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Posts posted by finy

  1. So I just looked at my fight booking and the flight apparently left a few hours ago instead of tomorrow like I thought.

    My visa runs out tomorrow and I need a good way to escape the country.

    I was thinking of getting the bus to Chiang Khong and onto Hauy Xai. I just need to know if guest houses in Hauy Xai have wifi?


  2. So much hostility when someone was just wondering why he got more baht for his pound.

    "just wondering"

    Well to begin with, checking the exchange rate over time could easily be done to determine that there obviously had not been a sudden 10% drop.

    Aside from that, your original post was borderline incoherent. It's usually best to provide some clear information to put your question in context and then to reread what you've written to see if it will make sense to someone who has no idea what your point of reference is.

    That would be considered fairly basic courtesy if you expect to get civil responses from people who feel they've wasted their time wading through your post.

    Speaking of "losing" something in one case and "not losing" something in the second instance still makes no sense.

    Keep it for in the ring.

  3. Go back to Thailand and work.

    Start an online business in your spare time. With your sales experience I'd be very surprised if you couldn't build up a sustainable income within 2-3 years.

    Once you do that's your retirement sorted.

  4. Does anyone know of any monthly rental apartments that come with a kitchen?

    It's hard to find them on the net. I don't want to sign a long-term contract yet because I need to sort out stuff first, but I'd still love to cook my own food.

    Something around 8K or under would do. 10K if it's nicer.


  5. Tattoo artists won't know the proper language, so it's probably not going to be real.

    Wat Bang Phra is easy and cheap to get to if you don't want to pay a taxi 1000+ baht.

    Just go to south bus station during the week. Jump on a bus heading west and get off at a certain place. Jump on a bus/bike to temple. All less than 100 bht.

    Tattoo from monk is about 100bht. Get there early and you'll be first. You can also go upstairs to another guy who does bigger ones, but he's not a proper monk and will charge more. But he will do them correctly with proper scripts etc.

    It's not sore if you're just getting them done on the top of your back. Big ones on the lower back are very painful. Maybe slip into a chemist for some help before you go.

  6. I've posted a few times before, but my company needs a few more writers.

    Don't know how many from here currently do it, but there is one I speak with.

    Articles are about home improvement, health, auto, business, design, etc.

    $9 for 600 words, so $18 per hour if you can write 2.

    Payment is by Paypal invoice.

    Lots of work available.

    Please message me for contact details if you're interested. Prior experience isn't neccessary as long as you can write a decent article.

    And no, I didn't edit this post :P

    • Like 1
  7. This is an interesting topic for me... I am actually moving to Thailand on Friday. I am pretty heavy into fitness. Im a 27 year old American, Im 6'4 180lbs and I work out 3 hours per day... Im taking protein and creatine, among other supplements. Im interested to see what will become of my body in Thailand... I assume I wont be working out for at least the first few months in Thailand, and I will definitely be off of my supplements...

    Is anyone into fitness? What do you do for protein in Thailand? Ive found a few shops that sell the stuff but it is 3-5x more expensive than it is in America... You would think it would be dirt cheap here!

    Chicken, eggs, etc... Very cheap.

  8. I'm not exactly cheap (ok, maybe a little because I'm Scottish), but I don't want to be bent over when I rent a bike on Koh Phangan.

    I goot quoted 5K for the month, which is very expensive when you consider it's 2X cheaper in Chiang Mai.

    I know I'm not in CM anymore, but how much can I pick one up for? There are dozens of places all around my full of bikes, so one would think they might like to make money instead of someone going to the shop next door.


  9. I need to head to Malaysia this weekend and when I make my way back to Thailand I'd like to rent a bungalow on an island long-term.

    I would prefer to stay in a nice bungalow somewhere outside a tourist resort.

    I only need a 1 bedroom with decent internet access. It would also need to have a kitchen, and a beach close-by.

    I would pay up to 12,000 per month, but closer to 10,000 would be nicer.

    Which island would I be better heading to?


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