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Posts posted by thailand49

  1. My experience here in Pattaya.  Take him to a school it is a lot quicker 3000-4000 baht when finished all he had to do is turn paperwork and get photo. 

    As far as licence and size it might be on paper but I never heard anyone being cited by police in my son case I purchase under my name a 125 wave HR has been stopped a number of times check and off he went. 

    I myself have had a license for over 15 years been stopped numerous time in fact I welcome it originally I started with s 110, now regularly 150 PCX.

    Yes Click starts at 125 just get a residential certificate to buy. 

  2. Socialism, Nepotism is alive and well in Pattaya even for a Mayor who ran and promise change for Pattaya.  

    Nothing has changed he has shown as I predicted to be the problem not the solution just like every Mayor before him.  He hasn't done anything except join the swamp which was his intent from the beginning. 

    Budget is 1.9 Billion,  and the fix expense is 1.6 B. for salaries that explains why nothing improves, why the pothole gets filled, why roads like Beach road is constant constructions as with other popular roads. Keep repetitive projects going since price is well known thus can gauge easily what to skim off the top a no brainer. ????

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    He was talking dollars not Baht.

    LOL,  even more reason to disregard. 

    Jomtien,  last year I went through the process long story short when I did they didnt seem to care guy took the paperwork and set it in a area I believe was for recycle.

    As noted by others I skipped it in April. 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, pomchop said:

    I had two different farangs in a soi buahkao bar tell me they paid about $1300...of course who knows but two different guys told pretty much the same story and no reason for them to lie that i could see...they seemed quite happy to pay it and get the one year visa and equally happy to brag about it all...know for fact?  No just telling what i was told.

    Most likely I believe your heard it wrong this is the case usually on Soi Buakhao  after few beers LOL. 

    Think about the amount you heard it is less than the fee 1900 baht for the application. 

    The smount you think you heard most likely the amount they might have paid for agent someone to go down and do but it isn't going to be for the application of the extension itself. 


    • Confused 2
  5. This is policing Thai 101!

    No enforcement when it gets out of hand although good money is being paid to keep a force in place nothing is ever done until complaints come in and a light is shined on their incompetence when that happens their solutions is to gather personnel overtime and do a photo op = problem solved like WS there is no prostitution. Jomtien tonight it is all cleared they got the message. 


  6. 23 minutes ago, steve187 said:

    its a big shop, nuts bolts, sheet metal guttering etc, in an outside non aircon section on the left as looking at it , tools, paint household stuff etc, in the right hand side which has aircon, worth spending some time in there as has a good selection of stuff, when leaving there is a u turn a short distance away.

    Thanks, I like spending time at places you mentioned I constantly got projects home and my apartment fixing and improving things are instant as with any ownership. It gives also good idea with the cost of material. 

    Thanks greatly appreciate it landmark Big Mac. 

    • Like 1
  7. 46 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    We have to do all this farce every year for a retirement extension with countless signed A4 useless xerox copies and then when you go to the ATM it wants to know if you want the cash slip to save paper!!

    True, it is real stupid done by stupid people I can say much more Don't get me going!  

    Their meaningless procedure is more about control than anything else but outside of Thailand you get the message. 

    There are much more important things for me to worry about each year after I submit I get 90% ready for the following year the week before get what is needed 24 hours prior get my bank letter.

    Next morning I'm 1-5 person in line out the door no later than 9  walk over to cafe order coffee and breakfast. Back on bike back to Darkside thinking is today my lucky day I die? ????

    • Like 1
  8. Location would surely help! 

    This brand you get less paying more for the max kilo which in your case is only 7k. 

    If one was to get a local shop to fix they most like modify the part need as they have done to my old Whirlpool which I got at Nam Chai in Pattaya I believe they carry the brand but you won't get 7k at 10,000 there is a reason she offer up to 20,000.

    As noted a Samsung brand invertor is great top load computerized senses you load and prepare setting you can get larger Kilos with that brand less money. 

    I would check with owner first what she prefers prior if you get something else problems it will point to you. 

    If you ask the management of condo they mostly like have someone who will take it, there are lots of independent trucks driving around that will give them 700-1000 baht for it. 

    Try Power Buy 

  9. If your bank is anything like mines (Bangkok Bank)  I use the 800 also method untouchable. 

    The statement doesn't show any activities just the total amount reason I make a small deposit thereafter ask for the statement Thereafter I go to a xerox shop have all the pages copied sign and place right along with the letter.  I go as far as highlights it all for him or her. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, steve187 said:

    take the 36 road heading towards rayong/ trat, go past the roadworks at the 331 junction, keep driving and you come over the brow of a hill, maybe 10km, and then a petrol station with a macdonalds, hardware house is immediately prior to that, paint cans are on the far left of the aircon section of the shop. good hunting

    Thanks that is exactly what I needed.  Based on your instructions reason I couldn't find it yesterday I started from the bottom of Sukhumvit (3), headed up to 7 to Rayong, On the right I look no luck cut for time I make a u-turn at the International school and head back down. 

    From instruction it is on the other side of Hwy7.

    The shop dropped off all my paint yesterday for the future I rather find a local shop brick and mortar thanks again. 

  11. 12 hours ago, Dan747 said:

    According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Thailand has one of the highest rates of road traffic deaths in the world, with the majority of fatalities involving motorbikes. The Thai Health Promotion Foundation reports that, on average, about 70 people die each day as a result of road accidents in Thailand. Of these fatalities, 74% are motorbike riders and passengers. According to the Department of Land Transport, there were 22,134 motorbike accidents in Thailand in 2020, resulting in 19,226 injuries and 6,142 deaths.

    These numbers are low since it only reports death on the road those who die later aren't then what isn't reported is the millions and billion to car for those who don't die. 

    Yet inspite of the lack of improvement W. H. O.  continues to hand millions to Thailand yearly to help with the problem without demanding results. Yearly at best after the handout you see signs about wearing helmets if that but I'm sure officials appreciate it. 

    Cut the funding! 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Another price rise?


    Khao Man Gai in the local style place up the road from my condo has risen from 35 Baht to 50 Baht in 2 years. Surely that should cover it?

    It sure might seem but it doesn't! 

    My wife owns a restaurant Majority I run around buying supplies for the place I've seen it first hand as you noted and dis as you noted Use to be 30 now 50, but here is s small break down a tank of gas for cooking use to be 320, today it is 420 plus,  many of the supplies needed that go unnoticed are delivered by trucks although Diesel subsidies by government use to be 21 baht today it is over 30 baht. Palm oil use to be 24-26 baht today you be lucky to get a bottles of the cheap at 48.  Plastic bags, boxes, spoons sugar, salt even soap has all got up.

    Yes you can cut back a bit on the rice go to a cheaper brand or type but Asians who love their rice can tell, I'm Asian not a rice eater I can tell.  Then there are clueless like everywhere Thais even here with internet today just a few days ago a report that a customer gave a bad review the owner went as far to track the customer down confront the customer felt he/she didn't get the portion that was advertised. I've heard Thais complain about rice being charge a baht over the market so they boycott to a point their kids get no rich,  they will drive around wasting gas to prove a point.  

  13. Many of us on this board we understand the problem because we have and seen the choices and solution. Today many of the problems in the West particularly in the U. S. is due to defunding of police and political philosophy.

    It applies here evident why so many simple problems can't be solved to solve a problem you must have an alternative that alternative doesn't exist never been taught can't teach or fix what one doesn't know. 

    The system of corruption is embedded everywhere there are clear rules as to problems but you got 72 provinces hundred of district hundreds others out of greed applying their own standards so they can fund themselves not solve problems for the people. 

    The system is to react to the problem not prevent rules are made bit no follow up. Enforcement is having follow ups something term Ghost customer to visit these businesses and pose as renters to confirm if rules being put forth are followed. 

    First offense a warning a large enough fine to create enough doubt to make people have second thoughts this principal applies to everyone. Thereafter if it continues the business is closed if continue the penalty increases until the message sticks.  

    Here what comes out of the authorities mouth is as hot as smelly as some of Soi drains enforcement here is nothing more standing around looking for a payout. 

    The problem starts and ends on Soi 9,  when I read the Chon Buri Head gets on his soapbox box " order to take care of problem " that is part of problem.  Get you butt out and do it yourself! 


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  14. Bob.,  the grass is never greener it takes a lot of work to keep it up.  I'm hit up all the time by younger women of course they come from the P4P  they say papa you the best you know how to take care of women.  We know it starts and ends with the baht!  I look in the mirror although fit at my age I'm surprise it hasn't cracked. They all try to get me to leave my wife I tell them I like being treated like a dog I know what to expect from her at my age why would I want to start over. 

    Getting old is reality there is pain don't think for a minute she loves everything about you. Try being supportive instead of ragging on her and maybe just maybe her time has come in life menopause so try having a heart.

    My motto, like my dad says if a women can stay with me for 10 years deserves everything even my support.???? Personally a stupid f like yourself would post such a topic you should leave being doing her a favor. 

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  15. 25 minutes ago, Tedly said:

    I buy automotive urethane clear from Lazada, I use it on my model cars, but it comes in 1 liter cans with activator, so I spray with an airbrush, I don't think I've ever seen it in aerosol spray cans though. I have seen custom colors of paint on Lazada, like candies and pearls probably in 1 liter also. I can verify that the urethane clear works good, and can be sprayed over most any type of paint.

    These are what I been using.  They work great for small project like motorbikes.  


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  16. 2 hours ago, steve187 said:

    hardware house on the 36 road do a 2k range of motorcycle paint colours, also do a clear coat

    36, is that the old road one had to take prior Hwy7 being built? 

    Basically from Sukhumvit north bottom heading to Siraicha right loop leads up to the DLT and the International school?

    Is that correct if so heading up or heading down? 



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