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Posts posted by finy

  1. I've got quite a few messages and I'm going to go through them in a few hours.

    Please understand this is a job where you have to write well-written articles. There's been a few people message me who didn't even take the time to edit there 2 sentence message for spelling and grammar mistakes. I'd love to help you out, but there is no way I can waste someone's time by giving you the details. My boss would kill me for wasting half his day.


  2. I wrote a thread about this a month or two ago because my boss wanted more writers for his company.

    I sent 4 or 5 people the details and 2 are still writing there.

    Anyway, the company never seems to slow down and he has asked me to help find him 5 new writers.

    If you can write good articles (with no silly mistakes) then please message me asking for contact details. They will be on various topics.

    The pay is $9 for 600. How much you can earn is really down to how fast you learn to write.

    I'm rather slow and still make well over 60K per month.


  3. She came at me with a red high heeled shoe, yup. She came at me with a cleaver, yup. She came at me with a whiskey bottle, yup. I didn't stand there like a stunned mullet. I ran away. Hit a woman? No never. Wartime is a different story. I don't think most of Thailand is a war zone yet. Women don't run very fast in 5 inch heels especially with the sidewalks here. You're OK most of the time. It is part of being a man. You don't hit women.

    Doesn't really make sense. You're acting all high and mighty because you're a man who doesn't hit women, but you done it by being a pussy and running away.

    A real man would wrestle the cleaver out of her hand then kick her in the fud.

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  4. I'd say a good writer should be able to make $1,000+/ month in their first month, not in 3-5 years, In one year I expect to be making $5-10K per month, It's pretty easy selling books on Kindle if you pick the right subject. I think any good writer would be extremely demoralized if he had to write for 3-5 years before making money. You can make money from day 1 on Amazon.

    I like your enthusiasm even though I think your numbers are very generous.

    Not at all. I know people who make $20K+ a month on Kindle after 1-2 years. My own first book made $800 in the first month. It sold consistently from day 1. Not sure why you think it's so hard. The people that don't sell many books tend to write about topics that not enough people are interesting in buying, or get the basics wrong. For example, I have read a few good books that I nearly skipped over because the covers were so awful. An awful cover usually means an awful book, but not always. Too many people are just too tight to spend some money on a decent cover. They also tend not to do any research to see what sells and what doesn't.

    I'm not saying it's impossible, just unlikely. You're venturing more into marketing rather than good writing. I'm sure you appreciate a great writer couldn't expect to make $1000 in their first month if they were a bad marketer. It would take time to build a reputation.

    Topics and books covers is marketing. If you're a good marketer than you might make good money in the first month. Not everyone will and you're holding people to your standards.

    What rank were you when making $800 p/m? I presume it was under 7000? Most people won't be able to do that.

    I think like you and I'm attacking it from a marketing angle. My first book is about lucid dreaming and I'm not expecting to become rich from it. I just uploaded the free book I give away on my blog.

    Do you write fiction or non-fiction? I know someone who build up a full-time income in a few months so it's definitely possible. Everyone? I doubt it.

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