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Posts posted by Englander

  1. I just remembered one little niggling problem...

    Chefxp delivers food in containers that are quite good.

    Unless I've missed it, the containers are not being officially recycled.

    When I first started ordering from Chefxp, I'd clean each container and into the cupboard they'd go.

    But cupboards can only take so much plastic. Friends and maids as well.

    So is there a plan in place to stop this mounting waste?

    Is the packaging biodegradable?

    If not, can they make the move to something that is?

    Or at the very least, set up a return policy?

    WoW you have someone drive however many KM's to deliver your solitary meal, yet you claim to care about the environment.

    I believe the tree hugging musician Sting once had his maid drive 300 miles to make him a solitary meal so your not quite on his hypocrisy levels when it comes to your love of the environment.

  2. Bar B Q Sandwich King are now offering the Metro Burger by delivery.


    I ordered this after this recommendation and was unimpressed to the point id sooner a Maccy Dees, also having salad on a delivery burger isnt the best idea as its cooked upon arrival, but you can order without.

    Chefxsp is a great company food always arrives within the hour.

  3. I met this guy on a visa run a few months back and we got on really well he seemed like a genuinely decent guy who happened to be raising his kid by himself.

    As ive a new born we had a good chat about kids and he seemed content to be where he was and loved talking about his lad.

    An absolute tragedy and heartbreaking to see those pictures where he is continuing to try and resuscitate his little lad.

    i just hope he is offered alot of support by surronding friends, i could not imagine what he must be going through...

    I looked at the link about about his boys nanny a couple of years ago and its definitely him.

    Im truly gutted for the man, and hope one day he can be grateful to have known his boy for just a few years, though nobody knows how to live your life after such a tragedy.

    RIP Little lad.

  4. I met this guy on a visa run a few months back and we got on really well he seemed like a genuinely decent guy who happened to be raising his kid by himself.

    As ive a new born we had a good chat about kids and he seemed content to be where he was and loved talking about his lad.

    An absolute tragedy and heartbreaking to see those pictures where he is continuing to try and resuscitate his little lad.

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