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Posts posted by finy

  1. This is a serious post btw, so please don't make any jokes if you don't mind.

    I want to disappear into the wild. Not for long; probably just a week. I just want to be in complete isolation to write some content that's going to go into a book.

    Not straight away, but I figure I might as well know now. But I don't want to go camping inside a national park if I'm going to get eaten by tigers, or any other wild animal in Thailand.

    Do you know which part of the country the tigers live in?

  2. ahh Im a wee bit jealous of anyone that gets to live in Thai. Tell us what are you going to do there?

    I'm just going to study Thai, cooking, Muay Thai, Meditation, plus chill out and have a good time while I build my online business.

    • Like 1
  3. After getting positive replies in my last thread, I've decided I will move to Udon Thani. Basically because it's a few hours away from Laos for visa runs.

    Does anyone have any idea of the best practices when I hit the ground?

    I will fly in from Bangkok, I've done too much long travel in Thailand and I can't be bothered anymore. From there I will rent a hotel with wifi for maybe a week to give myself enough time to find an apartment.

    How would I go about finding an apartment with wifi or cable?

    Is there any parts of the city that I should be looking at living?

    Also I need dental work. Am I better getting that in Bangkok before I fly to Udon Thani?

    Thanks very much.

  4. This is exactly why Thailand has strict immigration laws. Men wanting to live here on the cheap and give nothing back. Obviously your freelance writing doesn't pay well so why not stay where you are and get a real job. Thailand doesn't need more freeloaders.

    I make around $3000 per month. Like I said, I just want to live cheap until I have saved up a good emergency fund, maybe about $3000. I'd just like to move straight away rather than stay at home for another month.

    After the money is saved I'll be contributing a lot to society. I don't want to live frugaly forever :)

    • Like 1
  5. I don't want any negitive comments about the cheap part, please.

    I basically have a job as a freelance article writer. As of now I've been paying debts off. I need to save $3000 emergency funds.

    But I figured instead of staying at home, which I hate, I could live in Issan really cheaply while I save up the $3000. Maybe 1-1.5 months.

    So I was wondering how much I could do it per month. I really just need a simple room and Internet connection. I just want to know how much this will cost.

    I guess food costs 25bht etc for a cheap dish. I'm quite willing to live as cheap as possible for a month, rather than be miserable at home.


  6. Hey guys and gals,

    I'm thinking about buying an iPad and I was wondering if I should wait until I come to Thailand.

    I need something to connect to the Internet when I'm out and about. I thought an iPad would be great. I'm quite happy using it in wi-fi areas, but is it worth while going for the 3g version? Would this allow me to work in and around Bangkok/Chiang Mai (mostly Chiang Mai) and have good connection to the web?

    Also, does anyone run their Internet business from the iPad? I heard an app called Blogsy is pretty good for updating Wordpress.This is just for outside and I'l have a laptop in my room.

    Also, how much is the 64 wifi w/ 3g and is the monthly data plans expensive?


  7. I've been building up my online business over the last year. Right now I'm making $3000 per month, though this is through freelancing, and I'm hoping my main site will start earning at least another $2000 per month soon.

    I need to hire employees so I figured I could hire Thai's instead of Filipinos since nothing requires English.

    I need someone to make animated videos and another to do everyday tasks. I know you need 3 people so maybe a cook/cleaner could be the final position.

    Firstly, would I be able to set up a company this way. Also, how much would I be looking at for each position. I'm not after the cheapest possible, I'd pay them a nice wage.


  8. Hey guys,

    I was just wondering how I can find a nice cheap apartment outside a city. I'm not to sure where yet.

    Hopefully I'll be coming soon and I know I'll have to book somewhere for a few days. Will I need to ask a local to help me, or are there ways to find one without speaking Thai.

    It might be Chiang Mai I go to for cheapness, but could be anywhere really. I'm looking for 5k maximum plus bills . Maybe 8k total with Internet.


  9. OP,

    I think everyone is going to have different views on breaking visa laws. You're preaching to the choir. Personally, I don't have an issue with breaking such laws. That doesn't mean I'm a hypocrite. I have no issue with foreigners coming to live in my country, illegally or not.

    I'm a big believer in a free world and think that there should be more border freedom. If immigrants don't want to stay in their own country for some reason, I'd hate for people to be living a lesser life and feel trapped. As long as they aren't hurting anyone - they are OK in my book.

    I do want to learn Thai and will be in every class. I don't see a problem with playing on my computer - locked in my room - and not flashing it in peoples faces. Also, I will be spending my earnings in Thailand. That's a bonus, right?

    Anyway, I've decided to live like a bum in my own country at the moment and do my IM'ing full-time. That's not to say I won't be in Thailand soon. I have plans to bring my earnings up to a few thousand per month, in about 6 months.

    And another thing: I am uneducated, older than young and I pay my taxes :).

  10. Hi again, guys and gals.

    I made a post about 6 months ago asking about starting an Internet business to make money to live in Thailand. Anyway, I'm bringing in a small amount per month and I've just sold one of my sites for a few grand. I can even write articles freelance style for extra cash.

    Now I don't know how long I can last here in Britain. It's too cold and I wanna come back.

    Anyway, I reckon I have the funds to maybe last for about 6 months. Hopefully I'll start earning good wedge then, and if not, I'll get my sorry ass back on that plane and make use of my return ticket.

    The thing is, I want somewhere really cheap to stay. All I care about is making my business successful and I'll be working on it 16 hours per day. All I want is a beautiful tropical country and some good cheap food I don't have to cook. I'm already living a frugal life as it is.

    I need somewhere that has very cheap, basic accommodation. I'm talking 5000 max, but I'd do cheaper. Even 2-3000 if it's somewhere out there. Maybe some food places that will be 25bt. Somewhere I can walk around or use a push bike. Limited entertainment. Don't have a use for bar girls so it can be somewhere out there.

    I've been to Chiang Mai a lot and I know that I could live there cheap. I'd rather have cheaper if possible. Like I say, I'm just going to be going bang-ho with the business for 6 months.

    I don't want an ethical discussion about working visas. I'm going to get a student visa and study Thai. I know I shouldn't be working without the proper visa, but hey, don't judge me. You know how great it is there.

    Thanks very much.

  11. Hey,

    I was wondering if there is anywhere in Thailand to buy quality cigars and scotch Whiskey, in Thailand.

    I've tried a tobacco shop before and I can only describe the experience as unpleasent.

    I would like to know if there are any specialist cigar shop, and likewise, a nice liquer shop where quality whiskey can be purchased?


  12. Hi people,

    Just what the title says really. I was wondering of there is any popular Thai products that would be worth exporting.

    I presume some guys on here are doing it just now and don't want to give away information but if anyone knows any idea's, it would be great.

  13. Cheers

    Can you tell me how I can check my page ranking on keywords?

    They have been indexed but no ranking. They are only a week old or so. Maybe they dont have a rank yet.

    Ive used onlinepage rankers and market samuri but still no success


  14. Out of interest, what do you think is better than Clickbank products?

    I do want to do some small sniper sites with clickbank/CJ, a bit of launch jacking and a build a few authority sites and do some CPA from someone like maxbounty.

    What ways do you use?

  15. Making money online is incredibly easy and with no need for any work permit either.

    What is difficult is finding the best advice out there. If you google 'how to make money online' than 10 million affiliates will be happy to give you a pdf file of outdated techniques and laced with the affiliate's referral links. Really, all you are going to be doing is lining 'their' pockets while learning about a massively saturated market.

    So how do you overcome all this??

    Simple as anything, and something that most people don't think of... You walk into a saturated market in such a way that 'market saturation' works FOR YOU.

    I have been making my living online for 15 years now, and I have had my share of highs and lows, luckily mostly highs as I am on at the moment. But the facts are.. There are not many of these techniques that are thrust at you that will work.. If a PDF guarantees you $56,000 a month on 'autopilot' You can pretty much expect to part with $450 and earn about $80 a month via Clickbank or Commission Junction. Usually if I read them CB and CJ words, I am gone... no more need to read.

    At the moment I am doing very very nicely, and I also already run it past the immigration boys and it requires absolutely NO work permit, as it is NOT working.

    Can't really go into it here in the open forum..lol it would take hours to type it all out :)


    Good Luck

    Just good to know its possible to do

    I dont know if it can be classed as over saturated though

    There is millions of ways to market each product/niche

    I think the most important thing is having good ideas that will convert

    I know I already have good domains with high searches/low comp

    Just need to work on traffic and conversion.

    If you have a product people want, traffic coming to your site and a site that will convert then you just wont fail. ofcourse its not that easy

    I'll pick stuff up along the way in regards to backlinks

  16. I guess some uninformed people just associate Internet Marketing with get rich quick schemes.

    I wasnt exactly honest in my opening post as I wanted to gauge a response about people making money online without coming across like I already did it.

    Well Ive only been doing it about 3 weeks and have built up a few sites with good content, on page seo and im now slowly bringing them up the rankings with off page seo at the same time as building more websites.

    I hope to have them monotized within 5 months when I come to Thailand.

    I have ordered my 10,000 visitors for my website. Ill let you know wat happens next weekend. I'll be getting 2000 per day mon-fri.

    Its been interessting to see what some people do, what methods they use and what others think.

    Lots of people seem to assosiate black hat seo with multiple article submissions etc


    i would like to get some good articles written on thialand though for an authority site.

    not one to make money per say but i want it as my hobby to build up as I love thailand

    I reckon if you want to make money on the internet, learning English would give you some unwarranted credibility


    Thats what spell check and re-reading articles are for

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