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Posts posted by Englander

  1. This is what got him Sacked..

    I am by no means PC but this is not good, what a W*nker..


    He pretended to get his bits out, but if this was such a disgrace why wasnt he sacked at the time? <deleted> me worse things happen in factorys offices and building sites everyday its only a bit of a joke, though in bad taste.

    He's got the sack for the modern day witch hunt that has come prevalent in this regime .... he's guilty of a thought crime which is the worst crime imaginable in this day and age.

    Wonder if we'll ge a token women in his job now whose knowledge on football is at best suspect, but we must keep the extremist left wing happy.

    He should have been Sacked at the time really, two strikes & he's out obviously..

    Amazed at Englander continuing to defend the <deleted>.....thought we left that behaviour in the schoolroom where it belongs.

    Its well beyond banter and into sexual harrassment territory Englander....do you see her laughing?

    And if someone behaved like that towards your girlfriend or wife...how would you react?

    But this behaviour and jokes are still part and parcel of the workplace.

    I havent got a bird ive got a daughter though and if he done it to her id break his legs as shes only 9 month

  2. This is what got him Sacked..

    I am by no means PC but this is not good, what a W*nker..


    He pretended to get his bits out, but if this was such a disgrace why wasnt he sacked at the time? <deleted> me worse things happen in factorys offices and building sites everyday its only a bit of a joke, though in bad taste.

    He's got the sack for the modern day witch hunt that has come prevalent in this regime .... he's guilty of a thought crime which is the worst crime imaginable in this day and age.

    Wonder if we'll ge a token women in his job now whose knowledge on football is at best suspect, but we must keep the extremist left wing happy.

  3. Breaking News: Andy Gray has been sacked by Sky Sports. More remarks made off air to a female presenter also come to light.

    It was someone else talking about the linesman a different time and he largely ignored him apart frm one comment.

    Its dreadful when people like StevieH think it great that a man should be sacked for such a throw away comment, but it does seem these extremist nasty people who couldnt make it in the private sector over here have taken over the asylum.

    We'll all have to runaway to Thailand and become English teachers if this carries on what a f'en disgrace this country is, i hope Andy Gray sues the <deleted> out of Sky for wrongful dismissal.

  4. and the irony of the situation, which is obviously lost on braindead knuckle-draggers like friend 'englander',

    Dont stop with the name calling do you, typical leftwinger though cant resist the name calling when someone disagrees with you then attempt to questions their intelligence.

    Now if i were a school teacher id be quite when questioning the intelligence of someone working in a physics based profession, comprende comrade!

  5. Just noticed the (once) great british pound now gets over 49 compared to around 46 just a few weeks ago, is there a reason for this sudden increase and is it likely to continue?

    Because the idiots are no longer running the Economy

    I'll grant that theyve not been in charge long, but theyre continuing with business growth stifling legislation, they were party to QE and 0% interest rates ie more easy debt to solve the debt problem. And theyve just borrowed 17 billion in the last month, ie cuts havent gone far enough in the economy where the government employs a majority.

    The only reason the pound is rising is because the markets think theyll raise interest rate to 1.5-2% this year as inflation is dictating this, nothing to do with any recovery

  6. Here is a nice little read about Sexist Britain for anyone who makes use of FREE newspapers online and isnt so uptheirass to be a newspaper snob in the day and age of FREE online newspapers.

    Men are increasingly the victims of ‘obnoxious bigotry’ by women and should start ‘burning their briefs’ in protest, according to a rising Tory star.Dominic Raab, a new MP tipped for high office, said men were getting a ‘raw deal’ from the cradle to the grave following years of anti-discrimination legislation favouring women.

    He pointed out women in their 20s are now paid more than their male peers, who work longer hours, retire later and die earlier.

    Mr Raab, the 37-year-old MP for Esher and Walton in Surrey and a former chief of staff to David Davis, called for an end to what he called feminist bigotry.

    He said men were blamed by society for the banking crisis, discriminated against by parental leave rules which favour women who want time off and ignored by the courts when relationships break down and they seek custody of their children.


    Saying that i still cant bring myself to click on the Guardian online.

  7. Even for Thailand this one stretches all manner of credibility.

    They might try to export organic but the big chains like Whole Foods, Safeway etc actually test product to prevent themselves from class action lawsuits.

    It's one thing to claim organic but entirely another to produce it.

    Maybe they can export it to places that don't test but then what is it other than possibly cleaner but overpriced produce.

    Ive a friend who works in the UK in this field, he eats whatever is put in front of him and would never pay extra for Organic foodstuffs as he claims theyre predominantly full of chemicals, its just the chemicals are acceptable for Organic farming that pass UK regulation/guidleines.

    Thai govt probably see it as a nice little scam that the west are turning a blind eye to that they want to get in on.

  8. They have been dropped from the Bolton vs Chelsea coverage tonight.

    The problem is here that the young lady had a great game, not a stinker. I think the consequences for the two boys could be far reaching.

    Yeah i'm with you, this is potentially a career wrecker for both..

    Its starting to look that way TV today has had all the usual suspect paymeforaquote saps on the news crying outrage.

    If 2 men lose there job for this its a f'en outrage, surely all these players that spitroast these groupies are being far more disrespectful to women, surely these players should be sacked and banned from football.

    Then 100% of people who make off the cuff comments in a similar vein in a work environment should also be sacked.

    For me the only person who should be sacked is the filthy grass who thought it clever to go to the press with this recording of a private conversation, instead of speaking to a work colleague about it first ... utter scum!

  9. they should both be sacked but they won't be. the FA, which runs such campaigns as 'respect' for match officials and 'kick it out' trying to remove racial discrimination from the game, will do nothing because it's in thrall to sky.

    this is without mentioning that they're both crap at what they do incidentally.

    If you want crap try watching the BBCs football league show which has middle class women who know <deleted> all about football and the token Asian who knows a similar amount presenting it, this is what youll get if you sack these 2 who know the game inside out.

    you should have the word 'little' in front of your user name.

    what the fuc_k is a 'token asian' by the way? feel free to use as much daily mail / BNP rhetoric as your tiny brain can cope with by all means.

    he is a Asian put in as the BBC wish to show how diverse they are ... instead of putting someone in that can do the job ...

  10. I do and always have hated Andy Gray though. So I hope he gets the sack, just cos he's a tw4t not for taking jibes at the linesman.

    I agree hes a knob, but its the bigger picture that no one is allowed to say or think anything that doesnt follow the liberal line anymore, and if he does get the tictac he'll be replaced by some posh bird from Surrey who claims to know football as she went to a few Chelsea games and sat in Daddys executive box. Could you imagine Soccer Saturday with a couple of women on the panel itd be ruined thus private jobs would be lost due to PC public sector legislation,this is where we are heading.

  11. they should both be sacked but they won't be. the FA, which runs such campaigns as 'respect' for match officials and 'kick it out' trying to remove racial discrimination from the game, will do nothing because it's in thrall to sky.

    this is without mentioning that they're both crap at what they do incidentally.

    If you want crap try watching the BBCs football league show which has middle class women who know <deleted> all about football and the token Asian who knows a similar amount presenting it, this is what youll get if you sack these 2 who know the game inside out.

  12. Well its all over the TV here in Blighty all the feminists are up in arms.

    Lets round up all the people who dont follow the extremist liberal line and send them to concentration camps to get their brains reprogrammed.

  13. Apologies i thought you may have had a vague bit of knowledge whats been happening there, anyway your property bubble is far greater to that of the Irish ... pity as Aus used to be a nice place to visit before they got into Ponzi property games.

    WOW is there any country for which you actually have a kind word to say about them ? :ermm:

    Yes I had two beautiful condos in Sydney which i sold at a very handsome profit last year

    thank you very much and this gives me a very lovely lifestyle here in the Land of Smiles :lol:

    Of course Ponzi or not, it still has a far superior standard of living and climate to the UK any day ! :rolleyes:

    It is clearly a Ponzi do you think nations get rich by selling proeprty to each other at ever increasing prices?

    As for your comment about Aussies having a better standard of living then in Blighty, well the under 35s that havent bought in the last 10 years and now cant afford to most certainly wont be living a high standard of life ... that and the fact someone has to work and pay for the profits youve received from your genius property investments shows that someone somewhere isnt living this dream life you talk of.

    The Irish were borrowing like no other buying so called investment property on a grand scale in Ireland and all around Europe, thus taking many lifetimes earnings out of their own economy and gifting it to some shady developer in East Europe or Spain for a vastly overpriced property. Now if these arrogant idiots who have bankrupted their country had a brain theyd have invested money in creating sustainable private business in their own country thus creating jobs and benefitting future generations.

    But no everyone just wants to blame banks and take absolutely no personal responsibility, and please dont think i am singling out Aussies or Irish for this scandal the English are some of the greatest property rampers on the planet whove damaged their nation ... its just we havent gone as far as Australia or Ireland.

  14. Women should officiate at womens games and men should do the same at mens games.

    We arent the same, they have things such as periods that could easily end up with them in tears were a player to make a comment.

  15. The Irish deserve everything that is coming to them for voting for the Lisbon Treaty (well the majority who voted for it), for a nation that was desperate for independence they see very quick to go begging to the British taxpayer.

    There is such thing as being duped by politicians you know :rolleyes:

    I belive it was the Dutch French and Portuguese who had earlier rejected the pre Lisbon Treaty even the Irish did 1st time round.

    This debate was very vocal for yes and no, there was no duping by politicians, the Irish who voted for giving away the remainder of being able to govern its own country (aswell as that of mine) and be ruled by unelected bureaucrats did so because theyre thick as pigs shyt.

    And the reason your country is in its current situation is due to the greed of the people wanting easy money off the hard work of others, believe me i did business with these deluded entrepreneurs .

    Well it is obvious you dont hold unbiased opinion about the Irish by the fact that you say

    " And the reason your country is in its current situation " implying Ireland is my country ! :blink:

    I am Australian matey and i am looking at the situation as an outsider. On the scale of things

    to me after reading about exactly what happened, the only guilty parties in all this mess are

    the government and the banks. Cowen and his team bragged about duping the people and they

    laughed about it to themselves. Disgusting!

    Apologies i thought you may have had a vague bit of knowledge whats been happening there, anyway your property bubble is far greater to that of the Irish ... pity as Aus used to be a nice place to visit before they got into Ponzi property games.

  16. The Irish deserve everything that is coming to them for voting for the Lisbon Treaty (well the majority who voted for it), for a nation that was desperate for independence they see very quick to go begging to the British taxpayer.

    There is such thing as being duped by politicians you know :rolleyes:

    I belive it was the Dutch French and Portuguese who had earlier rejected the pre Lisbon Treaty even the Irish did 1st time round.

    This debate was very vocal for yes and no, there was no duping by politicians, the Irish who voted for giving away the remainder of being able to govern its own country (aswell as that of mine) and be ruled by unelected bureaucrats did so because theyre thick as pigs shyt.

    And the reason your country is in its current situation is due to the greed of the people wanting easy money off the hard work of others, believe me i did business with these deluded entrepreneurs .

  17. Shocking decision with the sending off, the FA clearly think to celebrate Bolateli style would be good for the game.

    Dems be the rules, can't blame the Ref...

    The ruling needs to be looked ta for sure though, Piq now misses our biggest Game in God knows how long & the Semi Final Second Leg on Weds, nightmare..

    Isnt it 1 game ban for 2 yellows.

  18. At the end of the day Toon are not a very good side and they gave us the run around for 30 minutes of the second half.

    Even with the spine of the team out theve got a fairly good team, best ive seen in a while ... Enrique would get in a top 3 side no problem, Barton is showing how good he was at City as a youngen and is playing out of his skin, Collocini was man of the match as he has been class recently, Williamson is looking like the best million we've spent in a long time, Nolan is doing a cracking job for an average player and Guitterez runs round like a headless chicken causing problems, Apart from Simpson, Best and Ameobi and the out of form Guthrie theyre a good team ... When Taylor, Tiotte, Carroll and Ben Arfa are back theyve a 1-11 that could give anyone a even game.

    The only times we werent giving you the runaround was when you threw everything forward and you were unbelievably lucky not to have gone 2 or 3 down at that point.

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