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Posts posted by Englander

  1. Thats not over the news youre lying, because Obama has got straight involved ... Or can you not see your contradiction .... But its about what the people of Egypt want not some politico with vested interests from Irsrael or Saudi want and the Egyptian people have shown they want Americas stooge out so why would the people of Egypt want America involved further?

    America being in the middle east is the problem, let Israel sort its own problems out instead of funding the stalemate.

    And if you seriously believe the Suez canal will be blocked stopping trade youre making that up thus are scaremongering.

    Ehhhh, can you please post a link to any statement made by Obama or US administration prior to today????

    Do you actually have any idea of the world politics?do you really think America is in the middle east because of Israel? or did you just feel like sliding in some anti Israel comments just for the sake of it?

    may i suggest you turn on your TV and change to news and try to watch it for little longer then 30 seconds, then you may see that it is not what i believe, but what is being discussed by the world leaders and analysts.

    Funny enough you may also hear other concerns all those have and even funnier you will hear from people from the Arab world with their concerns

    Once you have watched little news, i hope then you can come back with something useful to post

    No anti Israeli comments from me.

    Im far more travelled then yourself, inc the Middle East.

    All ive done for 3 weeks since returning home is watch news (no CNN Fox or any other US drivel) Just Brit drivel.

    Here click this link choose a comment from Obama and


    Here are some more specific -


    Now how about answering some of the comments i have wrote instead of answering a question with a question.

    Thank you for the google search links, perhaps you can point which one was the official statement on position of USA in regards to Egypt prior to 24 hours.

    Now that you had watched Brit drivel as you like to call it, try watching Aljazeera!

    I would gladly answer your questions, if you actually ask one.

    PS. How exactly did you manage to come up with your fact of being far more travelled then myself???? Did you also google it? or........... ?????

    PPS. Considering that Egypt problem started about 8-9 days ago, what exactly were you watching and following 12 days prior to that?(as you stated all you been doing for 3 weeks is following the news)

    If bama saying something at the White House isnt official then i cant show you any statements ... does it need to be stamped and signed?

    Yes i googled it and it also showed you as being a fat septic sexpat, who travels to poor nations for young kids.

    But one question that youve never answered is do you believe America should get involved in all world issues such as this?

  2. Thats not over the news youre lying, because Obama has got straight involved ... Or can you not see your contradiction .... But its about what the people of Egypt want not some politico with vested interests from Irsrael or Saudi want and the Egyptian people have shown they want Americas stooge out so why would the people of Egypt want America involved further?

    America being in the middle east is the problem, let Israel sort its own problems out instead of funding the stalemate.

    And if you seriously believe the Suez canal will be blocked stopping trade youre making that up thus are scaremongering.

    Ehhhh, can you please post a link to any statement made by Obama or US administration prior to today????

    Do you actually have any idea of the world politics?do you really think America is in the middle east because of Israel? or did you just feel like sliding in some anti Israel comments just for the sake of it?

    may i suggest you turn on your TV and change to news and try to watch it for little longer then 30 seconds, then you may see that it is not what i believe, but what is being discussed by the world leaders and analysts.

    Funny enough you may also hear other concerns all those have and even funnier you will hear from people from the Arab world with their concerns

    Once you have watched little news, i hope then you can come back with something useful to post

    No anti Israeli comments from me.

    Im far more travelled then yourself, inc the Middle East.

    All ive done for 3 weeks since returning home is watch news (no CNN Fox or any other US drivel) Just Brit drivel.

    Here click this link choose a comment from Obama and


    Here are some more specific -


    Now how about answering some of the comments i have wrote instead of answering a question with a question.

  3. Im not pro or anti American i just see your ruling classes as power obsessed warmongers, i really couldnt give 2 shyts about the place as i will more then likely never visit,...
    That's a common thread among the America bashers I've met abroad. The people who have actually been have a more favorable opinion. Probably same for American attitudes towards places like France or China. People who have been tend to like them more.

    Ive been and i like American people theyre very hospitable, i wish we had a Tea Party movement in England (or at least a small non interfering govt option) ... comprende ... its your current and past murderous do as i say govt that seems to want to create an empire when theyre 200 years too late to do as much ... but if you stop being defensive youll see i wrote the same thing about my own nations choice of government who spout out the same lines. Its none of their business!

    Im presuming you think it is Americas business, if this is the case then surely any Egyptian govt should be able to influence American foreign and national policy. Or is this just a one way agreement?

    Its funny, but all over the news All the Arab states are NOT happy about Obama NOT getting involved and want and expect for US to act, yet TV member from England is not happy about US NOT being silent.

    So let me think what is more important, the Opinion of Arab state leaders or a TV member from UK?

    Perhaps your opinion and attitude towards USA will change once Egypt is taken over by the Islamists and you have to pay double for gas, oil and pretty much everything else imported, who would you blame then?!

    I do not think some people on this forum even grasp the current situation and the consequences it can bring to the world, putting aside Egypt having the largest army in the arab world(500 000 soldiers) and being the biggest Arab state in Africa and middle east.(82 000 000 people) with 2.5% of world's oil coming from there and 10 times more passing through there, not to mention natural gas

    Thats not over the news youre lying, because Obamas govt has got straight involved ... Or can you not see your contradiction .... But its about what the people of Egypt want not some politico with vested interests from Irsrael or Saudi want and the Egyptian people have shown they want Americas stooge out so why would the people of Egypt want America involved further?

    America being in the middle east is the problem, let Israel sort its own problems out instead of funding the stalemate.

    And if you seriously believe the Suez canal will be blocked stopping trade youre making that up thus are scaremongering.

    Edit As for your fear of the fundamentalists taking non democratically, well that doesnt seem to bother American interests in Saudi.

  4. What the f***? Just got online after working all day here, looks like I've missed an amazing day. Carroll for 35 million pounds? Had a great season but, c'mon, really? 35 million?

    brilliant young talent + january window premium + our urgent need to replace torres + english tax = £35m. rooney cost £30m and he was about as proven as carroll.

    i know it's a lot but it's a moneyball signing. he's an investment for the next five or six years and should, hopefully, just get better and better. plus he's homegrown so helps the quota thing.

    Have to disagree with you here StevieH, Rooney was well proven when he went to Manure, Carroll has had a decent half season that's all.

    Suspect though that he will turn out to be almost worth the money.

    He has looked very good for 3 seasons.

  5. Im not pro or anti American i just see your ruling classes as power obsessed warmongers, i really couldnt give 2 shyts about the place as i will more then likely never visit,...
    That's a common thread among the America bashers I've met abroad. The people who have actually been have a more favorable opinion. Probably same for American attitudes towards places like France or China. People who have been tend to like them more.

    Ive been and i like American people theyre very hospitable, i wish we had a Tea Party movement in England (or at least a small non interfering govt option) ... comprende ... its your current and past murderous do as i say govt that seems to want to create an empire when theyre 200 years too late to do as much ... but if you stop being defensive youll see i wrote the same thing about my own nations choice of government who spout out the same lines. Its none of their business!

    Im presuming you think it is Americas business, if this is the case then surely any Egyptian govt should be able to influence American foreign and national policy. Or is this just a one way agreement?

  6. Your club has spent massive money on an unproven player though. Thats all thats massive about it.

    Is Bale still unproven as theyve played a similar amount of top flight games?

    To answer my question id say yes but he'd be worth a punt for a similar amount.

    Besides the only reason they spent so much is because theyve inflated the market by getting 50 million for Torres.

  7. Gascoigne didnt have may top flight games before going for Britains biggest fee, neither did Waddle Rooney etc....

    Liverpool have got one hell of a player and many still seem to be whining.

    The biggest rip off of the day was 50 million for a injury prone player who has looked average for 18 months.

  8. It gets worse.

    2 years after Nzogbia leaves for 5 million under not at all good circumstance , they make a last gasp bid of 12 million to buy him back. When they have already bought a left winger in Ben Arfa this transfer window.

    And then try to loan the talentless Bendter, who is as bad a forward as you will see in the top flight.

    The lack of forward planning these morons show is truly staggering.

  9. Exactly for once youd think the global dictators of America would keep the <deleted> out of it...

    They do not seem to interfere with the rights of anti-American kooks to spread malarkey on the Internet. Maybe they need go back global dictator school. :lol:

    Im not pro or anti American i just see your ruling classes as power obsessed warmongers, i really couldnt give 2 shyts about the place as i will more then likely never visit, but why just for once cant they keep the <deleted> out of other peoples business, especially as the man theyve backed is clearly a nasty corrupt bit of work.

    Besides if you had quoted all of what i said youll see i made similar comments, does this mean i am also anti British for being sick of politicians who cant even run their own country offering advise to protesters or at least people they believe are controlling them.

  10. One of those muppets who calls people Daily Mail reader or a Sun read as if they are the only ones who know the difference. Its name calling usually spouted out by failures who read the Guardian.

    Now even the Muslim owners of ManCity are complaining about English sexism.


    :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

    It was an accident clicking on it governor im innocent, i promise you i rarely read the views of people who support the destruction of England .. Well kind of i'm a Torygraph reader!

  11. Dont hold your breath on a large rise in GBP to Baht exchange rate,after all it is a Seasonal Adjustment.

    Right now we are coming to the end of the Thai Peak Holiday season,and as usual the Pound seems to strengthen,but in fact,there is less revenue from Tourism,so less need for Baht Manipulation,by the BOT.

    I dont see the slight rise in the £ to Baht exchange rate, as a sign that the British Government is doing much to overcome the UK financial difficulties with only one Policy,so im not surprised at the latest lack of recovery figures.

    i.e.... Reduce Goverment Spending,especially for those unfortunates who have to live on Public Benefits.

    'a commie' LOL!

    Cut/ Cameron and Slash/ Clegg are aptly named,thats the sum total of their idea of a positive effect on long term recovery,......Cut & Slash and nothing but talk of penalising the greedy Banks,up to now.

    Sigh, Its the same old story I have heard from Politicians all my life,the Big Guys F*** up and the little Guys pick up the checkbin.

    Youre clearly a commie who thinks the govt should keep on spending money they havent got, this is not Cameron or Cleggs fault .. but just to keep you happy they spent 16billion pound in the last month that they havent got .. thatll keep the kids of today happy to know theyre paying for economic illiterate baby boomers to run after farmers girls.

    'a commie' LOL! You a Septic'? :)Oh just spotted your nik. You a Limey/Septic wannabe?

    Come live in this totalitarian anti-tax haven where govt directs you at every stage ... youll see im right.

    I was speaking to a Chinese lad who is doing a Phd in Chemistry at Huddersfield Uni and even he said he cant wait to get back to China as he feels he has more freedom their, and no fears of being beaten by feral youths for being nothing more offensive then a student.

  12. Less than one year ago this club was spending 30-40 M on servicing our debt.

    What a turn around now were spending 30-40 m on players! and that's all you can ask for from the owners!

    So far so good FSG... Two massive signings that.

    Youll still be whining next season if youre not in the top few though as Liverpool fans are glory hunters and nothing more as your attendances after 1 bad season and having owners who didnt spend 100s of millions clearly show, its the old victim status scouser thing!

    Man U used to get 50 odd thousand in the 80s when they were going nowhere and crowds overall where lower, something Liverpuddle have failed to emulate after 1 bad season and have shown themselves up for what they are .

  13. I reckon the Mancs in their Song were right after all ..:D

    Is that the "In your Liverpool slum one"?

    There's no " reckoning " about that is there ?? :D

    One Million Pound plus per every Goal of his career to put Carroll in the top 10 Transfer fee's of all time..

    Beyond a joke..

    Its a lot but this kid could be better then Shearer imho, he is literally unstoppable at times.

    Id sooner keep him then have 35 million for Pardew to buy Crouch with.

  14. A relegation battle awaits, now the fat <deleted> and his yes man manager have sneakily got money for Ashleys bank account,

    If this money were to be invested itd not be so bad, but 100% guaranteed it wont.

    2 side notes The mysterious Swedish doctor who Carrol went to see has said his injury is fine today, like it even existed.

    And the loan signing of Stephen Ireland has fallen through at the last minute due to a medical.

    Id love these 2 clowns who are intent on ruining this club Llambias and Ashley to have a car accident or anything to get them out of our club.

  15. David Villa is 10 times the Player Torres currently is & even if Torres were to be at his best, you'd be hard pressed to see too many people outside of Merseyside ( ro soon to be West London ) that said he wasn't ..

    In the next 18 months Carroll will be proven to be better then Torres.

    Wonder if having Englands most expensive player will enable them to fill up the ground in future or take a few more fans away to stadia only a few miles down the road.... big club my ass!

  16. Not sure about 70m but anything less than 50 and you are being short-changed. Hope you hold out and don't crumble.

    Davis Villa who is a better player was on form and less injury prone then Torres went for 40 million EURO 6 months ago.

    Less injury prone sure. Better player? Depends on what criteria you go by. Not for me though.

    Premiership proven is the key!

    Jeez just saw we have bid as much as 30M for Carrol! Just goes to show hey...Bent went for how much? 24 M!

    January Madness!

    Youre joking, you trying to tell me being a top player in the Spanish League, European Cup winner, Spanish international is not as good a criteria as being Premiership proven ... Villa is a lot better then Torres of that there is no question.

  17. in the UK...

    austerity measures just starting to hurt

    Austerity measures have been greatly exaggerated, theyre taking us back to 2008 levels of public spending, after this it was just Broony the loony going on a mass spending spree to bribe the voter.

    Theyll still be spending 50% of GDP whilst taking 41% of GDP in tax ... im no mathematician but those 2 numbers dont cancel each other out .. looks like we are in it for the long haul.

  18. 2) Milner should NEVER start a game if Johnson is available. I have friends who rate Milner. I dont. He is an average left sided midfielder... period.

    I knew sooner or later people would see him for what he is ... but he is Mancinis 25 million pound average player which makes a difference

  19. Do you think the prostesters will care what the US is telling them?

    Exactly for once youd think the global dictators of America would keep the <deleted> out of it, its this interfering in other peoples business that gets them quite rightly into trouble.

    Edit, and the powerless wannabee global statesmen that are the leading Tory Party figures such a Hague and Cameron ought to shut the <deleted> up aswell, you could be pretty sure the average Egyptian couldnt care what they say.

  20. Obama has got a health care bill into law and signed a new START agreement with the USSR. As far as I'm aware he's not responsible for the death of anyone so what's your point?

    He's continued with the illegal war in Iraq (i know its been rebranded) and the war in Afghanistan, if Bush was still in power people would accuse him of having blood on his hands for this continuation ... Obama should also for continuing with the same policy.

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