becoming more & more insecure with judgements made on people's character according to how they look. It's doing long term damage to young minds who are only learning to emote.
  4. I think I need mine need to be dealt with so can anyone recommend a specialist or a hospital that is good? I have decent insurance so I will go private in Bangkok or Pattaya.
  5. I was in the post office on the Suk then Lotus where I & a few russians were the only maskless people although no one said a word including security. Most still riding bikes with masks but without helmets.
  6. Yes they are more sensible. I like that they wear them on motorcycles including extended members of the family & know that the helmet is a waste of time.
  7. I've used them & they are very efficient & safe. They have small deposit boxes right up to shuttered rooms. Security is via fingerprint to the room with cctv evertwhere but you need your own padlock.
  8. I went to Trendy Buildings today to ask in person as I was getting no luck via their other channels & was told UK visas are now taking 9 weeks to process.
  9. There is if you have left/forgotten a bag. It's not left there, it's happened to me when I turned up at the carousel on one trip & a rep was there with a sign & my name. He told me that BA didn't load my bag & that it would come on the next flight so I left my number & address so they could have it delivered. They ring me 2 hours later to tell me that they had 'found' it & could I come back but I refused saying that I was already at my place & to send it on as promised. Next call I get is them saying they can't because customs opened it & found the lovely bottle of single malt tucked up in said bag. I went back the next day & jumped through those hoops to get back in to the baggage hall. OP should get his bags & then go to the bus counter, it's still not that busy in the airport despite what the media say. Check the arrivals board online for a few days in a row to see how many planes land around the time that you will be landing & that will give you a good idea.
  10. You have to go through immigration then the baggage hall & claim your bags then customs. If you clear customs without your bags then you will have to jump through hoops to get back into the baggage hall. You would have to go to a room in the middle of the building where the customs office is based & explain yourself then they would get you a pass & someone to escort you. In the meantime if all bags have already been taken off the carousel yours will be in an office where customs will have opened all your bags & checked them to see what's inside for security reason as they see abandoned luggage as a serious issue.
  11. Far from fast-track I got an email from the New Dehli VFS office saying that the application we put in for one of the family would take 9-10 weeks & this was after 6 weeks waiting for a reply but what I don't understand & can't get an answer for is why another application put in at the exact time as they both had their bio-metric readings (photo & fingerprints) done at the same time but that application came back successfully after 2 weeks. Why is an organisation that is sanctioned by the UK government allowed to act is such a poor manner while being unanswerable to all & sundry. They are dealing with people's lives here & don't seen to give a flying f*** while charging them for the privilege of being f*****
  12. Who the hell goes on holiday & then feels the need to carry a blade.
  13. I'd call the fire brigade to stop the flames spreading to your house.
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