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Everything posted by Raindancer

  1. There is no foolishness about the replies. The OP asked about the 30 baht scheme. And members tried to provide help. The OP also said he wasn't happy about paying for the treatment.
  2. Thank you 🙏🏻
  3. I think we are on the same page. But she used her Thai ID card and her rental agreement. This info has been elicited by my wife phoning her for verification before I tried to help the OP with certain solutions. And now I will bow out🙏🏻
  4. She can still phone the call centre for the correct information. As for Tabian Ban listing, I have already posted my Sister in Laws experience, in Chon Buri. But we can politely agree to differ.
  5. The govt call centre for this scheme has a phone number: Tel: 1330 call centre. It's obviously up to your Thai partner if she wishes to call, or pursue a paid visit to a hospital, which you mentioned in your OP, wasnt something you were happy with.
  6. Ok. Perhaps the best option would be to go to the nearest govt hospital, and ask their advice as to how your Thai partner can re-register for local govt hospitals. Failing that, go the local govt offices and ask the same question.
  7. She was renting and so just took her rental agreement to the Amphur and re registered her current address.
  8. Edit to my poor maths. 500000 baht and not 450000 as quoted.
  9. If she has a 30 baht policy registered in Issan, all she has to do is update her current living address. And then she can visit any govt hospital in her location. That is what my sister in law did without difficulty. And this didn't involve any landlord, just a visit to the Amphur, with a copy of the rental agreement, which included her name.
  10. At 65 years old and filing a separate income tax returm, your allowances would be: 1. Old age ( 65) allowance>190000 baht 2. Personal Allowance> 60000 baht 3. Pension relief max 100000 baht. 4. The first 150000 baht is not assessable as taxable. Total: 450000 baht before you pay tax. All income under current TRD rules, which has not always been implemented, is that any income over 220000 per annum, will require a TIN and income tax return. I'm not sure you can circumvent the regulations by sending some money to yourself and some to your wife on a monthly basis unless there's some loophole in TRD regulations. You could also look at the figures I have listed and apply those, where applicable to your wife for assessable income. There is a download guide on expattaxthailand site that explains all deductible allowances etc. https://www.expattaxthailand.com/ Good luck.
  11. Again, there is no evidence on any government website to support your speculation that a TIN would be required by immigration, at the point of extension renewal. This has been discussed and refuted many times on this forum.
  12. Thank you for your rationale. However let us politely agree to disagree. A one year extension for example, based upon marriage or retirement, is de facto a one year extension, based upon the current requirements to fulfill such applications. Should a holder of this annual extension decide to leave for x months, they merely apply for a rentry stamp. This doesn't necessarily fit the viewpoint, that if you don't live here full time, that we (immigration) can arbitrarily decide, that you are undeserving of an annual extension. Indeed there's no such caveat in current regulations, and I personally cannot see them imposing this " speculative" change. But it's good to have a courteous disagreement. 🙏🏻
  13. Your second paragraph is somewhat confusing. Perhaps you could clarify it please, especially " not issuing annual extension etc based on 180 days not in country. Thank you
  14. I think if you go back to the original announcement, it is rather confusing. They mentioned 1st June as implementation date and then further on in the announcement, they mention 1 Sept 24. It's anybody guess, that what is to be announced next.
  15. Mmmmm. That's a very strange generalisation. I think there are numerous and varied reasons, and your suggestion might fit a very small minority.
  16. Oh really. When did you last eat in an Army cookhouse. I think you are referring to the 1940s, but I'm sure you're not that old🤣🤣
  17. The OP actually asked if he would need a tax number to renew his extension, along with other requirements. Which Sheryl answered with ease.
  18. I think this subject is quite emotive. But as of yet, there is nothing on any government website that suggests you will need to provide a TIN etc at renewal of extension at immigration. This is only speculation at this point. Let's just see what plays out and if necessary adapt and apply whatever they want, if indeed it comes to pass.
  19. Agreed...but I always use the caveat " this is Thailand". No, I am not Thai bashing. I am merely stating that there is absolutely no logic in some of the things they do or propose. They sometimes on a variety of issues, seem to knee jerk a response, as yet another good idea.
  20. Interesting thought on if they force all retirees to have a 400k health plan in place. Example: If your passport has more than a year to run at extension renewal, they will give you a years extension. So, let's assume that you have health insurance that is renewable 9 months after your annual extension is granted for one year, and therefore runs out 3 months before your extension requires renewal. Will they then only give you a 9 month extension?? Or will they compel you to return at the 9 month point with your health insurance proof of renewal? Methinks, the health insurance idea is fraught with problems. Just a thought or two.
  21. Well, I hope it doesn't affect your extension renewal or anyone else.
  22. Many thanks Mike. If they do impose it carte blanche, I will look at your 400k option with me paying the first 400k of any claim
  23. I was differentiating on income earned in Thailand, to income remitted to Thailand from outside of Thailand. Thus deemed " foreign remittances".
  24. And as this topic is on " foreign income remitted to Thailand" I don't see the relevance of the post, as these so called millionaire earners, should be paying income/ business tax anyway.
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