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Posts posted by finy

  1. Every time I want to upgrade my dongle internet credit I have to visit a DTAC shop.

    I've heard you can buy credit from 7-11 for the Happy DTAC service and enter code on your computer to recharge credit.

    Can anyone please explain how it works, or if it's even possible to add credit without a DTAC shop around.


  2. I'm heading directly from Chiang Mai to Nong Khai and they've said I'll reach the border by 7.30am.

    I'm guessing I'll have more than enough time to reach the Thai embassy before 11.30 to hand in passport, but I'm not quite sure about what to do next because of something mentioned a few days ago.

    When exactly do they count your 180 days from?

    Does the 180 days start from when they give you the visa, or does the 180 days start from when you first enter Thailand on your first entry?

    I'm asking because I was thinking of applying for visa on Thursday, picking it up on Friday then hanging around in Laos for a while before I go back into Thailand.

    But if me 180 days starts from when I pick up my passport on the Friday I guess I'll have to head straight back otherwise I'll just be wasting up days.

    Can anyone clarify when the 180 day countdown actually starts?


  3. I stayed on the west side of KP last year for a month and it wasn't very expensive. I had a kitchen and ate food I bought from the local market, which was also cheap. The place I stayed in last time seems to have bumped up their prices greatly, but I'm sure there will still be bargains to be had.

    I also stayed in Lamai and someone tried to break into my room while I was sleeping, but I woke up and scared them off. I know there are deals around there with the price I'm looking for, but not sure if they have kitchens and they would have to be secure.

    I only really have a cheap laptop anyway, but if it goes it means replacing it which I'd rather not do.

  4. Obviously when those who talk about Samui being a "concrete jungle" are referring mainly to Chawang....perhaps Lamai...?. whistling.gif

    Many parts of Samui are not much different than KP.... I would guess 80 to 90% +- is Jungle, farms and beaches! Trouble is most people miss out on what is really here and never take the time to see what is really here!

    I beg to differ.... but Samui is generally cheaper than KP, you see even at 7-11 prices are a few baht more on KP...(just one example) ... Prices are better for houses close to beach here on Samui.. but it depends on where you are!

    Deaw, is obviously out of touch, as KP now has Makro, Big C and Tesco... Home Mart too... that being said, there still is limited things to do for full timers on KP... but that suites some people.... so I am not trying to knock it! wink.png

    Can you recommend some places to look at on Samui outwith Chaweng and Lamui where those houses close to the beach are?

    It would also be cool if they were within 15 min ride of either of them.


  5. why did u leave off PHuket?

    I find phuket cheaper than Samui.

    has everything you want, great for cycling as long as ur ok with hills

    various way to get here

    great food,

    plenty of people (both thais and Farnags)

    Accomodations from 2,500/month up to.....

    Nightlife or quiet

    I was thinking about Phuket at the beginning, but knocked it off the list pretty early on.

    I've stayed in Nai Harn before but that was about 8-9 years ago, and if I went back I'd want to be down near there (or Rawai/Chalong) and I doubt I'd find anywhere decent within my price range.

  6. I just lived on Phangan for 6 high seasons, loved it and absolutely hated Samui whenever I had to go over there for something.

    Too crowded, too Hi-so tourists, too much traffic, too much.......everything. On the other hand, they have modern conveniences not available on Phangan, like air-conditioned restaurants and good hospitals and places like Home Pro and a large Tesco. Plus an airport.

    Bear in mind Phangan has only one Tesco in Thong Sala, and it's small, food-only.

    Internet was never an issue, I live near BKK right now and my internet was way better and faster on Phangan........be aware they still have the occasional blackout as well, usually just an hour or 2 but sometimes overnight, which makes it hard to sleep.

    For me it would be a no-brainer, the old proverbial "Phangan looks like Samui did 30 years ago." If you want something like that,move to Phangan; if you want more mod cons and want to be around more people, go to Samui.

    This has me swinging towards KP again haha.

    I guess either one will do at the end of the day, but I'm glad I know they're both available and I should be able to find somewhere to live at my current price range which will hopefully go up over the months.

  7. Thanks for the advice so far guys.

    I've actually spent more than a month on each island in the past so have a feel for them.

    I read an article recently about someone traveling to KP and looking around for a day at all the 'house for rent' signs then picking one up with a kitchen for about 7-8K per month.

    If anyone could confirm the same thing would be possible on Samui I might head there because there will obviously be a lot more going on and I can still live quietly when I want to.

  8. I've ruled out Tao thanks you you guys and Bali is on hold for the moment, so I'm just stuck choosing between KP and Samui.

    I'd basically like to know the easiest place to rock up, rent a room and bike for a few days to ride around the island looking for a place to stay for around 7-8Kpm with a small kitchen (just want a stove, fridge, and sink).

    I live a pretty simple like just messing around with fitness and playing on computer.

    I know there are gyms on both islands

    Probably nice beaches on both islands

    They're close to each other so I can visit either

    They both have a supermarket and small food markets

    Samui is maybe more dangerous riding a scooter?

    But Samui probably has better internet?

    More backpackers KP, Thai girls Samui?

    So as you can see, I could probably have a good time on both so I would love your opinion on how easy it would be to find the house/bungalow I'm after plus any other positives and negatives you can tell me about living on each island.


  9. Thailand Post offers 'poste restante' they will keep your mail at you designated post office for up to 2 months I believe. You will need to show ID (passport) and will be charged a small fee on collection of your mail.

    Your mail should be addressed as in this example for Khon Kaen:


    Post Restante

    Khon Kaen Post Office

    Khon Kaen



    Thanks everyone.

    I'll use this method when I find somewhere and I'll ask them for their address.

  10. I'm going to be moving around a bit in the next month, so don't really have anywhere to get something delivered to.

    I might end up in some shack on an island or a guest house in BKK, so I was just wondering if I'm in a particular place is there any way I can find the local post office and ask for my parcel to be delivered there?

    That way I could just turn up after a specific time and collect it, or do you actually need it delivered to a physical address?


  11. Hey,

    I'm about to head to Laos soon to get a double entry tourist visa.

    I'll stay for 2 months + one month extension, but when I leave the country I'd like to visit Bali for 2 months.

    Would this be allowed and could I still use the second entry on my visa to come back in?

    Or would it just be easier getting a single entry visa in Laos then getting a new single entry visa when I'm in Bali?


  12. Does anyone know if there are any places that sell these in the city?

    I can find one company online but it looks like their stock is just cheap stuff from China, which is fair enough but I'm looking for somewhere selling rings from a reputable brand with sturdy straps because I don't want to break my neck when I'm upside down.

    I know lots of CrossFit gyms much have them, so I'm guessing they are surely available somewhere in the city.

    I'm not in Bangkok at the moment so can't ask them and if I can't find any information I'll just have to order from abroad.

    I'll throw up a pic just in case anyone has seen them in a fitness supply store:



  13. Would it be easier to get it sent to my home in UK then unpacked and sent across as gift?

    It's only a pair of gymnastic rings, so not so heavy.

    I tried that route last september-still waiting. Royal mail UK paid up but no sign of any parcel here.

    Pot luck may be...

    Maybe a declaration on the outside ( you can get them at uk post offices) to say value below 20gbp and fitness kit - worth a try?

    It sounds like you've had a lot of bad luck.

    I can understand why you'd be skeptical about getting things delivered.

  14. Be sure things are reliable at your guest house.

    At our current condo, all incoming packages are logged on a clipboard, a notice is placed in your mail slot and you have to sign for the package when you pick it up. Incoming packages are kept in a closed room, with an office gal watching them carefully. Small packages are kept in a locked drawer. Seems to be good security.

    In our previous condo, all incoming mail -- including packages -- was tossed on a large table in the office and residents were free to enter the office and paw thru the items. Often the only office gal was out of the office taking care of something around the building, yet the office was left unlocked with the mail and packages unsupervised.

    I'm testing things right now with a letter, but they seem like nice people and I'm the only long term resident at the guest house.

    In my last guest house I also got 2 parcels delivered (from home) and one of the receptionists even brought one of them up to my room.

    But you're right, much will depend on where you stay.

  15. Does anyone have any info they could kindly share on getting something delivered from a US company to Chiang Mai?

    The thing I'm worried about is the fact I don't have a clue how import taxes work.

    1- If I try to get it delivered to my guest house will the package get stuck in customs in Bangkok?

    2- Will they send the parcel up to a post office in Chiang Mai where it will be held until I pay the import tax? (this would be fine, I just don't want it stuck in Bangkok)

    With number 2 I'm guessing they'll still send a notice to my guest house telling me I need to visit a certain post office to collect the item.

    This obviously sounds like a stupid question to some, but I really have no idea how it works.


  16. While we're on the subject does anyone know a good place for pizza or a burger???

    Pizza Paradise on Ratvithi Rd do amazing pizzas, but you have to buy them freshly made and they cost around 600bht for a 16'' by the time you add some extra toppings.

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