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Posts posted by remiss

  1. Latest update:

    The cabinet has approved a B624m emergency fund to locate and help any Thai workers returning home. Of the amount, 600 million baht will be earmarked compensation for destroyed land & property, and those without jobs. The remaining 24 million baht is for costs relating to their return to Thailand.

  2. I have some problems understanding your relationship. The general Schengen rules says the person who want a visa should apply for visa where s/he is going to spend the most time. Sorry to say so but your passports are irrelevant for him getting a visa or not. And there are no partner or paid companion visas either. If you want him to come with you, he will have to apply for a tourist visa, and you will probably have to guarantee his return.

    The main issue here will really be whether they will believe he will return or not (as it is with tourist visas to Schengen). If he has been to Schengen/europe before it should be easier. If he has a well paid job and family in Thailand, even better. Unless he is filthy rich or has a really well paid job i TH my guess is you will have a though job convincing them.

    Speculation: However. If you have lived in the UK and have family (or possibly some close connections) there it would probably be easier convincing them to give him a visa if you can prove him and you have seen/known each other for some time.

    Otherwise he will have to apply for a tourist visa to one of the countries you mention. Would probably be best giving full travel plans and as much documentation of your time spent together as possible as you will be his guarantor unless like I said he has a job that pays _really_ well (50-100k upwards probably).

    PS: Don't want to sound mean, but getting tourist visa to europe/schengen is not so easy for poor people... The reason for it is if they have no reason to return a lot more of them would just stay working illegally.

  3. Son, daughter, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, etc all have extended meaning for thai people and as such when it's translated it's not what we would expect. I've met a lot of each and it twisted my head in the beginning to actually figure out which was real family and not, but in Thailand it doesn't matter as much.

  4. It really depends on the branch. Tried a couple of banks before I could open an account. Almost had the second bank, but I think there were some language issues as my BF tried and he was a little frightened from getting turned down at bangkok bank.

    The third and last (in Khantaralak) wanted the blue book which was fair enough..But they didn't need it for his acct, just mine, which is kinda weird, but okay.

    Btw, in the future it will benefit you to get an account with a branch that is close to where you are planning to live (ie, same clearing district) or it will quickly get expensive withdrawing cash.I think kasikorn takes 20 baht every time I want some cash in BKK. I don't like walking around with 20k in my pocket so I usually withdraw 3900..

    PS: I have actually met the bank manager of SCB in Khantaralak in a private party and he was either hitting on me or extremely interested in farangs. Had to give him several hugs.. :/ My third or fourth visit to Khantaralak was not so much fun. BF went to get his teeth fixed (200 baht for a hole, fillings, painkillers, antibiotics!) and I was walking around by myself. Unfortunately with a red t-shirt and some bitch who didn't know I knew a little thai called me katoey and sua daeng :/ I will admit the t-shirt did look a little katoeyish, but no reason to be a bitch b/c of that..

  5. http://en.wikipedia....IV#Transmission

    According to wikipedia (which of course is no guarantee for anything).. However according to this it's not 1 in 200 chance, but 1 in 2000 chance for a man getting it from having sex with a girl having HIV (per act), or 0.3% chance in low income countries. OFC if u prefer anal it's anyones guess..

    And I quote "The majority of HIV infections are acquired through unprotected sexual relations. Complacency about HIV plays a key role in HIV risk"

    http://www.thelancet...0021-0/fulltext :

    "Among all low-income country estimates, only sex, condom use, and year of publication (negative association) were significantly associated with infectivity"

    "Alternatively, higher HIV prevalence may increase the likelihood of contamination resulting from exposure to additional sources of infection other than sex with the main index partner and thus bias estimates upward."

    "studies in low-income countries ... condom use may have been over-reported by study participants"

    "condom use ... reduces the risk of sexual transmission of HIV by about 85%"

    So unless you are sure the other person isn't infected use a condom... Should get u down to being infected in one of 13 000 acts with somebody who has HIV.. And unless u are changing bar girl several times every night should be ok for most people I guess..

  6. It's always surprised me how everything grinds to a halt out here with a bit of rain.

    In the UK, it sometimes rains constantly. The rain in the UK is cold as well, not like taking a warm shower as it is in Thailand. Yet we just get on with it.

    Why do the Thai's need to stop everything?

    I think it's just about what's normal for the country.. Unlike the UK, Norway doesn't come to a grinding halt when it snows a little bit..

  7. OP: Three phrases that will save you the money

    Leo Sai (left)

    Leo Kwar (right)

    Drong by (straight on)

    Remember these, and you'll always get to your destination.

    And remember it's "kwaa", not "kwai" -- this is important.

  8. It's definetely gotten better for me too.. First time I visited Thailand it was a real pita and had to use both repellant and the green stuff.. Last time I didn't use any repellant and only a little bit green stuff and after applying once it wasn't itching anymore.. Previously I had to apply it for days on end..

  9. I stayed at a hotel in soi 4 recently.. I didn't know that was nana, man am I glad I didn't book for more than two nights!

    Apparently some people like it, but definetly not my cup of tea (I'm not old, not fat, don't need a bar girl and swing the other way)

  10. you cant blame the posters of thaivisa if you have lost money over an investment after taking advise on an open forum., you should always take indepenant legal advise.

    Well said. The internet is filled with wrong information, misunderstood opinions, different experiences, things that were true before but not any longer, etc. Although you can come a long way with trying to find the general concensus on forums and internet there is no guarantee it's correct or applies to your situation. The internet is no more trustworthy than sombody at the local bar.. Sometimes it's also helpful checking with several advisors/lawyers/doctors/etc too..

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