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Posts posted by meechai

  1. On 4/30/2018 at 7:32 AM, IFinish said:

    I have an acct at bkk bank and have the normal 800k baht on deposit. It has been in in the acct since last December.

    Last month i was in my branch (Jomtien) for other reqsons, an requested an FET document for the transaction when i funded the account so i would have documentation of source should i want to withdrawl it. She said no problem transferring out less than $US 50k. Dont need source documentation. I pressed her hard to get it anyway for my peace of mind but she would not budge from her stmt that it was not necessary.

    i told her that bkk bank needs to correct their withdrawl instructions on their website to show the below $US 50k exception.


    Anything less than 50K USD is not scrutinized

    Anyone transferring money out of Thailand below that amount will never be hassled (I never was)

    I have transferred 1.25 million baht a few times out.

    None ever asked for any proof of source of funds for those amounts


    Of course if your buying a condo you need to request a slip for any funds coming in & you need to

    specify these funds are for real estate purchase

    But that has more to do with proving source of funds for real estate purchases

  2. I would not be surprised to find the food has things you do not know about.

    Either through pesticides/fertilized etc


    Also The polluted air has its effect


    After leaving in 2016 I am amazed at how healthy my hair & skin is now

    Although now we live in a very nice climate with a pretty constant 70s degrees F

    So no more air con etc

    • Like 1
  3. Quote

    Political partisanship and illusional glory attached to the number of “likes” and frequency of “sharing” are promoting that magnifying-glass journalism,

    They just described this forum look at some of the topics in World News that have become basically a click baiting blog running 5+ months

    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 hours ago, dddave said:

    Also, and possibly more important, a friend recently called "Medicare Advantage" to my attention.  I've been reading up on it a bit and still don't really understand all of it but it appears there are "Advantage" plans that include overseas emergency coverage.  This could be a big deal for us in Thailand.  Unfortunately, one must be enrolled in "B"to enroll in an "Advantage" plan.  I will have to wait for next years January to March re-enrolment window to get back into "B".

    Do some reading on Medicare Advantage.  Cost depends on your home state but there is a lot of info online.

    I believe that "may" be true if your a tourist in another country. But if your an expat living abroad then

    " If you have a Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D plan before you move abroad, you should disenroll and stop paying these premiums when you move because these plans require that you live in their service area in order to be enrolled. "


  5. 14 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

    This thread has degenerated into trash. Nothing seems to be off topic, and I suppose when the thread title is considered, it's difficult to post off topic. It invites garbage posts.


    The gross pettiness is astounding, immature....at best!!


    Moderators please close this crap thread.


    Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    I know right?


    Some Folks will be complaining till the end of his term

    I can only imagine if he gets a 2nd term :smile:


    Many of them seem to live in Thailand which has a self appointed military government .

    Yet no complaints they live there? I guess their bored


    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  6. 6 hours ago, AsiaHand said:

    I know a 70 year old lady that worked untill she was 67 and gets only 600 baht a month.

    70 usually gets 700 baht a month

    But even those who never worked in regular type business gets that.

    Farmers etc


    They start @ 60 years old

    60 - 600 baht

    70- 700 baht

    80- 800 baht


    My FIL was 93 before he passed & was getting 900 baht


    Thai sites have claimed this year will be much larger nearly double (1200-1500 baht)

    which still is not much compared to other countries but folks are excited



  7. 17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    This is really bizarre. It's completely non controversial that most Americans don't want the DACA people kicked out. Yet some extremists still fight that obvious reality. It's OK to support kicking them out but not OK to promote a fake reality that most Americans want that. They do not. End of.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Not extremist at all

    Just  Americans living in America seeing the reality

    Not American expats living in Asia reading bought & paid for polls making claims

    Also we never said kick out we said legal pathways exist

    to remain legally in the USA & are available to all who apply


    • Haha 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    My God, this is the truth? Criminals are in the USA illegally and having babies. The US has a strange law that makes their babies US citizens. This, of course, should be stopped. Well done Mr. president for being a straight talker. This political correctness has gone too far. 


    No of course not the truth

    As much as the Anti Trump kids would like it to be


    After all what is the US Constitution?

    "The Constitution of the United States established America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. It was signed on September 17, 1787, by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia"


    What is the 14th Amendment?

    The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.


    So for the Anti Trump kids to claim it is for Illegal immigrants to give birth on US soil & thus claim their kids are now US Citizens is pure fantasy


    Imagine if it were true?  Couples from any country could even plan a vacation in the USA at the time of the wife giving birth Would be an easy way for anyone to have dual citizenship right?

  9. On 4/15/2018 at 8:30 PM, nickmondo said:

    maybe the tourists are not coming due to the ridiculous and un justified strength of the Thai Baht which makes the exchange rate useless.  And maybe the air quality is stopping people also.  It really is not rocket science.  Well, its easy to understand for those of us with a bit of common sense!

    Oh, and maybe the amount of untrained, unsupervised drunken drivers have something to do with it also, and the ever increasing death toll on the Thai roads.

    But it is part of the Thai way of life, and will never change, so if you dont like it, stay indoors!  


    It is as you say the high baht,bad air, road deaths

    Also believe it or not some folks just don't want to go to a country that is under Junta rule

    Plus there has been an awful lot of bad press in recent years about murders/beatings


    It is of course different if you live in CM or anywhere in Thailand but for tourist in recent years so many

    other good values in other great vacation spots have opened up too.


  10. 18 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Many changes cannot be predicted, many things could go a variety of ways


    But barring some drastic upheaval/disruption I expect:


    - continued Chinese domination of the country

    - continued rise in cost of living overall

    -continued rise in cost of medical care and insurance premiums


    The last is also my greatest concern as I expect it is for most older people - don't want to end up in a situation where I'm on fixed income, no longer able to work, and cannot really afford to live here

    I agree & think many expats already feel #3 then go without insurance & we see more & more of that situation ending badly.


  11. 12 hours ago, heybruce said:

    Went to Milk Club last night (those women are soooo cute!).  The owner, also an attractive young woman, was running around with a small squirt gun splashing customers.  She was quite drunk, but she wasn't the only one.


    BTW, Grab doesn't know where Milk Club is.  However it does know Andaman Seafood restaurant, and Milk Club is close to there.


    Maybe not the best idea to leave your full name & picture on Milk Clubs FB page as you said the same there.

    • Thanks 1
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