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Posts posted by Englander

  1. Id imagine Given would be wanted a Arsenal, Spurs and (Man U at the end of the season) ... no chance he'll go to any of them imho ... Hes been quoted as saying he'll play in the Championship just to get a game. Thatll teach the little money grabber.

    Spoken like a true spiteful jilted (Geordie?) fan :rolleyes:

    It amazes me how football fans celebrate like crazy when their wastrel owners splash out big bucks on some new overpaid star and then spit teeth when the same greed that brought the guy in whistles him on to his next step on the gravy train (sorry - horrible mixed metaphor - stepping into gravy yeuk!).

    Nothing personal Englander - we're all at it.

    No Newcastle fan could have blamed him for wanting to leave with Ashleys goings on, though it is widely thought he could have waited until the end of the season instead of jumping from a sinking ship when he was needed the most which left a slightly bitter taste.

    PS When has Ashley spent big? hes only ever sold.

  2. Not sure about 70m but anything less than 50 and you are being short-changed. Hope you hold out and don't crumble.

    Davis Villa who is a better player was on form and less injury prone then Torres went for 40 million EURO 6 months ago.

  3. Id imagine Given would be wanted a Arsenal, Spurs and (Man U at the end of the season) ... no chance he'll go to any of them imho ... Hes been quoted as saying he'll play in the Championship just to get a game. Thatll teach the little money grabber.

  4. mmm maybe the UK should adopt the Thai policies on, immigration, home ownership and working so that opportunities are more equal.

    My god how i wish they would id vote for them in an instant, but no UK Political Party has the common sense of the Thais.


  5. Scouse fans dont seriously believe he left Madrid for the honour of playing for Liverpuddle, which is a god awful place to live its got to be said.

    I lived in Aigburth for a couple of years and that's quite a nice place. It's got to be said ;)

    Personally speaking id prefer Liverpool to London as London is my least favourite place on the planet, but if i was being paid 10 million a year and was in my 20s Londons got a certain draw and things to offer that nowhere else in England has.

    But as someone who was born and raised in the North id sooner live in the South these days (excluding London). all the major cities in the North arent nice places to live anymore ... hence why we are all on this forum!

  6. Karma is a bi_ch - what if Chelsea don't finish in a top 4 position :o:)

    He'll be in the same position that he is in at Liverpuddle, but with a bigger pay cheque, but there is a good chance he will be if he moves.

    Scouse fans dont seriously believe he left Madrid for the honour of playing for Liverpuddle, which is a god awful place to live its got to be said. biggrin.gif

  7. OK comrade so what is known as comment by the establishment media is now the line we must all tow otherwise youll start calling us names and stereotyping, i presume culturally isolated means people dont mix with the Notting Hill set, this poncy middle class tw4t shouldnt write about a sport he knows nothing about, and as with most middle classes theyve never been out the boundarys of their own ilk as theyre too scared yet he speaks of cultural isolation.

    Funny how you werent calling for the sacking of Gerrard when he started hitting that lad. Youre a woollyback hypocrite.

    I bet many males who noticed a female linesman on Saturday made similar comment ... he who is without sin and all that!

    no, it means 'hasn't evolved yet, probably never will'. matthew syed knows plenty about football as it goes and is a decent enough journalist. and he's totally right in that article.

    For such a newspaper snob you ought to have been aware of whom the owner of The Times is, when using quotes. In case you arent aware its a Mr Murdoch who also owns Sky, your ability at impartiality is quite something.

    what's a 'newspaper snob'?

    One of those muppets who calls people Daily Mail reader or a Sun read as if they are the only ones who know the difference. Its name calling usually spouted out by failures who read the Guardian.

  8. Supposedly Suarez wants to play with Torres, so maybe he is on his way to Chelsea.... quite frankly I find the whole transfer window rather tiresome.

    it's a chance for the various media outlets to go mental for a month. really there's usually very little happens. darren bent moving for £24m is an unusual one in recent times.

    Apparently the bookies are making Torres odds on that he will be at the Bridge, either in January or will be in the summer! :D

    If Torres has his way he will be. :D


  9. So, while the comments of Gray and Keys are symptomatic of the lingering (and depressing) prejudice in a particular group of ageing, leering, often pot-bellied fiftysomethings, they also tell us something of arguably greater importance: just how small and culturally isolated that group has become.

    matthew syed has met some of the thaivisa football forum posters? ohmy.gif

    For such a newspaper snob you ought to have been aware of whom the owner of The Times is, when using quotes. In case you arent aware its a Mr Murdoch who also owns Sky, your ability at impartiality is quite something.

  10. So, while the comments of Gray and Keys are symptomatic of the lingering (and depressing) prejudice in a particular group of ageing, leering, often pot-bellied fiftysomethings, they also tell us something of arguably greater importance: just how small and culturally isolated that group has become.

    matthew syed has met some of the thaivisa football forum posters? ohmy.gif

    OK comrade so what is known as comment by the establishment media is now the line we must all tow otherwise youll start calling us names and stereotyping, i presume culturally isolated means people dont mix with the Notting Hill set, this poncy middle class tw4t shouldnt write about a sport he knows nothing about, and as with most middle classes theyve never been out the boundarys of their own ilk as theyre too scared yet he speaks of cultural isolation.

    Funny how you werent calling for the sacking of Gerrard when he started hitting that lad. Youre a woollyback hypocrite.

    I bet many males who noticed a female linesman on Saturday made similar comment ... he who is without sin and all that!

  11. Seems like your anger stems from probably having to pay for your own Private Pension, and seems like you don't own your own House.And no doubt you are too Young to contemplate all those years of hard work ahead of you.

    I dont own a home as theyre ridiculously priced 200k for a 60m2 2 bed flat in an average area, im now back in Blighty after many years away and no one will rent to me as ive a kid (so babyboomers buy rental homes for pensions and wont rent them to people with family's) ... you ask me if im angry about the housing crisis fcuken right i am. Your age group have no idea what its like for those with average jobs who didnt buy in the boom, its nothing less then a national disaster. ( there are no council houses to fall back on, not that id live)

    Obvious you are a Typical Tory who has missed out on,making your fortune, and now is full of jealousy,for the Generations that worked hard,paid their dues,and now have their place in the Sun.

    I say,Good Luck to them,maybe you can work as hard for all of your working life and join them one day. But I doubt you will ever get the point.

    Never voted Tory, theyre as in to taxing and spending like the last lot, well almost ......But im mid 30s and i made a fortune selling property in the overseas market (the irony), i now work in the oil game and earn a very good salary so my money making ability and willingness to do what work is necessary cant be in question ... Also i just moved back from Thailand through choice i didnt need to wait until old age.

    "We live in a Captialist Society"

    In many areas the govt employs 40% of the workforce, and bails out banks and homeowners, its not capitalist, besides Britain has cross the line socially into becoming a soft police state.

    2. The Capitalist system brought about ,high house prices, and the large increases over the years,with no control by the "Baby Boomer" Generation,

    No it didnt it is a Ponzi scheme that is now propped up by the state via QE and 0% interest rates that was initially funded by never ending lines of credit, and restrictive planning laws ... it couldnt be further from capitalist.

    So why blame people for Capitialising on their hard earned assets, what are they supposed to do? give the profits back to the (for the most part) feckless youth of today?

    You are the one saying the governement should keep on spending money it hasnt got, yet you call the Youth of the day feckless!

    But no enjoy your profits in the sun but just remember your generation and the one before have fcuked the country up big time and run off with all the loot leaving your grandkids to sweep up the mess.

    PS if you go to Ex Communist nations the communist parties are politely called socialist.

    PPS I did reply to all most your points but had to delete them as i used too many quote boxes.

  12. ^^^^

    So its ok to say it just dont get caught doing it.

    Free thought and freedom has been eroded so much and so quickly in this country what i have said will only be a couple of year away.

    IE Men and women will be getting sacked for making harmless jibes at others.

    Irony is all the women on Skysports have got the job exclusively for being beautiful dolly birds, i never here 1 single complaint from feminists about this reversed sexism. Ugly men and fat chicks should be up in arms.

    No it is not okay to say it. It is true to say that if it did not appear in the public domain we would not have been any the wiser.

    I cant help but continue this as i hate the freedoms of thought and speech and most of all PRIVACY being eroded in the UK.

    So as you think its not ok to say it in any situation and it should be banned .... you must also agree that this kind of thought should be totally stamped out?

    Also if i were to make a comment about a beautiful lady in the office who models for lads mags, and the person who i said it to happened to record it on their phone youd agree that i should be sacked for this, thus meaning id lose any house i was paying a mortgage on and my child will have to be brought up on the benefits system. This is the kind of society youre advocating.

  13. ^^^^

    So its ok to say it just dont get caught doing it.

    Free thought and freedom has been eroded so much and so quickly in this country what i have said will only be a couple of year away.

    IE Men and women will be getting sacked for making harmless jibes at others.

    Irony is all the women on Skysports have got the job exclusively for being beautiful dolly birds, i never here 1 single complaint from feminists about this reversed sexism. Ugly men and fat chicks should be up in arms.

  14. The young lady in question was running the line because she was qualified. Both of the prehistoric attitudes of Keys and Gray revealed the mindsets of overgrown schoolboys. By no means an uncommon phenomonon but for high profile TV Sports people it is not an endearing or indeed common sense quality.

    Hardly surprising that Andy Gray has had to walk the plank when more instances of caveman behaviour surfaced. His colleague is skating on thin ice. :huh:

    If they had said what they said on live TV id agree they should get reprimanded, but it was a private conversation.

    If it applies to Gray its got to apply to th rest of us, so i could get the sack at anytime if i make a comment to a colleague about a pretty young lady walking past my office whilst at work ... im sure those that agree with the sacking would never do such a thing as they see everyone as equals.

    But next time you comment on womens driving youre insulting women in a similar vein.

  15. Dont hold your breath on a large rise in GBP to Baht exchange rate,after all it is a Seasonal Adjustment.

    Right now we are coming to the end of the Thai Peak Holiday season,and as usual the Pound seems to strengthen,but in fact,there is less revenue from Tourism,so less need for Baht Manipulation,by the BOT.

    I dont see the slight rise in the £ to Baht exchange rate, as a sign that the British Government is doing much to overcome the UK financial difficulties with only one Policy,so im not surprised at the latest lack of recovery figures.

    i.e.... Reduce Goverment Spending,especially for those unfortunates who have to live on Public Benefits.

    Cut/ Cameron and Slash/ Clegg are aptly named,thats the sum total of their idea of a positive effect on long term recovery,......Cut & Slash and nothing but talk of penalising the greedy Banks,up to now.

    Sigh, Its the same old story I have heard from Politicians all my life,the Big Guys F*** up and the little Guys pick up the checkbin.

    Youre clearly a commie who thinks the govt should keep on spending money they havent got, this is not Cameron or Cleggs fault .. but just to keep you happy they spent 16billion pound in the last month that they havent got .. thatll keep the kids of today happy to know theyre paying for economic illiterate baby boomers to run after farmers girls.

    Sorry to disappoint you,I have never been a "Commie" and never will be.

    And if the Baby Boomers want to spend their hard earned Pensions running after Farmers girls,then its up to them,how they spend their money,.

    After working 40 years plus,paying their Taxes and National Insurance, they owe the kids of today nothing.

    Surely you don't begrudge them from having a little fun in their twilight years?

    If you think the govt should keep on spending money they havent got youre either a socialist of the worst order or economically illiterate.

    But its those born after the 2nd WW that have had a trillion pound spent on their retirement that those leaving school now are going to pay for, your generation havent paid enough into the system as to what youre taking out. The profit on your property will be getting paid for by kids born today a nice scam set up by your generation.

  16. i'm taking an educated guess. besides, employment law doesn't require the actual recipient of discrimination to make a complaint as far as i know. anyone else in the vicinity could have complained about what gray was saying and doing being inappropriate for a professional workplace.

    all moot anyway, the fuc_ker's been sacked and good riddance. he wasn't even good at his job, just had that passionate scots growl that got him the gig in the first place.

    Yes he knew nowt about football did he despite playing for 18 years and commentating for 18 years, besides comrade youre in Thailand you shouldnt be watching Sky or are you admitting to breaking the law by watching him on a p2p platform.

    Anyway comrade here is another one just leaked of Keys speaking badly of women ... in a private conversation i may add.


    Off with his head.

  17. Dont hold your breath on a large rise in GBP to Baht exchange rate,after all it is a Seasonal Adjustment.

    Right now we are coming to the end of the Thai Peak Holiday season,and as usual the Pound seems to strengthen,but in fact,there is less revenue from Tourism,so less need for Baht Manipulation,by the BOT.

    I dont see the slight rise in the £ to Baht exchange rate, as a sign that the British Government is doing much to overcome the UK financial difficulties with only one Policy,so im not surprised at the latest lack of recovery figures.

    i.e.... Reduce Goverment Spending,especially for those unfortunates who have to live on Public Benefits.

    Cut/ Cameron and Slash/ Clegg are aptly named,thats the sum total of their idea of a positive effect on long term recovery,......Cut & Slash and nothing but talk of penalising the greedy Banks,up to now.

    Sigh, Its the same old story I have heard from Politicians all my life,the Big Guys F*** up and the little Guys pick up the checkbin.

    Youre clearly a commie who thinks the govt should keep on spending money they havent got, this is not Cameron or Cleggs fault .. but just to keep you happy they spent 16billion pound in the last month that they havent got .. thatll keep the kids of today happy to know theyre paying for economic illiterate baby boomers to run after farmers girls.

  18. So after all this bickering here is the reason as to why he's been sacked ... just shows you dont upset Rupert Murdoch -

    Gray's former Everton team-mate Peter Reid linked the ex-Sky pundit's dismissal to the News of the World phone-hacking scandal.

    Gray has gone to the High Court in an attempt to force private investigator Glenn Mulcaire to reveal which News of the World journalists asked him to hack into his phone.

    The News of the World is a subsidiary of News Corporation, which owns a large stake in BSkyB and is seeking to purchase the whole company.

    "The comments weren't great, but I think it was a joke and I have got a feeling they might be linked in some way," Reid told BBC Radio 4's PM.


    Any evidence for this other than unsubstantiated rumours from an ex team mate?

    How about this dated 18th of January ... starting to look a bit fishy im sure youd agree, it took 18 fcuken years of working at Sky to realise an ex-footballer is a bit sexist.


    Another dated 19th Jan


    Anyone who thinks this minor incident hasnt been blown out of proportion has clearly been brainwashed by 13 years of totalitarian Nulabour, or was a commie in the first place.

  19. So after all this bickering here is the reason as to why he's been sacked ... just shows you dont upset Rupert Murdoch -

    Gray's former Everton team-mate Peter Reid linked the ex-Sky pundit's dismissal to the News of the World phone-hacking scandal.

    Gray has gone to the High Court in an attempt to force private investigator Glenn Mulcaire to reveal which News of the World journalists asked him to hack into his phone.

    The News of the World is a subsidiary of News Corporation, which owns a large stake in BSkyB and is seeking to purchase the whole company.

    "The comments weren't great, but I think it was a joke and I have got a feeling they might be linked in some way," Reid told BBC Radio 4's PM.


  20. Just watched that youtube clip......

    Is that it? There's some soft <deleted> in here.

    I know a few of you on this thread like the 'non-pc' jokes in bedlam. Next time I notice you there, I'll point out your hypocrisy for you. They were just having a laugh <deleted>.

    Yes thats exactly it, id guess all men on here at one time or another have taken advantage of a young farmers daughter for money, then when these 2 make an off the cuff comment about women and theyre all up in arms.

    As for claiming its ok to say it down the pub but not in a private conversation at work, what if the women down the pub didnt agree with it should you be arrested and imprisoned?

    To wish to stop a man whether you like him or not making a living for such a minor incident is spiteful.

    A private conversation? What did she have a sock stuffed in her mouth or something?

    It just gets worse.....:D

    I bet you bra burners dream the day The Sun puts buff men on page 3 to satisfy your feminist agenda.wink.gif

  21. Just watched that youtube clip......

    Is that it? There's some soft <deleted> in here.

    I know a few of you on this thread like the 'non-pc' jokes in bedlam. Next time I notice you there, I'll point out your hypocrisy for you. They were just having a laugh <deleted>.

    Yes thats exactly it, id guess all men on here at one time or another have taken advantage of a young farmers daughter for money, then when these 2 make an off the cuff comment about women and theyre all up in arms.

    As for claiming its ok to say it down the pub but not in a private conversation at work, what if the women down the pub somehow overheard and didnt agree with it should you be arrested and imprisoned?

    To wish to stop a man whether you like him or not making a living for such a minor incident is spiteful.

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