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Posts posted by meechai

  1. 42 minutes ago, mogandave said:

    I got medical pretty easily. You tell the hospital you don't have any money and they get you signed up. You can own a home and a car. Better to not have significant liquid assets.

    In any event, you can just give the emergency room a phony name and fugetaboutit

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    This ability to always get medical has all been mentioned before in this thread.


    But many here are using this thread just as a side show to politically discredit/complain about a USA

    they have not been to in decades.


    But the truth is you stand a far greater chance of dying due to medical neglect or being not able to pay

    in Thailand than as a US citizen in the USA where you will always be treated ability to pay or not


  2. Quote

    "Yingluck's flight provides Thai junta welcome way out"

    If she is ever heard from again...If not then not so much a way out as a way for others to

    step in


    Stand up Thai's take your country back


    Others will help .... The world would not stand by & watch you  destroyed by any military junta

    Look around & see what has happened elsewhere in similar situations

  3. Quote

    "gave a detailed description of her escape, saying she took a private jet from Thailand to Singapore "

    Do they know how ignorant this makes them look?


    If any of it is true & I doubt it all....Then the clowns in charge should not be buying Submarines but instead invest in Radar



  4. 2 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    The former PM has not fled. She was escorted from the country with the knowledge of those in power. It's all part of the political game.

    There was no way the current  military regime was going to imprison the former popularly elected  PM. It would have resulted in martyrdom for her, then a public uprising accompanied by international sanctions. The military has obtained what it wanted; a country free of political opposition. It was the grand bargain.

    Exactly & why more do not see this obvious truth is amazing in itself.

  5. 51 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    You have to wonder though why Prayut wasn't having her watched, to make sure she couldn't do it. He now looks super stupid.

    I have to wonder how you could possible believe they  (the junta) did not have eyes on her 24/7 for weeks.

    That they did not know full well & agree with all of this


    You have not been long in Thailand if you think this is not all according to Plan A or Plan B


    Plan A they gave her the same deal they gave her brother...Leave or die in Jail

    They wanted her out..They knew convict her & their time at the trough was over


    Plan B she is already buried

  6. 1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

    The Shinawatra`s would had obtained the majority of votes every time. Thailand was on the brink of a civil war, I already had my cases packed. If the military as a third party had not intervened, the country would had split apart, North Vs south.

    If the majority picks someone that is their "Thai Citizens" choice.  Maybe every faction that rules is corrupt at its core but in the opinion of the Thai majority the Shinawatra`s did in fact help the people. The people including the lower classes not usually included in Thailand.


    Things like the 30 baht health + the much better business climate was appreciated.


    Your civil war claims were nothing more than small red vs yellow factions fighting after not getting their ways.

    Truth be told if the military at that time did their job along with the police it would have been extinguished in hours.


    Instead this military that now grabs power chose to let people overrun govt houses & even take over a International Airport


    You chose the wrong time to worry about packing

  7. They cut her the same deal they cut her brother.

    Basically said go now we will not follow, or stay & die in Jail


    Of course both she & her brother left who wouldn't?

    You think the govt did not have eyes on her 24hr/day for weeks now??

    But they knew hurt this hero & problems galore start.

    There are still way more farmers than elites

    Way more farmers than bullets

    Most soldiers come from where? elites? think again


    But the clowns in charge know if they gave her the 42 years the end of their reign starts today

    So they chose this same as they chose to let her brother leave.


    But in the end it does not matter they have set the wheels turning.

    The Thai's might actually not say mai bpen rai this time.

    They might actually get off the hammocks & take their country back


    Not a great time to be in the land of junta




  8. On 8/10/2017 at 10:44 PM, craigt3365 said:

    You don't have to participate if you don't want to.

    Well I guess it is as good as those who say, well my long lost cousin on my mothers side said xxx so must be true


    On 8/10/2017 at 10:43 PM, craigt3365 said:

    Have you ever been there? :passifier:

    Yes of course...why would I comment on something I know nothing about, or rely on hearsay from my brothers dog etc

  9. On 8/6/2017 at 8:17 PM, Jiggyfly said:

    Meechai....  You are mixing processes.  Many of us long-timers arrived during less volatile times.  We have made relationships, some got married and have children.  Over time, living in Thailand has become more vexing and stressful.  We cannot help but wonder why critical thinking is in such great demand as our lives have changed dramatically.  Yet, the real question you pose is why don't we use critical thinking ourselves and pack up and move.  When you consider what you ask, the answer probably has little to do with money or the ability to settle up and bail, and especially not critical thinking.  The answer for many of us is an emotional one.  Do we toss the years of life spent here away like garbage?  Do we deny the emotional attachments, the friends, lovers and our children?  Are you the kind of person who can just say it critically makes sense because the country is going to the dogs?  Most of us expats cannot, but I can still call stupid stupid when I see it.   No irony involved!

    The answer to the Q's you ask me are yes

    I had/have relationships

    I am married & my wife & I left


    That is exactly what we did.

    Sold business

    Sold House

    Sold Truck & scooter, motorcycle etc etc etc


    Got out while the getting was good.

    But we have options & I understand (I think) your saying some do not.

    Emotions are emotions not chains...The option always exists to return if it ever gets better


    But then again from the years we lived in Thailand I saw most expats in Thailand without

    options was without due to their own laziness & bad habits.


    So yes stay & complain if you must, but the irony is thick.


  10. Oh come now

    This is not even a valid question or comparison


    Would I choose to ride the Swiss alps under skies  that looks like blue saphire

    Or choke my way up Doi Suthep under brown skies with PM particles so thick cancer is the likely prize?


    Yes as always they will want to compare instead how far a penny can stretch or how many Changs' or Leo's it may buy.

    Sorry not everyone is stretched or supportive of Military Dictatorships regardless of how cheap they make it.


    They cannot fix the road deaths or pollution by lowering prices

    Wish they could though as we still have family there & will eventually need to visit & roll the dice again



  11. 20 hours ago, lvr181 said:

    "I wonder why so many still freely choose to live in Thailand & support such a regime?"  But, do they really support the regime? :whistling:


    Sure they do, perhaps they think not, but any money spent there in legite

    businesses do in fact give a cut to the military dictatorship in the form of tax dollars

    Thus support


    If from the start outside governments refused to deal with them period

    as well as the Thai citizens themselves refusing to give taxes to a non-government

    then their time with their snouts in the trough would have been long over


    As it stands now they ramp up instead with all the weapon purchases etc.

    Which again questions the critical thinking of not just the Thai's but Non-Imm's that support them

    thru living there

  12. 20 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I assume that most expats living in Thailand have a wife and probably kids. It isn't easy to uproot those and take them off to Farangland, and it also isn't fair to demand that the Thai wife leave her other, birth family which always take precedence with them. I would leave in a heartbeat if it wasn't for having family here.

    To those who might say then I or others should not have come here in the first place, it is impossible to really get to know any place unless you have spent a considerable amount of time there. With my experience, what I would advise anyone to do now is spend a week watching Thai tv in the evening, or in fact at any time of day, to gauge the mentality,  to spend a week reading the English language media to witness the endless tales of incompetence and corruption, and to spend a couple of hours by the roadside watching how people drive. Those things would tell you all you need to know about Thailand.

    True Barry & you cite a very good reason to stay.


    We were lucky 10 years ago we thought to work on my wife getting dual citizenship

    But again that did take a few years of living in "farangland" as you say :smile:

    .But in our case it was enjoyable easy life & the wife loved it

    as she does now that we have returned. The basic freedoms afforded to her she appreciates & knows the benefits


    We did also love our years in Thailand & may someday go back if things get better as we have family of course there.

    But for now we are happy & will  plan trips back in a year or two  if not to stay then a few months at least to visit.

  13. 14 minutes ago, cmsally said:

    You have a system based on no critical thinking, no alternative opinions and only positive reinforcement and nodding of heads to decisions made on a higher level than your own.

    What could possibly go wrong ?? :shock1:


    What could go wrong is a good question & I think those honest with themselves know the answers yet

    I wonder why so many still freely choose to live in Thailand & support such a regime?


    I know many actually have no other choice as they left their homelands in a bad way & cannot return or are stuck

    due to lack of choices/$$$. Still many others could easily sell up & return to a more modern/fair country yet they stay.


    At times when I see expats who still live in Thailand call the country out (rightfully I agree) for lack of critical thinking

    I do wonder if they note the irony

  14. 7 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    Agreed, but they'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they did.


    A lot of married expats are struggling to meet the 40,000 baht per month requirement from their Pensions due to the current exchange rates.


    Many foreigners think & say just that about Thailand shooting themselves in the foot by casting out those

    below X determined poverty line


    But I do not think Thailand cares as much or is as dependent as you think on expats dollars

    But expats tend to have an inflated self worth

  15. 17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    This is getting too granular into the health care access situation. There are some low cost clinics for the uninsured but they are limited.

    You don't sound like you have multiple chronic conditions requiring what are there expensive meds for life so that might work for you at least temporarily.

    Living in the ER where they have to take acute cases isn't a good lifestyle choice either.


    But thanks for your story and happy to hear things are working out well with your repatriation.

    Yes I agree "too granular" & that is why in post 991 I said
    "Reading many of your other posts I would also say your fears about medical are out of proportion

    It is quite easy ^ depending on your income there are always options. But I do not want to get into all of that."


    But that aside yes I do not have multiple conditions as I have always kept in shape, but I know folks who do

    One couple actually just back from Thailand & wife is HIV+ for many years.

    They say they also have no problem & the one daily drug she gets here "free" is according to them

    better than the 3 drugs she had to take in Thailand


    Also I know others with High blood pressure/ High Cholesterol etc etc taking statins etc daily & one with a heart prob taking something daily

    All on the free care ticket due to no or low income

    BTW these folks do nothing once enrolled the drugs are mailed to them monthly


    For my wife her monthly BC pills are picked up at Target. They send her a email & text message reminder each month, Simple really


    You said "low cost clinics", but These are not low cost clinics but regular community health centers everywhere now

    If you go they just do a basic screen then forward you to a specialist if needed at hospital, medical clinics etc.

    After that you deal with that doctor directly not the health center

    None of those I mentioned live in a ER  :smile:


    But anyway, I just wanted to put that out there

    Like I said in my post #991 I did not want to get into med benefits but you did reply with

    that is the reason you & some like Craig postpone plans etc.


    I am just posting this not so much for you or Craig, as reading back I think you folks

    have many preconceived political based fears to sort out . So I cannot offer anything on that front

    as we don't watch all that BS. Yes some may say head in the sand but who cares we're happy :smile:


    I am posting it so others reading this thread know the facts, we here in the US

    there are many many options. Those who have unfounded fears they will somehow not be treated are thinking of the wrong country.

    That is actually true in Thailand if your a foreigner without adequate funds or insurance but it does not happen here in the USA for anyone

    who cares to get up & look.


    Good Luck to you too & truth is Thailand is a fine place for many & no problem with staying there if that is your choice &

    if you can 100% pay your way etc if that is what anyone chooses.


    We mainly came back after the Junta was entrenched 2 years & we

    did not like what the future looked like there.

  16. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    (yes I am well aware, older the harder but without medical care for chronic conditions I'm dead anyway) or NEVER repatriate. 

    Well you can believe what you want but truth is you will always be taken care

    In fact the truth of the matter is if you have no income you do not even pay for insurance

    Trust me I know


    A little over a year ago we moved back & have not paid a penny since

    Free medical including any drugs

    Even my wife's monthly birth control is free


    We actually wanted to buy but without income they actually will not even sell us any

    But the free medical is excellent & drugs included

    Even dental except Dental is on a sliding scale for a small co-payment but again based on "Income" free

    if your income is zero


    Since we have been back I have had complete blood work panels done just to check & also a couple filings at the dentist.

    Funny I should say re-fillings as these were previously done in Thailand but never held up


    So what I am saying is do not read too much into the hype of the press or hysterics put there just to cause hysterics.

    We have been home a year & can say it is all fine & well. We do not watch TV so do not even know or care what is going on

    in Washington. I am sure it is the same mess it always was regardless of what team is in place.


    But I am telling you your fear of not getting treatment or drugs if your a US citizen in the US is simply not true

    Hear me or not that is your choice but this is our experience this last 1+ year after returning home.

    We have money trust me. We sold out home & business in Thailand

    They see our money as I never hid it but they are only interested in income.


    We will open a new business here soon as the business climate is healthy

    at that point we will buy insurance for approx $5-600 a month & be well covered ( a married couple) for medical & drugs

    (but even this has adjustments based on income My brother pays $200 for his wife & him based on his pensions)

    But for now ours is free with no limit in sight as we just simply renewed last month for another year,


    Good Luck & hope you find what your looking for. Thailand is nice too & we will maybe go back to visit

    in a year or two but for now this is better all around






  17. 25 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    As I suspected, real estate is hotting up there in a possibly bad way for buyers long term (again) --


    Not to criticize you but You started this thread nearly 3 years ago

    About a year after you started it we sold out business & home in Thailand & moved back to the US


    We have a home & are settled nicely now but for you I would say the one thing about waiting too long in Thailand is that it does not get easier

    due to age to move nor does it get cheaper to live back in the USA as time passes you by.


    Just look at the differences since you started the thread & today.

    It was a task yes but we are glad we did not leave it any longer than we already did.

    Reading many of your other posts I would also say your fears about medical are out of proportion

    It is quite easy ^ depending on your income there are always options. But I do not want to get into all of that.


    Good Luck to you & I hope 3 more years from now your not still analyzing as it will truly be paralyzed by then :smile:


  18. 21 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    Ten years ago i thought as you do now but sadly, if anything, the xenophobia has become worse !

    I agree & we acted on it

    Last year we started to notice a lot of what we considered "smart"

    (Long time Thailand expat residents with businesses & homes) selling & moving


    We decided it had been a good run of many years in Thailand & we loved it, but it seemed to be closing down

    & the Junta seemed to be settling in for a long sat.


    As such we sold our business & our Thai home

    We figured it is never a problem to re-buy & move back someday if conditions improved

    But if they got worse it would be a flood of homes & businesses for sale making our sale less profitable


    Now from where we sit & watch we see similar real estate is already at much lower prices than we sold at.

    So we watch but at the same time we realize what  we were missing now that we are back in a country that we have rights

    as well as opportunities in.


    We will surely go back to Thailand sometime but unlikely in the same way we lived before.



  19. On 7/4/2017 at 11:43 PM, Canuckabroad said:

    To those who say there are safer countries in the world... well, Thailand is a developing country so for sure there will be safer places.  But can you name any safer countries with comparable costs of living, infrastructure, and pretty women?  (If you can, please let me know!)


    Would be a shorter list to list places that are not better (compared fairly quality for quality & rights for rights)


    It is an old claim that it is cheaper in Thailand. It can be cheaper if you want to live cheaper, but you can also live cheaply  in countries you have rights in.

    BUT Not everyone is racing to the bottom of quality of life & human rights etc.


    Pretty girls I will agree Asia has many but those that want/date/marry a pretty woman do so anywhere & those that cannot, do not. Some guys catch a bar

    skank in Thailand & pat themselves on the back because she is a decade or two younger as if that is the only goal.


    Also just because an ugly in looks/character out of shape man may rent a pretty human in Thailand does not make it better in fact if your character/honor

    is still intact you know it does not nor does it make you an honorable human. This is why Thailand always has attracted the bottom feeders.


    Not to say there are not also many good expats living in Thailand.

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