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Posts posted by Patronus

  1. Security people are usually in attendance at all local weddings. Cannot speak for the rest of Thailand. At a joint wedding 2 farangs and 2 thai sisters, there were more than a dozen security (not sure what they were) but they had 3 AK47's between them!

    Sounds more like a Carabao concert !

  2. Interesting opinions.

    Let us consider another situation. I have a friend who 25 years ago took out life cover. 24 years ago he moved to Thailand. It wasn't his intention to do so but his UK marriage ended and he discovered Thailand. Do you think the insurance company would squirm on that one ?

  3. If you propose that people boycott KFC (presumably for poor staff working remuneration/conditions), who else should you boycott ?

    Boycott your local go-go bar ?

    Boycott the thousands of Thai businesses that have ridden rough-shod over workers rights ?

    Just to be consistent you'd have to boycott nearly every single business in Thailand because I'm sure 99% of them pay the minimum wage or less. You'd be getting pretty hungry trying to find food which was produced without exploiting the low wage standard in Thailand.

    Exactly my point. This is Thailand and all businesses operate under Thai systems and laws.

  4. Whoa !!


    If you want to give your money away try giving to charity. You are throwing good money after bad. Your g/f <snip>

    She probably has other sponsors as well as a Thai boyfriend in the background. She will suck money out you like a leech and you will soon be getting requests to help out the family.

    Tell her you have lost your job and cannot give her any more money until you see her in September. Let's see if you see her in September !

  5. I'm fortunate that I found one of the few honest Thai womento be my partner. She really lives the Buddhist's way.

    ...."the few"? Aside from blind stereotypes and lack of broader exposure, I might suggest that 95% of Thai females belong to this honest-good girl class.


    Judged by his previous posts, actually conceding that there are a "few" honest Thai women, is probably the nicest thing this man has said about Thailand and the Thais.


    I think it is very wrong (in a racist sort of wrong) to pick on Thai women as dishonest.

    It's a Thai forum !!

    Would '(some/x% of) women in Thailand are dishonest' appease you ?

  6. just a quick comment on this:

    The parents should return the sinsod back to you immediately after the marriage.

    So looks like wrong timing.

    For your present situation I agree with the other posters that your chance is probably zero positive: 0+ (i.e. still in the realm of non-zero real numbers, but so small that the value is assimilated to zero).

    Anybody actually seen this happen ?

  7. My wife married a local guy when she was 18 years old. She did it for the money, to help her family. The sin sod was 40,000 baht.

    And many years later, she discovered Farangs, a never ending stream of income, smart girl. :)

    And a second lot of sin sod, no doubt. ;)

    I'm sure she married some young handsome Thai guy for the money and not love , then a few years later she married some wrinkly old Farang for love not money ! B)

    Gotta laugh sometimes. :D

    I think that is a very cynical view.

    I am sure most Thai marriages are arranged and after a few years, of suffering heavy drinking and adultery, it is breath of fresh air and a blessed relief to find a Farang who is prepared to look after the poor girl.

  8. To stay on topic, during the time I lived in Thailand I didn't really like it that much. If you ask why I bother coming to this forum if I don't live in Thailand anymore? Well unfortunately I live in a bordering country so Thailand's perennial insanity has an affect on my life. I loved Thailand way back in the day but the usual grievances others bring up on a regular basis put me off, namely crime, over development and a change in Thai people's attitudes.

    15 years ago it was uncommon to hear of robberies, break ins and such stuff now it is an everyday thing.

    It's sad to note that Thai society has adapted and borrowed this terrible affliction introduced from foreign places. The disease of obsessed and mindless consumption.....the root of many problems here that didn't exist in days of yore. This unnecessary need for want and subliminal consumptive behaviour is incredibly destructive.

    Those rose-tinted glasses must weigh heavily on the bridge of your nose (I am assuming you are not Thai).

    I thought it was sarcasm, personally.


    Jeffy is not capable of sarcasm.

    He has a rather myopic view of Thais/Thailand - OK if that works for you.

  9. I'll second that advice, and also no on Spain. As nice as I'm sure bullfighting is, something about unemployment that is 20% and spiraling downward is unsettling.

    Why ? he is retired and not looking for work .

    OP you are asking about pensions and dont say where you are from .

    Yes...and 20% unemployment puts downward pressure on prices and wages. Probably cheap as chips to live in Spain right now if one has a steady source of funds.

    Retired on private pension years ago,no need to work. Pre nuptial would take care of future problems if any cropped up,and Thai wife would find work easy for the wages she could expect especially after the wages here in Pattaya. Houses are being given away in Spain

    UK I'm English

    What are your reasons for choosing Spain ?

    Which part are you going to ?

    What work will your wife do ?

    How likely is that she will integrate in a foreign country ?

  10. I'll second that advice, and also no on Spain. As nice as I'm sure bullfighting is, something about unemployment that is 20% and spiraling downward is unsettling.

    Why ? he is retired and not looking for work .

    OP you are asking about pensions and dont say where you are from .

    Yes...and 20% unemployment puts downward pressure on prices and wages. Probably cheap as chips to live in Spain right now if one has a steady source of funds.

    Have you ever been to Spain ??

  11. Can't comment about midnight, but at midday yesterday it seems to be business as usual (i.e. pretty bad). Just what you want after a long flight from Europe. About 45 minutes to clear immigration - a slow shuffle made worse by some sort of alarm going off and not dealt with.

    And to top things off, there were problems with the baggage system.

    In all it took me two hours from plane landing to leaving the airport. Suvarnabhumi word class airport? It's a bad joke.

    Surprised - midday normally very busy in my experience. Took me 1.5 hours to get through immigration in March. Then took me another 20 mins to find my luggage that had somehow found it's way onto wrong luggage belt. When i queeried this i was met with a shrug of the shoulders. Mai Pen Rai, i guess ?

    Your fault - If you hadn't come to Thailand it would not have happened.

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