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Everything posted by Raindancer

  1. That link just takes you to their website. Click English and it opens criteria and rules for income tax etc.
  2. Interesting procedure. I will look into connecting my UK bank with wise. Thank you for the info.
  3. So, to clarify your procedure. Do you send the money from bank to wise first,or initiate a transfer from wise to Thsi bank, and then transfer the money from UK bank to wise?
  4. Well, I have been using wise for a few years now. And despite what amount, what reason I use for transfer, and transferring every time before 7am, it always arrives in BBK account at 14.13 hours same day. But not at weekends, which always arrive on the Monday. I have used " pulling from UK bank" and depositing money with wise, prior to transfer. And every transfer shows, " should arrive in seconds" prior to confirming transfer. But 6/7 hours is fine by me. So, it must be a BBk bank issue.
  5. Can't see any slots for retirement extensions for next 3 months at CM
  6. Sent an email to CM immigration. " Mail box full, cannot accept your email etc" So, sent one to the Superintendent Colonel, whose email I happen to have kept. Let's see what the response is.
  7. Well I have had a fixed deposit account for years. And there is never any movement on the account, apart from interest being added every month. CM immigration always insist on 12 month statements. And I always do copies, back to front of the passbook.
  8. Use your driving licence. Or use your phone bill statement. You can download a statement from your phone company app.
  9. That is the question we are all asking. We will have to wait and see🙏🏻
  10. Who mentioned agents and the use of 800k from them.
  11. If he was married, and his wife was not working, they could file jointly and claim her 60l pa as well. Thus taking the total allowances to 560k per year. As the maximum UK state pension is £220 per week, therefore £11440 per annum and at 44 baht to the £ = 503k, there would be no tax liability.
  12. Jeepers. Don't hijack my answer to someone who asked a question regarding his pension income. Have a nice day
  13. Simple....don't use the 65k method. If you bring in 800k, show it as savings, which are exempt.
  14. Why raise this against there reply I gave the OP regarding his question. Nothing to do with my answer.
  15. Then your allowances would be. Over 65> 190k Personal Allowance 60k First 150k tax free allowance. Up to 100k allowance offset against pension income Total allowance: 500k So at £8000 per annum @ 44 baht to the £ = 352k So, you are still under your total all Yet the pension allowance is 800k per year which currently the Thai government thinks is what you need to live here so tax will have to be paid on that 800 - 500 balance 300K TAXABLE Post deleted by user
  16. No problem: Basically as an unmarried 65 year old, you have Thai income tax allowances of 500000 Thai baht per year,BEFORE you pay or are liable for any income tax here in Thailand. Your £8000 UK pension equates to 352000 thai baht income per year. Therefore you have no Thai income tax liability to pay. Hope that explains it for you.
  17. Then your allowances would be. Over 65> 190k Personal Allowance 60k First 150k tax free allowance. Up to 100k allowance offset against pension income Total allowance: 500k So at £8000 per annum @ 44 baht to the £ = 352k So, you are still under your total allowances. Hope that reassures you.🙏🏻
  18. I wouldn't worry too unnecessarily. If you are married over 65, you will have allowances of 560k, which includes the first 150k, ( non taxable). As the max UK state pension is currently £220 per week (£11660) per annum, equates to 513k thai baht @ 44 baht to the £, you will be OK. Even £ 11660 (@ 46 baht = 536k pa to the pound) is still under the 560k per annum allowances.
  19. Pure conjecture on their part. It doesn't necessarily follow that they will link TRD to visa extensions. Let's cross that bridge if and when it happens. It's really not that big a deal if they do.
  20. More scaremongering. Read the RD news. And the videos by tax consultants Thailand. The renewed tax implementation, has nothing to do with immigration and renewal of extensions
  21. Thank you. Simple and easy to understand explanation. Makes sense now.
  22. Just doesn't make sense to me. In simplistic terms, tourists get less for their exchange currency. So, their spending power is less. Exports cost more to other countries, because they actually pay more for the same items, than when the exchange rate was more in their favour. Or are those thought incorrect?
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