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Posts posted by Englander

  1. All property will sell, all you need to do is offer it as the right price.


    Problem is the right price in this market might mean giving it away :(

    That means if it were an investment it was a bad investment, Maybe the banks should start lending 10 times peoples salary so the property investors can make a profit ..... like England. rolleyes.gif

    Land in around places where Thais wish to live seems to sell nice and easily.

    Finally cheap property = good for society and the economy, expensive property = bad for all but the banks and those who cant think of productive ways to make money ... sell low and do your bit for humanity. wink.gif

  2. I really don't understand how anyone who is the least bit informed about Palin's positions would think she would pick pro gay rights, pro church/state separation, pro abortion rights judges. I find that really bizarre, but whatever ...

    I can only conclude you aren't as informed as you let on.

    Your argument is all over the place ... us extremists who would like to see the Tea Party gain power all agree she is a nut.

    it was probably the best thing to happen to the Tea Party that the not overly bright O Donnell failed and the Alaskans spoke out possibly against their most famous Tea Partier, shows theyll need to put in people with a little going on between their ears who just dont speak for the sake of it.

  3. Most tea party people are also social conservatives. Not all, but most. So that means, as any American knows,

    against the constitutional separation of church and state, they are often quite openly pro Christian theist


    anti immigrant

    anti abortion rights

    and of course pro drug enforcement (to be fair, the vast majority of Americans still wouldn't vote to totally legalize cannabis for more than medical purposes, more or less proven in the recent California initiative vote)

    You are naive if you believe they represent a pure "freedom" message. Hardly.

    Although of course I deeply oppose the tea party fanatics, I am hopeful in the long run that they move the republican party (which is already right wing) so far right that they in effect castrate the R party from taking the presidency for a long, long time. For example if they run with Palin they will be slaughtered.

    IM of the opinion that the majority of people on the demonised right just want to get on with their lives peacefully and think others should be able to do as they please.

  4. The bank bailouts whether they saved the economy we will never truly know or as for the bailouts of failed businesses we'll know in the future ... but if they fail again im taking it you support another bailout.

    But ive shown 2 of your points on education and the federal reserve are totally taken out of context and he is offering viable alternatives.

    But i believe that when speakers for Tea Party talk about making abortions illegal, banning canabis etc.. theyre contradicting themselves ... you cant do this without being a police state ... you either want freedom or you dont

  5. Here this is from Wiki, im sure there is more truth in it then what you write.


    -- he favors abolishing the US department of education

    Paul supports returning control of education to local communities and parents and thus eliminating the federal Department of Education, but he says that some functions of the Department of Education, such as disbursing student loans and Pell Grants, should be transferred to other departments instead of being eliminated.[129][130] Paul opposes federal regulation of homeschooling.

    -- he favors abolishing the Federal Reserve

    He also opposes the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Federal Reserve's control of the money supply and interest rates. He has advocated allowing the free market to regulate interest rates, and supports Congress' constitutional role in controlling the money supply. Paul endorses H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, a bill, introduced by his father, mandating an audit of the Federal Reserve. Although Paul would abolish the Federal Reserve, he supports transparency and accountability of the semi-private institution. Additionally, Paul opposes inflation and supports "restoring the value of the dollar that has devalued by approximately 95% since the Federal Reserve's inception in 1913".[124]

    Paul supports tax cuts and a Balanced Budget Amendment, and has criticized both Republicans and Democrats on deficit spending.[125]

    -- he is against against ANY government bailouts no matter how dire the emergency. Note that the Bush/Obama financial bailouts are credited by most mainstream economists as saving the entire world from a great depression. The auto industry bailouts which saved so many jobs have been PAID BACK WITH INTEREST.

    Its called capitalism comrade! But you clearly support bailing out the banks and printing money, clearly showing who is the extremist.

    And the only economist who claimed the bailout saved the world was Grodon brown and he truly is a fcuken nutjob and up there with the worst economists in the Mugabe regime.

  6. The empire is crumbling and too many people don't want to face it like adults.

    They Tea Party want to balance the budget and pay off the debt ..... The Dems and Reps have spent like there is no tomorrow and are intent on spending like never before if it werent for the Tea party's rise.

    Now what is doing the right thing balancing the budget and paying off your debt, or keep on spending so the young of America have to pay it off.

    Jing you are so blinkered in your views its untrue.

    PS The Tea Party are the only entity who openly speak of bring troops home from foreign wars .... good to see your crocodile tears and blatant hypocrisy on this issue.

  7. Well i will make you this promise. Next time you are out and about in town on one of these football nights give me a shout. I will come from behind my laptop, look you in the eye and then you give me a rendition of your heroes song. Moron.

    I dont mind having banter with anyone about football, but when you start trying to glorify a scum bag cop killer then to me you are the lowest of the low, and I would be MORE than happy to say that to your face. Suggest you grow up.

    And so the name calling continues ... bit of advice though Rambo, you shouldnt go around offering trouble these days unless youre willing to be in Mr Roberts league of badness.

    Maybe your comprehension of English is not upto scratch?

    Where am I going around offering trouble? :blink:

    Just suggested to look me up and say to my face what nonsense you are saying on here.

    I am more than happy to repeat face to face everything I have said on here to you in person, NOT behind a computer screen.

    Showing your true colours, you used to be filth and youre proving how easily you snap, bet you fitted in well ... no doubt you were one of the cowardly fools who shows how brave you are whilst hiding behind a uniform.

    400 odd deaths a year in police custody, many through being violently arrested and you cowards walk away scot free time and again ... but as no one is found guilty the filth clearly never do it right?

    Here is a recent story of 2 - http://www.morningst...view/full/95369

    This one will no doubt remind you of happier days, just your average arrest.


  8. Trying to justify not spending money on your kids education- well its just an exercise in trying to make yourself feel better when you know you are not doing the best you could for your kids.

    Ive recently thought similar to the OP, i am in the process of registering my baby daughter at a few private schools in the UK ..... lets say she stays on until A Levels its approx 12k PA x 14 years = 168K, then university fees which by then id imagine will be 15-20K PA so lets say 50K for a 3 year degree .... plus accommodation and living cost another 10K PA ... so your looking at somewhere near 250K if your wanting a top end education.

    I could put down 50k deposit on a house for her now, rent it out and by the time she is 21 itll be paid off, then if i were to save the remaining 200K for her she'd be set up for life ...... and just send her to state school in a decent area, throw in some private tuition and keep my fingers crossed she's got natural academic ability and doesnt get involved with the wrong crowd.

    So she is 21, has a house, 200K but a state education greatly increases the chance that she becomes a blue collar/manual tye worker e.g. hairdresser/cleaner/shop assistant. Wouldnt you rather she had a quality education and a university degree in an area of her choice, so that she could choose what she wants to do with her life? In a good profession shed soon be able to afford a house and a put away savings as well as have a much higher standard of living given her higher income.

    Its the old- give a man a fish he'll feed for a day (200K soon disappears if you are on a very low income), give him a net (good education) he'll be fine for rest of his life...

    (Not related to my arguement but on the fish/net thing- light a fire for a man and he'll be warm for a day, set a man on fire and he''ll be warm for the rest of his life.)

    I do think i'll send her to a private school on the basis i may well be working away much of the year, and the fact she is a female rules her out of doing well paid manual jobs with minimal qualifications such as i do ... and as society has fallen apart in Blighty in the last 20 years id sooner she was being corrupted by those at what is meant to be one of the best girls school in the country as opposed to young roughians as i was. (even though most kids at the state schools are raised well)

    But if i wasnt working away enabling me to teach her, and i lived in an area in the UK which has the best state schools it is certainly a viable option that needs thinking about, and do as a previous poster said put her in private school aged 14-18 for GCSE and A levels, in the hope of getting her into a better uni. should she desire.

    Though if i were in Thailand itd be private all the way.

  9. Ah, I see this thread reveals, finally, the true quality of TV members. Both sides of this "argument".

    Sad, very sad. I am ashamed to be a Brit.

    Fairplay to you but you must have been aware that TV wasnt am awakening to the heights of British culture.

  10. Well i will make you this promise. Next time you are out and about in town on one of these football nights give me a shout. I will come from behind my laptop, look you in the eye and then you give me a rendition of your heroes song. Moron.

    I dont mind having banter with anyone about football, but when you start trying to glorify a scum bag cop killer then to me you are the lowest of the low, and I would be MORE than happy to say that to your face. Suggest you grow up.

    And so the name calling continues ... bit of advice though Rambo, you shouldnt go around offering trouble these days unless youre willing to be in Mr Roberts league of badness.

  11. And to the poster who thinks that these reports of Police aggression ( if true) justify supporting a Police murderer,I hope I dont meet you in person, and you dare repeat this Harry Roberts sh!te........... Tosser :angry:

    Frightening ... and it was true if you read the post and it is police BRUTALITY, not aggression as you so politely put it

    Whats frightening?

    And how do you know it was true, a friend of a friend of a friend told you???

    I am not condoning Police brutality, but I am certainly not going to sit here while pricks like you hero worship cop killers.

    Harry Roberts was a cold blooded killer, shot unarmed Police , with no remorse.

    You glorifying a tw@t like that shows the type of person you are

    Jack youre the prick who mouths off behind his laptop .. it shows the type of person you are.

  12. The radical right wing R's could shut down the government, but that is unlikely as it will assure a reversal of their recent fortunes in 12. The truly radical no government crowd still is no bigger than 20 percent, they will never have a ruling majority, and they are hypocrites anyway, take away their medicare, their social security and they'll make the red shirts look like pussycats.

    Small AFFORDABLE govt and no govt are not the same, you need to learn to debate without creating lies and fantasy!

  13. do we get a follow up with

    Seven Magnificent Blackmen in Thailand


    Seven Magnificent Chinamen in Thailand


    Seriously why? If I am discussing white people why do I need to redress the balance and discuss other races when they were not part of the conversation, If I say Fernando Torres is a word class footballer, do I then have to also name a black player? and if I don't name a black player am I racist?

    Sergiy is a Political Correctness say exactly as i allow extremist, in his world if you dont think and say as he .. youre racist

  14. How many more have to die, for the 9/11 lie????

    It wasnt a lie it happened, but its way past the time to get out.

    I reckon Hobanse thinks the Israelis did it, but he is too shy to actually come out about what he really believes, other than to say it was a lie.

    Yes i thought so to, still i agree with the outcome he wishes for, tragedy so many young soldiers are being used as cannon fodder by our own governments. IMHO the US had good reason to go in initially but they fcuked up big time by taking their eye off the ball and going into Iraq ... time for what would be classed as an extremist govt decision, one that the people would back and get out.

  15. And to the poster who thinks that these reports of Police aggression ( if true) justify supporting a Police murderer,I hope I dont meet you in person, and you dare repeat this Harry Roberts sh!te........... Tosser :angry:

    Frightening ... and it was true if you read the post and it is police BRUTALITY, not aggression as you so politely put it

  16. A cracking article about the Tea Party and reclaiming our freedom from govt. in The Telegraph.

    Arriving back at Heathrow late on Sunday night I felt - as you do on returning to Britain these days – as if I were entering a failed state. It's not just the Third World shabbiness which is so dispiriting. It's the knowledge that from its surveillance cameras to its tax regime, from its (mostly) EU-inspired regulations to its whole attitude to the role of government, Britain is a country which has forgotten what it means to be free.

    God how I wish I were American right now. In the US they may not have the Cairngorms, the River Wye, cream teas, University Challenge, Cotswold villages or decent curries. But they do still understand the principles of "don't tread on me" and "live free or die." Not all of them, obviously – otherwise a socialist like Barack Obama would never have got into power. But enough of them to understand that in the last 80 or more years – and not just in the US but throughout the Western world – government has forgotten its purpose. It has now grown so arrogant and swollen as to believe its job is to shape and improve and generally interfere with our lives. And it's not. Government's job is to act as our humble servant.

    What's terrifying is how few of us there are left anywhere in the supposedly free world who properly appreciate this. Sure, we may feel in our hearts that – as Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe put it in their Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party manifesto – "We just want to be free. Free to lead our lives as we please, so long as we do not infringe on the same freedom of others". And we may even confide it to our friends after a few drinks. But look at Australia; look at Canada; look at New Zealand; look at anywhere in the EUSSR; look at America – at least until things begin to be improved by today's glorious revolution. Wherever you go, even if it's somewhere run by a notionally "conservative" administration, the malaise you will encounter is much the same: a system of governance predicated on the notion that the state's function is not merely to uphold property rights, maintain equality before the law and defend borders, but perpetually to meddle with its citizens' lives in order supposedly to make their existence more fair, more safe, more eco-friendly, more healthy. And always the result is the same: more taxation, more regulation, less freedom. Less "fairness" too, of course.

    Rarely have I felt more despondent about the world's future than I do right now, Britain's especially. At least when Blair and Brown were in charge, busily ruining things, there was always the consolation that soon would come the backlash which would see a decent, small-state, conservative administration regaining power and the country's fortunes restored. This hasn't happened. The similarities between the Eton Grocer's Coalition and the New Labour government he ousted are far greater than the differences. All are run by a professional political mandarin class in the interests of the professional political mandarin class. The Big Society – contra a bizarre leader in this week's Spectator – has very little to do with rolling back the frontiers of the State. It's about entrenching Tony Blair's Third Way socialism-lite, only under a zappy new name. For even the merest glimmer of hope about the future, the only place to look right now is across the Atlantic.

    And this is why I'm more excited than an Englishman has any right to be about today's mid-term US elections. As Scott Edwards, president of Republican Party Animals put it yesterday: "Tonight is a lot like the night before Christmas when you were a kid. You knew the next day was going to be great, but you didn't quite know how great, and you were much too excited to sleep." I agree with him. Not even with Margaret Thatcher's first victory in 1979 or the Gipper's in 1980 was there an election with quite so much at stake. We're talking about the future not just of the US here, but of Western Civilisation itself.

    If this isn't obvious, let me explain why. As you all know, since Climategate I've been dedicating far more of my time than is healthy to exposing the great Global Warming scam. This is not because I've suddenly realised I'm a scientist manque who wants to spend the rest of his life obsessing about forcings, feedbacks and solar radiation. It's because I understand that "Environmentalism" is but one strategically significant theatre in a much greater ideological war being waged across the world. It's the same one Toby Young is fighting over education; the same one the likes of Rod Liddle, Andrew Gilligan, Nick Cohen and Mark Steyn are fighting over political Islam; the same one Melanie Phillips is fighting over Israel. And its ultimate outcome is at least as important as those of the ones we fought in 1914-1918 and 1939-1945. At stake is exactly the same thing the Greek alliance fought for when Western Civilisation was born at Salamis in 480 BC; the same thing we citizens of the West have been fighting for ever since: the right to forge our own destinies as free men and women, rather than remain infantilised, oppressed and enslaved as vassals of a tyrant state.

    Sure there's no comparison (well not that much) between Obama's US and Stalin's Soviet Union; Coalition Britain and Mao's China; Julia Gillard's Australia and Queen Ranavalona's Madagascar; sure the war we're currently fighting doesn't involve mass destruction like that of World Wars I and II. But it's precisely because the ideological struggle we're currently engaged in is so seemingly democratic and innocuous that it is in fact so dangerous. With Hitler and Stalin it was easy: the enemy was plain in view. Today's encroaching tyranny is an of altogether more subtle, slippery variety. It takes the form of the steady "engrenage" – ratcheting – of EU legislation; of the stealthy removal of property rights and personal liberty under the UN's Agenda 21; of the eco-legislation created by democratically unaccountable bodies like America's Environmental Protection Agency; of the stealthy encroachment of the Big Government into the most intimate recesses of our daily lives – not just under barely disguised socialist administrations like Obama's even under notionally "Centre right" ones such as Cameron's or Sarkozy's. When the Enemy is as sly and insidious as that, it's much much harder for the increasingly oppressed populace to rouse itself to the appropriate state of alarm and rebellion.

    That's why today I say: "Thank God for the Tea Party!" Though it has been typically misrepresented by the liberal media as a rattlers' nest of gun-toting fruitcakes who want to ban masturbation and abortion, it is, of course, nothing of the kind. It is – whatever the increasingly redundant Moonbat may claim – a genuine grass roots movement inspired by the one great political cause truly worth fighting and dying for: the cause of liberty.


  17. I'm just saying that he HAS spent lots & lots & lots & lots of money & think you're wrong when you say that poeple are puttign on zero's etc, because they don't need to do that as he's done it himself..

    Singhers, I have already agreed many thimes that he has spent lots and lots and I think we are very lucky. But don't get the two different issues mixed up. People were adding zero's to the amount of money spent on players. What he has spent in total including investment is a totally different issue. That is all that I was correcting.

    OK i read every newspaper online as theyre free (except the Guardian spit)... and the figures quoted are the same in each, never understand this newspaper snobbery when it comes to football, The Sun years ago under Brian Woolnough was always the best for transfers breaking, reviews of games etc.. .... but i'll accept im just quoting media though the losses youve made do show the figures could possibly be very close. ..... Though Gary Cook says youve spent over 300 million ... and Taksin spent a fortune as the debt he left proves.


    But anyway .... they have this new UEFA ruling where the club cannot lose more then 45 million Euro for the next few years or the will not be able to enter European competitions .... is there any info amongst Man City fans as to how theyll avoid this as quite clearly Man City are paying more then everyone which is why players are so eager to join and theyre still talking about buying more players.


  18. No matter how people try and dress it up, there's only one reason to visit/ live in Pattaya, and I'm only talking about the areas where girls/ ladyboys/ boys are prevalent.

    I am in BKK and go there once a month to hit the boxing gym for 4-5 days and have a few days eating decent priced English food, i can genuinely say i dont frequent the girly bars and dont wish to have the same mundane conversation time and again.

    Besides unless you go to the gogo bars the women of Pattaya are old, flabby and not my cup of tea, i would have no use for any of them.

    Can you define "no use for any of them"? Don't you think this statement lacks some respect?!

    Well im not in need of company to want to speak to them id sooner speak to the old British boys around there, and i dont find the ladies aesthetically pleasing enough to want to beat it into them.

    Besides all i done was highlight that not everyone is in Patts for a bit of flabby chick/granny sh4ggin.

  19. As a parent the best option is to spend as much as you can afford on your kids education. Going to a private school does make a difference- if you kid is abit less bright in private schools they will get extra attention, if they are v. intelligent in private schools they have a great environment to flourish. The opposite is true of public schools- less bright kids will suffer, bright kids maybe be stifled and unable to meet their potential.

    Deep down we all would pay for our kids to go to the best private schools if we had the means. Trying to justify not spending money on your kids education- well its just an exercise in trying to make yourself feel better when you know you are not doing the best you could for your kids.

    Sorry but you should remove your post before all the rednecks start posting about how every kid is the same and no 1 is dumber than anyone else, "it's all the education man"

    Its the educated liberals point of view to think this way, hence the dumbing down of the education system by not streaming into groups of ability and closing grammar schools to stop the best excelling.

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